I'm trying to write a piece of code that takes an array of strings with spaces containing item names (items) and searches it for a string (str). The code works fine as long as I do not first attempt to convert the array to lowercase so that I can catch all possible cases of the search string. The code in the attached jsfiddle works fine in Firefox but not in WebKit or IE. Can anyone lend any insight?




//Array of item names, 0 contains "String"


var items = new Array('Item Name Contains String', 'This item is missing it');

//Function searchArray will search for String str in Array of Strings strArray

//函数searchArray将在String of Strings strArray中搜索String str

function searchArray(str, strArray) {
    for (var j = 0; j < strArray.length; j++) {
        if (strArray[j].match(str)) return j;
    return -1;

//Convert the items Array to lowercase so that the search is case-insensitive


//This works in Firefox but not in Webkit


var lowerCaseItems = $.map(items, String.toLowerCase);

//This appears to create the same output but doesn't work in either Firefox or Webkit:



//If the array contains "battery" the function will return the positive position


contains = searchArray("string", lowerCaseItems);

//If the id is found, show the message


if ($('#noItems').length) {

//If str is not found show the message


if (contains == -1) {
else {
    alert("String Found");

3 个解决方案



Try this:


var lowerCaseItems = $.map(items, function(n,i){return n.toLowerCase();});

jQuery.map invokes the function on null/window context and passes the item as a parameter to the function. So, passing toLowerCase function won't work as it must be invoked on string object which jQuery.map does not do.

jQuery.map调用null / window context上的函数,并将该项作为参数传递给函数。因此,传递给forLowerCase函数将无法工作,因为它必须在jQuery.map不执行的字符串对象上调用。


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