环境:android 4.3 (注意对于android4.4版本解码出来不正确,除了第一帧正确外,其余的都是显示不同的地方) 通用版本见:android 开发对gif解码(适配android 4.2、4.3、4.4版本)


void showGif2()    {        gifDecoder = new GifImageDecoder();        try {            gifDecoder.read(this.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.b17));  //这是Gif图片资源            int size =gifDecoder.getFrameCount();            for(int i=0;i<size;i++)            {                                ImageView iv_image = new ImageView(CustomActivity.this);                iv_image.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);                LayoutParams lparams = new LayoutParams(100,100);                iv_image.setLayoutParams(lparams);                iv_image.setImageBitmap(gifDecoder.getFrame(i));                ll_decodeimages.addView(iv_image);//                gifFrame.nextFrame();            }        } catch (NotFoundException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }


android 开发 解码gif图片,获取每帧bitmap


package com.xlm.testgif;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import android.net.Uri;import android.os.Bundle;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.Message;import android.app.Activity;import android.content.Context;import android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.view.Menu;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.LinearLayout;import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams;public class CustomActivity extends Activity {    LinearLayout ll_decodeimages;//    GifFrame gifFrame = null;    GifImageDecoder gifDecoder;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_custom);        ll_decodeimages = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.ll_decodeimages);        showGif2();    }//    void showGif()//    {//        // 解析gif动画//        gifFrame = GifFrame.createGifImage(fileConnect(this.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.b10)));//        int size = gifFrame.size();//        for(int i=0;i<size;i++)//        {//            //            ImageView iv_image = new ImageView(CustomActivity.this);//            iv_image.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);//            LayoutParams lparams = new LayoutParams(100,100);//            iv_image.setLayoutParams(lparams);//            iv_image.setImageBitmap(gifFrame.getImage());//            ll_decodeimages.addView(iv_image);//            gifFrame.nextFrame();//        }//    }    void showGif2()    {        gifDecoder = new GifImageDecoder();        try {            gifDecoder.read(this.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.b17));            int size =gifDecoder.getFrameCount();            for(int i=0;i<size;i++)            {                                ImageView iv_image = new ImageView(CustomActivity.this);                iv_image.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);                LayoutParams lparams = new LayoutParams(100,100);                iv_image.setLayoutParams(lparams);                iv_image.setImageBitmap(gifDecoder.getFrame(i));                ll_decodeimages.addView(iv_image);//                gifFrame.nextFrame();            }        } catch (NotFoundException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }//    Handler handler = new Handler()//    {////        @Override//        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {//            switch(msg.what)//            {//            case 1://                Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap) msg.obj;//                if(bmp!=null)//                {//                    ImageView iv_image = new ImageView(CustomActivity.this);//                    iv_image.setImageBitmap(bmp);//                    ll_decodeimages.addView(iv_image);//                }//                break;//            }//        }//        //    };    /**     * 独立线程解码gif图片     * @author huqiang     *     *///    class DecodeGif implements Runnable //    {//        Context mContext ;//        Handler mHandler;//        public DecodeGif(Context context,Handler handler)//        {//            this.mContext = context;//            this.mHandler = handler;//        }//        @Override//        public void run() {//            //开始解析gif//            // 解析gif动画////            gifFrame = GifFrame.createGifImage(fileConnect(this.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.test)));//        }//        public void start()//        {//            new Thread(this).start();//        }//    }    // 读取文件        public byte[] fileConnect(InputStream is)        {            try            {                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();                int ch = 0;                while ((ch = is.read()) != -1)                {                    baos.write(ch);                }                byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();                baos.close();                baos = null;                is.close();                is = null;                return b;            } catch (Exception e)            {                return null;            }        }}

