I have a node app that has a line like this:


var ip = process.env.IP || 'http://localhost';

I am using it with passport-facebook node package to define the callback from Facebook authentication:


passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
callbackURL: ip + ":" + port + "/auth/facebook/callback"
  function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
    // asynchronous verification, for effect...
    process.nextTick(function () {
      return done(null, profile);

It seems that Heroku doesn't know process.env.IP so I went ahead and defined a config var in Heroku:

似乎Heroku不知道process.env.IP所以我继续在Heroku中定义了一个config var:

heroku config:add process.env.IP=http://app.mydomain.com

Debugging the server I see that ip is not what I want but it's http://localhost same as I defined as the fallback in the first line of code.

调试服务器我发现ip不是我想要的,但它的http:// localhost与我在第一行代码中定义的回退相同。

How do I get node to read the config var correctly from heroku ?


1 个解决方案



You want to use heroku config:set IP=http://app.mydomain.com; it defines an environment variable called IP, which you access in Node.js via process.env.IP. See Setting up config vars for a deployed application for more information.

你想使用heroku配置:set IP = http://app.mydomain.com;它定义了一个名为IP的环境变量,您可以通过process.env.IP在Node.js中访问它。有关更多信息,请参阅为已部署的应用程序设置配置变量。


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