I'm writing a javascript application that extensively uses a particular form of dataset, like


{ foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', quz: { baz : 'baz' }}

It's only data, but it's nested. There is no static data.


I want to create a template for that dataset to keep the code clean. I can either put a template object somewhere and clone that everytime, like (using jquery just for the example)


var ds = jQuery.extend(true, {}, config.dataset);

or I can create a 'Class' or function prototype that I can call with


var ds = new Dataset();

What performs best ? If using the new constructor, is there a difference between a Class and a function definition ?


3 个解决方案



The answer to "What performs best?", in general, is: Worry about it if and when you actually have a performance problem.


The answer to "What performs best?" in JavaScript is:


  1. See the general answer, and


  2. It depends, test on your target JavaScript engines (browsers, etc.)


Let's ignore performance, though, and look at the alternatives you gave.


Implementing a DataSet "class" (constructor and associated prototype, either with the new or old syntax) would be quite complicated and give you virtually no benefit for the use case you describe. You have a nested object structure:


{ foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', quz: { baz : 'baz' }}

...and so if you used that as a prototype, it would be very easy to get cross-talk between instances. Example:


// Demonstrating cross-talk
function DataSet() {
DataSet.prototype = { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', quz: { baz : 'baz' }};

var d1 = new DataSet();
var d2 = new DataSet();
d1.quz.baz = "updated";
document.body.innerHTML = d2.quz.baz; // "updated" - huh?!


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