package com.xlm.testgif;import android.annotation.SuppressLint;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;import android.graphics.Canvas;import java.io.BufferedInputStream;import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.util.ArrayList;public class GifImageDecoder {    private static final String TAG = GifImageDecoder.class.getSimpleName();    private final GifImageDecoder self = this;    // File read status: No errors.    public static final int STATUS_OK = 0;    // File read status: Error decoding file (may be partially decoded)    public static final int STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR = 1;    // File read status: Unable to open source.    public static final int STATUS_OPEN_ERROR = 2;    // Trailer    private static final byte TRR_CODE = (byte) 0x3B;    // Image Block    private static final byte IMG_CODE = (byte) 0x2C;    // Extension    private static final byte EXT_CODE = (byte) 0x21;    // Graphic Control Extension    private static final byte GC_EXT = (byte) 0xF9;    // Application Extension    private static final byte APP_EXT = (byte) 0xFF;    // Comment Extension    private static final byte CMT_EXT = (byte) 0xFE;    // Plain Text Extension    private static final byte TXT_EXT = (byte) 0x01;    private static final int MIN_DELAY = 100;    private static final int MIN_DELAY_ENFORCE_THRESHOLD = 20;    protected int mStatus;    protected int mWidth; // full mCurrentImage mWidth    protected int mHeight; // full mCurrentImage mHeight    protected Bitmap mCurrentImage; // current frame    protected Bitmap mLastImage; // previous frame    protected int mDispose = 0; // 0=no action; 1=leave in place; 2=restore to bg; 3=restore to prev    protected int mLastDispose = 0;    protected int mDelay = 0; // mDelay in milliseconds    protected ArrayList<GifFrame> mGifFrames; // mGifFrames read from current file    protected int mFrameCount;    private int mOffset = 0;    private GifHeader mGifHeader;    private GraphicControlExtension mGcExt;    private ImageBlock mImageBlock;    private static class GifFrame {        public GifFrame(Bitmap im, int del) {            image = im;            delay = del;        }        public Bitmap image;        public int delay;    }    /**     * Gets display duration for specified frame.     *     * @param n int index of frame     * @return delay in milliseconds     */    public int getDelay(int n) {        mDelay = -1;        if ((n >= 0) && (n < mFrameCount)) {            mDelay = mGifFrames.get(n).delay;            if (mDelay < MIN_DELAY_ENFORCE_THRESHOLD) {                mDelay = MIN_DELAY;            }        }        return mDelay;    }    /**     * Gets the number of GifFrames read from file.     *     * @return frame count     */    public int getFrameCount() {        return mFrameCount;    }    /**     * Gets the first (or only) image read.     *     * @return BufferedBitmap containing first frame, or null if none.     */    public Bitmap getBitmap() {        return getFrame(0);    }    /**     * Gets the image contents of frame n.     *     * @return BufferedBitmap representation of frame, or null if n is invalid.     */    public Bitmap getFrame(int n) {        if (mFrameCount <= 0)            return null;        n = n % mFrameCount;        return (mGifFrames.get(n)).image;    }    /**     * Reads GIF image from stream     *     * @param is containing GIF file.     * @return read status code (0 = no errors)     */    public int read(InputStream is) throws IOException {        init();        if (is != null) {            byte[] buffer = Utils.streamToBytes(is);            mGifHeader = new GifHeader(buffer, mOffset);            mOffset += mGifHeader.size;            mWidth = mGifHeader.getWidth();            mHeight = mGifHeader.getHeight();            if (!mGifHeader.getSignature().equals("GIF")) {                return STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR;            }            while (buffer[mOffset] != TRR_CODE) {                if (buffer[mOffset] == IMG_CODE) {                    // ImageBlock                    mImageBlock = new ImageBlock(buffer, mOffset);                    mOffset += mImageBlock.size;                    mFrameCount++;                    // create new image to receive frame data                    mCurrentImage = extractImage();                    if (mLastDispose > 0) {                        if (mLastDispose == 3) {                            // use image before last                            int n = mFrameCount - 2;                            if (n > 0) {                                mLastImage = getFrame(n - 1);                            } else {                                mLastImage = null;                            }                        }                    }                    mGifFrames.add(new GifFrame(mCurrentImage, mDelay)); // add image to frame                    resetFrame();                } else if (buffer[mOffset] == EXT_CODE) {                    if (buffer[mOffset + 1] == GC_EXT) {                        //GraphicControlExtension                        mGcExt = new GraphicControlExtension(buffer, mOffset);                        mOffset += mGcExt.size;                        mDispose = mGcExt.getDisposalMothod(); // disposal method                        if (mDispose == 0) {                            mDispose = 1; // elect to keep old image if discretionary                        }                        mDelay = mGcExt.getDelayTime() * 10; // delay in milliseconds                    } else if (buffer[mOffset + 1] == APP_EXT) {                        //ApplicationExtension                        ApplicationExtension appExt = new ApplicationExtension(buffer, mOffset);                        mOffset += appExt.size;                    } else if (buffer[mOffset + 1] == CMT_EXT) {                        //CommentExtension                        CommentExtension cmtExt = new CommentExtension(buffer, mOffset);                        mOffset += cmtExt.size;                    } else if (buffer[mOffset + 1] == TXT_EXT) {                        //PlainTextExtension                        PlainTextExtension txtExt = new PlainTextExtension(buffer, mOffset);                        mOffset += txtExt.size;                    } else {                        throw new IOException();                    }                } else {                    throw new IOException();                }            }        } else {            mStatus = STATUS_OPEN_ERROR;        }        return mStatus;    }    /**     * Initializes or re-initializes reader     */    protected void init() {        mStatus = STATUS_OK;        mFrameCount = 0;        mGifFrames = new ArrayList<GifFrame>();    }    /**     * Resets frame state for reading next image.     */    protected void resetFrame() {        mLastDispose = mDispose;        mLastImage = mCurrentImage;        mDispose = 0;        mDelay = 0;    }    /**     * Extract new image     *     * @return image     */    @SuppressLint("NewApi") private Bitmap extractImage() {        ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        try {            outputStream.write(mGifHeader.bytes);            if (mGcExt != null) {                if ((mWidth != mImageBlock.getImageWidth() || mHeight != mImageBlock.getImageHeight()) &&                        mGcExt.getTransparentColorFlag() == 0) {                    mGcExt.setTransparentColorFlagTrue();                }                outputStream.write(mGcExt.bytes);            }            outputStream.write(mImageBlock.bytes);            outputStream.write((byte) 0x3B);            outputStream.flush();            BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();            options.inMutable = true;            options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;            Bitmap newBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray())));            if (newBitmap != null) {                if (mLastImage == null) {                    return newBitmap;                } else {                    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);                    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);                    canvas.drawBitmap(mLastImage, 0, 0, null);                    canvas.drawBitmap(newBitmap, 0, 0, null);                    return bitmap;                }            } else {                if (mLastImage != null) {                    return mLastImage;                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            try {                outputStream.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return null;    }    private class GifHeader {        public byte[] bytes;        public int size;        public GifHeader(byte[] bytes, int offset) {            boolean globalColorTableFlag = (bytes[offset + 0x0A] & 0x80) != 0x00;            int globalColorTableSize = (bytes[offset + 0x0A] & 0x07);            // get size            size = 0x0D;            if (globalColorTableFlag) {                size += Math.pow(2, (globalColorTableSize + 1)) * 3;            }            this.bytes = new byte[size];            System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, this.bytes, 0, size);        }        public String getSignature() {            return new String(bytes, 0, 3);        }        public String getVersion() {            return new String(bytes, 3, 3);        }        public int getWidth() {            return (bytes[6] & 0xFF) + ((bytes[7] & 0xFF) << 8);        }        public int getHeight() {            return (bytes[8] & 0xFF) + ((bytes[9] & 0xFF) << 8);        }        public int getGlobalColorTableFlag() {            return (bytes[10] & 0x80) >> 7;        }        public int getColorResolution() {            return (bytes[10] & 0x70) >> 4;        }        public int getSortFlag() {            return (bytes[10] & 0x08) >> 3;        }        public int getSizeOfGlobalColorTable() {            return (bytes[10] & 0x07);        }        public int getBackgroundColorIndex() {            return bytes[11] & 0xFF;        }        public int getPixelAspectRatio() {            return bytes[12];        }        public int[] getGlobalColorTable() {            if (getGlobalColorTableFlag() == 0) {                return new int[0];            }            int[] colors = new int[(int) Math.pow(2, getSizeOfGlobalColorTable() + 1)];            for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {                colors[i] = ((bytes[13 + (i * 3)] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((bytes[13 + (i * 3) + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + (bytes[13 + (i * 3) + 2] & 0xFF);            }            return colors;        }    }    private class ImageBlock {        public byte[] bytes;        public int size;        public ImageBlock(byte[] bytes, int offset) {            int blockSize;            boolean localColorTableFlag = (bytes[offset + 0x09] & 0x80) != 0x00;            int localColorTableSize = (bytes[offset + 0x09] & 0x07);            //get size            size = 0x0A;            if (localColorTableFlag) {                size += Math.pow(2, (localColorTableSize + 1)) * 3;            }            size += 1; //LZW Minimum Code Size            //ImageData            blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;            size += 1;            while (blockSize != 0x00) {                size += blockSize;                blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;                size += 1;            }            this.bytes = new byte[size];            System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, this.bytes, 0, size);        }        public int getImageSeparator() {            return bytes[0] & 0xFF;        }        public int ImageLeftPosition() {            return (bytes[1] & 0xFF) + ((bytes[2] & 0xFF) << 8);        }        public int getImageTopPosition() {            return (bytes[3] & 0xFF) + ((bytes[4] & 0xFF) << 8);        }        public int getImageWidth() {            return (bytes[5] & 0xFF) + ((bytes[6] & 0xFF) << 8);        }        public int getImageHeight() {            return (bytes[7] & 0xFF) + ((bytes[8] & 0xFF) << 8);        }        public int getLocalColorTableFlag() {            return (bytes[9] & 0x80) >> 7;        }        public int getInterlaceFlag() {            return (bytes[9] & 