我们都知道用"adb install filename.apk"命令可以安装一个android程序,那你知道在安装后如何启动你的程序吗?


         adb shell am start      -     a android.intent.action.MAIN      -     c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER      -     n breakan.test     /     break     an.test.TestActivity          


         adb shell am start      -     n breakan.test     /     breakan.test.TestActivity          


我们来看下adb shell am命令的帮助。

         usage: am [subcommand] [options] start an Activity: am start [     -     D] [     -     W]      <     INTENT     >           -     D: enable debugging      -     W: wait      for      launch to complete start a Service: am startservice      <     INTENT     >      send a broadcast Intent: am broadcast      <     INTENT     >      start an Instrumentation: am instrument [flags]      <     COMPONENT     >           -     r: print raw results (otherwise decode REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT)      -     e      <     NAME     >           <     VALUE     >     : set argument      <     NAME     >      to      <     VALUE     >           -     p      <     FILE     >     : write profiling data to      <     FILE     >           -     w: wait      for      instrumentation to finish before returning start profiling: am profile      <     PROCESS     >      start      <     FILE     >      stop profiling: am profile      <     PROCESS     >      stop      <     INTENT     >      specifications include these flags: [     -     a      <     ACTION     >     ] [     -     d      <     DATA_URI     >     ] [     -     t      <     MIME_TYPE     >     ] [     -     c      <     CATEGORY     >      [     -     c      <     CATEGORY     >     ] ...] [     -     e     |--     es      <     EXTRA_KEY     >           <     EXTRA_STRING_VALUE     >      ...] [     --     esn      <     EXTRA_KEY     >      ...] [     --     ez      <     EXTRA_KEY     >           <     EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE     >      ...] [     -     e     |--     ei      <     EXTRA_KEY     >           <     EXTRA_INT_VALUE     >      ...] [     -     n      <     COMPONENT     >     ] [     -     f      <     FLAGS     >     ] [     --     grant     -     read     -     uri     -     permission] [     --     grant     -     write     -     uri     -     permission] [     --     debug     -     log     -     resolution] [     --     activity     -     brought     -     to     -     front] [     --     activity     -     clear     -     top] [     --     activity     -     clear     -     when     -     task     -     reset] [     --     activity     -     exclude     -     from     -     recents] [     --     activity     -     launched     -     from     -     history] [     --     activity     -     multiple     -     task] [     --     activity     -     no     -     animation] [     --     activity     -     no     -     history] [     --     activity     -     no     -     user     -     action] [     --     activity     -     previous     -     is     -     top] [     --     activity     -     reorder     -     to     -     front] [     --     activity     -     reset     -     task     -     if     -     needed] [     --     activity     -     single     -     top] [     --     receiver     -     registered     -     only] [     --     receiver     -     replace     -     pending] [     <     URI     >     ]          


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