I've seen a number of question on how to get a Session variable into knockout, but none explaining how to set one from a Knockout vm. My setup:

我已经看到了一些关于如何将一个Session变量转换为knockout的问题,但没有一个解释如何从Knockout vm中设置一个。我的设置:

-ASPX page where I get a Session["GridSize"] variable, and return it as a global variable called currentGridSize

-ASPX页面,我得到一个Session [“GridSize”]变量,并将其作为一个名为currentGridSize的全局变量返回

-VM where I get that global variable, and set this.gridSize = globals.gridSize

-VM我得到那个全局变量,并设置this.gridSize = globals.gridSize

-Dropdown that changes this.gridSize


What I need:


-Some way to set Session["GridSize"] = this.gridSize, either when it changes or when the page is left

- 一些设置Session [“GridSize”] = this.gridSize的方法,无论是更改还是页面保留时

I have tried:


-Using a webmethod function on my .aspx.vb and calling that (Session variables cannot be called from a Shared function, and webmethods must be shared)

- 在我的.aspx.vb上使用webmethod函数并调用它(无法从共享函数调用会话变量,并且必须共享webmethods)

-Calling <%Session["CurrentPageIndex"]= self.currentPageIndex();%> from the vm

从vm中调用<%Session [“CurrentPageIndex”] = self.currentPageIndex();%>

1 个解决方案



You can access Session in an ASP.NET AJAX Page Method, by doing the following to your page method:

您可以通过对页面方法执行以下操作来访问ASP.NET AJAX页面方法中的Session:

<WebMethod(EnableSession := True)> _
Public Shared Sub StoreSessionValue(sessionValue As String)
    ' Set a value into Session
    HttpContext.Current.Session("TheSessionValue") = sessionValue
End Sub

<WebMethod(EnableSession := True)> _
Public Shared Function GetSessionValue(sessionValueName As String) As String
    ' Get a value from Session
    Return HttpContext.Current.Session(sessionValueName)
End Sub

Note: You must fully qualify the Session object as HttpContext.Current.Session.


You can call this page method inside of your view model function, like this:


  type: "POST",
  url: "YourPage.aspx/GetSessionValue",
  data: "{'sessionValueName':'sessionValue'}",
  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(data) {
    // Do something with data returned here



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