0x40) >> 6;        }        public int getSortFlag() {            return (bytes[9] & 0x20) >> 5;        }        public int getReserved() {            return (bytes[9] & 0x18) >> 2;        }        public int getSizeOfLocalColorTable() {            return bytes[9] & 0x03;        }        public int[] getLocalColorTable() {            if (getLocalColorTableFlag() == 0) {                return new int[0];            }            int[] colors = new int[(int) Math.pow(2, getSizeOfLocalColorTable() + 1)];            for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {                colors[i] = ((bytes[10 + (i * 3)] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((bytes[10 + (i * 3) + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + (bytes[10 + (i * 3) + 2] & 0xFF);            }            return colors;        }        public int getLZWMinimumCodeSize() {            if (getLocalColorTableFlag() == 0) {                return bytes[10] & 0xFF;            } else {                return bytes[10 + (int) Math.pow(2, getSizeOfLocalColorTable() + 1) * 3] & 0xFF;            }        }    }    private class ApplicationExtension {        public byte[] bytes;        public int size;        public ApplicationExtension(byte[] bytes, int offset) {            int blockSize;            // get size            size = 0x0E;            blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;            size += 1;            while (blockSize != 0x00) {                size += blockSize;                blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;                size += 1;            }            this.bytes = new byte[size];            System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, this.bytes, 0, size);        }        public int getExtensionIntroducer() {            return bytes[0] & 0xFF;        }        public int getExtensionLabel() {            return bytes[1] & 0xFF;        }        public int getBlockSize1() {            return bytes[2] & 0xFF;        }        public String getApplicationIdentifier() {            return new String(bytes, 3, 8);        }        public String getApplicationAuthenticationCode() {            return new String(bytes, 11, 3);        }    }    private class GraphicControlExtension {        public byte[] bytes;        public int size;        public GraphicControlExtension(byte[] bytes, int offset) {            size = 8;            this.bytes = new byte[size];            System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, this.bytes, 0, size);        }        public int getExtensionIntroducer() {            return bytes[0] & 0xFF;        }        public int getGraphicControlLabel() {            return bytes[1] & 0xFF;        }        public int getBlockSize() {            return bytes[2] & 0xFF;        }        public int getReserved() {            return (bytes[3] & 0xE0) >> 5;        }        public int getDisposalMothod() {            return (bytes[3] & 0x1C) >> 2;        }        public int getUserInputFlag() {            return (bytes[3] & 0x02) >> 1;        }        public int getTransparentColorFlag() {            return (bytes[3] & 0x01);        }        public int getDelayTime() {            return (bytes[4] & 0xFF) + ((bytes[5] & 0xFF) << 8);        }        public int getTransparentColorIndex() {            return bytes[6];        }        public void setTransparentColorFlagTrue() {            int value = getReserved() | getDisposalMothod() | getUserInputFlag() | 0x01;            bytes[3] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(Utils.toHex(value, 2), 16);        }    }    private class CommentExtension {        public byte[] bytes;        public int size;        public CommentExtension(byte[] bytes, int offset) {            int blockSize;            // get size            size = 0x02;            blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;            size += 1;            while (blockSize != 0x00) {                size += blockSize;                blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;                size += 1;            }            this.bytes = new byte[size];            System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, this.bytes, 0, size);        }    }    private class PlainTextExtension {        public byte[] bytes;        public int size;        public PlainTextExtension(byte[] bytes, int offset) {            int blockSize;            // get size            size = 0x0F;            blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;            size += 1;            while (blockSize != 0x00) {                size += blockSize;                blockSize = bytes[offset + size] & 0xFF;                size += 1;            }            this.bytes = new byte[size];            System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, this.bytes, 0, size);        }    }}

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;public class Utils {    public static String toHex(int value, int length) {        String hex = Integer.toHexString(value);        hex = hex.toUpperCase();        if (hex.length() < length) {            while (hex.length() < length)                hex = "0" + hex;        } else if (hex.length() > length) {            hex = hex.substring(hex.length() - length);        }        return hex;    }    public static byte[] streamToBytes(InputStream stream) throws IOException,            OutOfMemoryError {        byte[] buff = new byte[1024];        int read;        ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        while ((read = stream.read(buff)) != -1) {            bao.write(buff, 0, read);        }        try {            stream.close();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return bao.toByteArray();    }}


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