How do you call a JavaScript function from one PHP file that is defined in another PHP file?


3 个解决方案


This is a best guess at what you want :)


I am assuming you have two php files, that end up being sent to the browser as html. The solution is to move your javascript function to an separate (external) javascript file and include them in both of the php files (not with the phps include. See below). That way you can call the javascript function from both files.

我假设你有两个php文件,最终以html的形式发送到浏览器。解决方案是将你的javascript函数移动到一个单独的(外部)javascript文件,并将它们包含在两个php文件中(不包括phps include。见下文)。这样你就可以从两个文件中调用javascript函数。

All you need to do is move the function to an new file, then put the link to the external javascript file in the head of the html code (in the php file)


<script type="text/javascript" src="js_src.js"></script>


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