packages\apps\Settings\src\com\android\settings\bluetooth\    @Override    public boolean onSwitchToggled(boolean isChecked) {        if (maybeEnforceRestrictions()) {            return true;        }        // 显示toast,如果飞行模式不允许蓝牙打开        // Show toast message if Bluetooth is not allowed in airplane mode        if (isChecked &&                !WirelessUtils.isRadioAllowed(mContext, Settings.Global.RADIO_BLUETOOTH)) {            Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.wifi_in_airplane_mode, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            // Reset switch to off            mSwitch.setChecked(false);            return false;        }        mMetricsFeatureProvider.action(mContext, mMetricsEvent, isChecked);        if (mLocalAdapter != null) {            // 打开或者关闭蓝牙            boolean status = mLocalAdapter.setBluetoothEnabled(isChecked);            // If we cannot toggle it ON then reset the UI assets:            // a) The switch should be OFF but it should still be togglable (enabled = True)            // b) The switch bar should have OFF text.            if (isChecked && !status) {                mSwitch.setChecked(false);                mSwitch.setEnabled(true);                mSwitchWidget.updateTitle(false);                return false;            }        }        // 切换蓝牙开关switch的状态        mSwitchWidget.setEnabled(false);        return true;    }            frameworks\base\packages\SettingsLib\src\com\android\settingslib\bluetooth\    public boolean setBluetoothEnabled(boolean enabled) {        // 打开或者关闭蓝牙        boolean success = enabled                ? mAdapter.enable()                : mAdapter.disable();        if (success) {            setBluetoothStateInt(enabled                ? BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_ON                : BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_OFF);        } else {            if (Utils.V) {                Log.v(TAG, "setBluetoothEnabled call, manager didn't return " +                        "success for enabled: " + enabled);            }            syncBluetoothState();        }        return success;    }frameworks\base\core\java\android\bluetooth\    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN)    public boolean enable() {        android.util.SeempLog.record(56);        if (isEnabled()) {            if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "enable(): BT already enabled!");            return true;        }        try {            // 打开蓝牙            return mManagerService.enable(ActivityThread.currentPackageName());        } catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);}        return false;    }           frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\android\server\          public boolean enable(String packageName) throws RemoteException {        final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();        final boolean callerSystem = UserHandle.getAppId(callingUid) == Process.SYSTEM_UID;        if (isBluetoothDisallowed()) {            if (DBG) {                Slog.d(TAG,"enable(): not enabling - bluetooth disallowed");            }            return false;        }        if (!callerSystem) {            if (!checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser()) {                Slog.w(TAG, "enable(): not allowed for non-active and non system user");                return false;            }            // 检查是否具有操作蓝牙的权限            mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(BLUETOOTH_ADMIN_PERM,                    "Need BLUETOOTH ADMIN permission");            if (!isEnabled() && mPermissionReviewRequired                    && startConsentUiIfNeeded(packageName, callingUid,                            BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE)) {                return false;            }        }        if (isStrictOpEnable()) {            AppOpsManager mAppOpsManager = mContext.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class);            String packages = mContext.getPackageManager().getNameForUid(Binder.getCallingUid());            if ((Binder.getCallingUid() >= Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID)                    && (packages.indexOf("android.uid.systemui") != 0)                    && (packages.indexOf("android.uid.system") != 0)) {                int result = mAppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.OP_BLUETOOTH_ADMIN,                        Binder.getCallingUid(), packages);                if (result == AppOpsManager.MODE_IGNORED) {                    return false;                }            }        }        if (DBG) {            Slog.d(TAG,"enable(" + packageName + "):  mBluetooth =" + mBluetooth +                    " mBinding = " + mBinding + " mState = " +                    BluetoothAdapter.nameForState(mState));        }        synchronized(mReceiver) {            mQuietEnableExternal = false;            mEnableExternal = true;            // waive WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission check            // 发送消息            sendEnableMsg(false, packageName);        }        if (DBG) Slog.d(TAG, "enable returning");        return true;    }                    private void sendEnableMsg(boolean quietMode, String packageName) {        mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_ENABLE,                             quietMode ? 1 : 0, 0));        addActiveLog(packageName, true);    }                    case MESSAGE_ENABLE:                    if (DBG) {                        Slog.d(TAG, "MESSAGE_ENABLE(" + msg.arg1 + "): mBluetooth = " + mBluetooth);                    }                    mHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_RESTART_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);                    mEnable = true;                    // Use service interface to get the exact state                    try {                        mBluetoothLock.readLock().lock();                        if (mBluetooth != null) {                            int state = mBluetooth.getState();                            if (state == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_BLE_ON) {                                Slog.w(TAG, "BT Enable in BLE_ON State, going to ON");                                mBluetooth.onLeServiceUp();                                persistBluetoothSetting(BLUETOOTH_ON_BLUETOOTH);                                break;                            }                        }                    } catch (RemoteException e) {                        Slog.e(TAG, "", e);                    } finally {                        mBluetoothLock.readLock().unlock();                    }                    mQuietEnable = (msg.arg1 == 1);                    if (mBluetooth == null) {                        // 处理打开状态                        handleEnable(mQuietEnable);                    } else {                        //                        // We need to wait until transitioned to STATE_OFF and                        // the previous Bluetooth process has exited. The                        // waiting period has three components:                        // (a) Wait until the local state is STATE_OFF. This                        //     is accomplished by "waitForMonitoredOnOff(false, true)".                        // (b) Wait until the STATE_OFF state is updated to                        //     all components.                        // (c) Wait until the Bluetooth process exits, and                        //     ActivityManager detects it.                        // The waiting for (b) and (c) is accomplished by                        // delaying the MESSAGE_RESTART_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE                        // message. On slower devices, that delay needs to be                        // on the order of (2 * SERVICE_RESTART_TIME_MS).                        //                        // Wait for (a) is required only when Bluetooth is being                        // turned off.                        int state;                        try {                            state = mBluetooth.getState();                        } catch (RemoteException e) {                            Slog.e(TAG, "getState()", e);                            break;                        }                        if(state == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_OFF || state == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_BLE_TURNING_OFF)                            waitForMonitoredOnOff(false, true);                        Message restartMsg = mHandler.obtainMessage(                                MESSAGE_RESTART_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);                        mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(restartMsg,                                2 * SERVICE_RESTART_TIME_MS);                    }                    break;                                            private void handleEnable(boolean quietMode) {        mQuietEnable = quietMode;        try {            mBluetoothLock.writeLock().lock();            if ((mBluetooth == null) && (!mBinding)) {                //Start bind timeout and bind                Message timeoutMsg=mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_BIND);                // bind 超时时间                mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(timeoutMsg,TIMEOUT_BIND_MS);                Intent i = new Intent(IBluetooth.class.getName());                if (!doBind(i, mConnection,Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_IMPORTANT,                        UserHandle.CURRENT)) {                    mHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_BIND);                } else {                    mBinding = true;                }            } else if (mBluetooth != null) {                //Enable bluetooth                try {                    if (!mQuietEnable) {                        // 打开蓝牙                        if(!mBluetooth.enable()) {                            Slog.e(TAG,"IBluetooth.enable() returned false");                        }                    }                    else {                        if(!mBluetooth.enableNoAutoConnect()) {                            Slog.e(TAG,"IBluetooth.enableNoAutoConnect() returned false");                        }                    }                } catch (RemoteException e) {                    Slog.e(TAG,"Unable to call enable()",e);                }            }        } finally {            mBluetoothLock.writeLock().unlock();        }    }        packages\apps\Bluetooth\src\com\android\bluetooth\btservice\    private static class AdapterServiceBinder extends IBluetooth.Stub {            public boolean enable() {            if ((Binder.getCallingUid() != Process.SYSTEM_UID) &&                (!Utils.checkCaller())) {                Log.w(TAG, "enable() - Not allowed for non-active user and non system user");                return false;            }            AdapterService service = getService();            if (service == null) return false;            return service.enable();        }     public synchronized boolean enable(boolean quietMode) {         enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(BLUETOOTH_ADMIN_PERM, "Need BLUETOOTH ADMIN permission");         // Enforce the user restriction for disallowing Bluetooth if it was set.         if (mUserManager.hasUserRestriction(UserManager.DISALLOW_BLUETOOTH, UserHandle.SYSTEM)) {            debugLog("enable() called when Bluetooth was disallowed");            return false;         }         debugLog("enable() - Enable called with quiet mode status =  " + mQuietmode);         mQuietmode = quietMode;         Message m = mAdapterStateMachine.obtainMessage(AdapterState.BLE_TURN_ON);         // 发送消息         mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(m);         mBluetoothStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();         return true;     }         packages\apps\Bluetooth\src\com\android\bluetooth\btservice\                switch(msg.what) {               case BLE_TURN_ON:                   notifyAdapterStateChange(BluetoothAdapter.STATE_BLE_TURNING_ON);                   mPendingCommandState.setBleTurningOn(true);                   transitionTo(mPendingCommandState);                   sendMessageDelayed(BLE_START_TIMEOUT, BLE_START_TIMEOUT_DELAY);                   adapterService.BleOnProcessStart();                   break;                   packages\apps\Bluetooth\src\com\android\bluetooth\btservice\                void BleOnProcessStart() {        debugLog("BleOnProcessStart()");        if (getResources().getBoolean(                R.bool.config_bluetooth_reload_supported_profiles_when_enabled)) {            Config.init(getApplicationContext());        }        Class[] supportedProfileServices = Config.getSupportedProfiles();        //Initialize data objects        for (int i=0; i < supportedProfileServices.length;i++) {            mProfileServicesState.put(supportedProfileServices[i].getName(),BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF);        }        debugLog("BleOnProcessStart() - Make Bond State Machine");        mJniCallbacks.init(mBondStateMachine,mRemoteDevices);        try {            mBatteryStats.noteResetBleScan();        } catch (RemoteException e) {            // Ignore.        }        // 启动蓝牙        //Start Gatt service        setGattProfileServiceState(supportedProfileServices,BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON);    }



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