Hey guys How do I use the PHP variable $contact['id'] in my ajax call? I'm trying to create a page that retrieves all notifications associated with a user. When the page load I already know the id of the user, how do I use this parameter in my ajax calls from the beginning? At the moment I am using the php preprocessor by splitting up the php string and inserting the variables but I know this isnt a particularly good solution and doesnt for example allow me to refactor the javascript out into its own file. I am using the Zend PHP Framework by the way. Anyone know how best to achieve what I am trying to do?

嘿伙计们如何在我的ajax调用中使用PHP变量$ contact ['id']?我正在尝试创建一个页面来检索与用户关联的所有通知。当页面加载我已经知道用户的id时,如何从头开始在我的ajax调用中使用这个参数?目前我通过拆分php字符串并插入变量来使用php预处理器,但我知道这不是一个特别好的解决方案,并且例如允许我将javascript重构为自己的文件。我顺便使用Zend PHP Framework。任何人都知道如何最好地实现我想做的事情?

<?php $this->headScript()->appendScript('

function getNotes(){
        url: "/manager/contacts/get-notes-html",
        content: {
            "contactId" : '.$this->contact['id'].',
        load: function(response) {
                console.log("Form successfully submitted");
                dojo.byId("notesDiv").innerHTML = response;
        error: function() {
                console.error("Error on submission");
                alert("error error errrrror");


<div id="notesDiv">


1 个解决方案



just put your contact_id in a variable in javascript, so you can keep the same code no matter what and it's a bit more clean.


if you don't want to pollute the global namespace just create your own like data.



<?php $this->headScript()->appendScript('
 contact_id = ' . $this->contact['id'] .';

PS: also Zend Framework provide some captureStart() and captureEnd() so you can do that job in the controller

PS:Zend Framework还提供了一些captureStart()和captureEnd(),因此您可以在控制器中完成这项工作

echo "foobar = {$foobar};\n";


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