Android studio无法启动,错误信息: "Files in C:\Program Files(x86)\Android\android-studio\system\caches are locked. Android Studio will not be able to start up."使用管理员权限启动或者把安装目录放到别个盘。
Solved in windows-8:1- Go to folder where android-studio is installed. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio)2- Now go back to previous folder. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\)3- Right click on the android-studio folder and go to properties.4- Now in Properties window, go to Security Tab.5- Click the Edit Button6- Now, a new window will open, here you click the Users(your-username-or-your-group-name)7- Now, from the List below, Check "Allow" in front of "Full control"8- Now press "OK", then again "OK"..9- Its done.. Now you can use Android Studio easily instead of Running it As Administrator every time..


  1. 【Android】Android(安卓)SurfaceFlinger之SurfaceFlinger启动过
  2. 启动页面
  3. Android定时自动启动应用程序
  4. xbmc 从android_main启动时的部分步骤记录
  5. Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity context
  6. Android启动过程的Zygote进程
  7. android Notification的使用
  8. 如何修改android开机启动默认横竖屏
  9. Android——Activity生命周期


  1. Android下的RTSP客户端搭建
  2. Android类参考---Fragment(一)
  3. 重大福利!!!《阿里巴巴Android开发手册》首
  4. Android的Broadcast应用说明一例
  5. 如何用adb命令启动你的Android程序
  6. AutoCompleteTextView的使用
  7. Error:Execution failed for task compil
  8. android之开机跳过锁屏界面自启动应用
  9. android 中常用操作
  10. 【Android】通过URI启动应用程序