1.java.net.SocketException: Noroute to host

解决办法:关闭防火墙/网络有问题,重新连接 WIFI 或者检查网络端口。

2.Failed to install xxx.apk on device ‘xxxxxxxxx’: Unable to open sync connection!

java.io.IOException: Unable to open sync connection!

Launch canceled!


3.res\values\style.xml:44:error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name ‘android:WindowTitleBackground’


4.Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #244: Error inflating class XXXX


5.Failed to install *.apk on device ‘emulator-5554’: timeout

解决办法:出现这个问题一般是因为没有正确地关闭虚拟机,或者是虚拟机已经启动,却没有显示。我们可以删除对应的虚拟机目录下.lock文件,也可以在window->preferences->Android->DDMS->ADB connection time out (ms),把值设置的大一些


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