Here is an example for Qunit test async, i want to finish it (result of the test) into the function async like is this example setTimeout :


QUnit.test("test", function(assert) {
    var done = assert.async(10); // 10 is just example
    assert.ok(true, "succed");
    setTimeout(function () {
    // here callback async, i want to finish the test, 
    // but i don't know the vlaue of acceptCallCount (assert.async(acceptCallCount));

    }, 1000);
    assert.ok(true, "succed");

1 个解决方案



(this is more a comment however too new for SO to comment!)


note that 'async' function comes with Qunit 2. Check your Qunit version.

请注意Qunit 2附带的'async'功能。检查您的Qunit版本。

Note that all the new APIs of QUnit 2.0 are already usable in QUnit 1.23.0

请注意,QUnit 2.0的所有新API都已在QUnit 1.23.0中使用

if you are before 1.23.0, you should upgrade or use the old method with Qunit.start().



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