There seems to be a bug in IE10, where if I place an element over another element with the contenteditable attribute, the editor's caret is drawn over everything.


You can see this behaviour below in the image below and in this jsFiddle.


I've mucked around with plenty of CSS properties, and been unable to find a solution to this. It works as expected in other browsers.


The reason I need this is because I am designing a WYSWIYG editor (TinyMCE fork) experience where the toolbars slide down over the text when they're required. This bug makes the caret appear over the top of the toolbar.

我之所以需要这一功能,是因为我正在设计一个WYSWIYG编辑器(TinyMCE fork),当工具条在需要的时候滑到文本上。这个错误使插入符号出现在工具栏的顶部。

The only solution I have thought of is to blur the editor's focus, and refocus it when the toolbar has disappeared. However, this will stop users from typing when the toolbar is activated, and would also cause inconsistent behaviour across browsers.


Is there a workaround to this bug?


4 个解决方案



There is no way to overlap the caret with another element in IE. This question was asked many times:


  • Link 1
  • 链接1
  • Link 2
  • 链接2


But you can blur the textarea after getting the caret position (see: Caret position in textarea, in characters from the start) and then show your toolbar. After hiding the toolbar, you can focus the textarea again, setting the caret position with:


function setCaretPosition(elemId, caretPos) {
    var elem = document.getElementById(elemId);

    if(elem != null) {
        if(elem.createTextRange) {
            var range = elem.createTextRange();
            range.move('character', caretPos);
        else {
            if(elem.selectionStart) {
                elem.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos);

See: Set keyboard caret position in html textbox



  1. javascript encodeURIComponent并将空格转换成+符号
  2. 我应该在哪里添加Yocto位烤任务来创建工作文件夹符号链接?
  3. 我的电脑认为有符号整数比-1小?
  4. Linux下符号版本原理及实现
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  6. 来点基础的--诡异的极客们的符号--流、管道和文件的耦合
  7. 特殊符号对应的ASCII码
  8. Java区分大小写字母数字和符号


  1. 转载:android 各种xml资源的引用方式
  2. Android开发中 ListView 不能不说的几个
  3. TextView 控件使用
  4. Android――全屏显示的两种方式
  5. Android studio中相对布局组件排列方式
  6. Activity的四种启动模式和onNewIntent()
  7. Android中设置动画循环旋转的方法
  8. Android 中文API (33) ―― Checkable
  9. EditText高度的改变
  10. Mono For Android 之 配置环境