









软件安装和使用平台(Linux Windows MacOs)在开源地址上有介绍,这里不做过多介绍。












scrcpy --help 可以看到工具的命令行用法及界面操作快捷键:

Usage: scrcpy [options]Options:    --always-on-top        Make scrcpy window always on top (above other windows).    -b, --bit-rate value        Encode the video at the given bit-rate, expressed in bits/s.        Unit suffixes are supported: 'K' (x1000) and 'M' (x1000000).        Default is 8000000.    --crop width:height:x:y        Crop the device screen on the server.        The values are expressed in the device natural orientation        (typically, portrait for a phone, landscape for a tablet).        Any --max-size value is computed on the cropped size.    -f, --fullscreen        Start in fullscreen.    -h, --help        Print this help.    --max-fps value        Limit the frame rate of screen capture (only supported on        devices with Android >= 10).    -m, --max-size value        Limit both the width and height of the video to value. The        other dimension is computed so that the device aspect-ratio        is preserved.        Default is 0 (unlimited).    -n, --no-control        Disable device control (mirror the device in read-only).    -N, --no-display        Do not display device (only when screen recording is        enabled).    -p, --port port        Set the TCP port the client listens on.        Default is 27183.    --prefer-text        Inject alpha characters and space as text events instead of        key events.        This avoids issues when combining multiple keys to enter a        special character, but breaks the expected behavior of alpha        keys in games (typically WASD).    --push-target path        Set the target directory for pushing files to the device by        drag & drop. It is passed as-is to "adb push".        Default is "/sdcard/".    -r, --record file.mp4        Record screen to file.        The format is determined by the --record-format option if        set, or by the file extension (.mp4 or .mkv).    --record-format format        Force recording format (either mp4 or mkv).    --render-expired-frames        By default, to minimize latency, scrcpy always renders the        last available decoded frame, and drops any previous ones.        This flag forces to render all frames, at a cost of a        possible increased latency.    -s, --serial serial        The device serial number. Mandatory only if several devices        are connected to adb.    -S, --turn-screen-off        Turn the device screen off immediately.    -t, --show-touches        Enable "show touches" on start, disable on quit.        It only shows physical touches (not clicks from scrcpy).    -v, --version        Print the version of scrcpy.    --window-borderless        Disable window decorations (display borderless window).    --window-title text        Set a custom window title.    --window-x value        Set the initial window horizontal position.        Default is -1 (automatic).    --window-y value        Set the initial window vertical position.        Default is -1 (automatic).    --window-width value        Set the initial window width.        Default is 0 (automatic).    --window-height value        Set the initial window width.        Default is 0 (automatic).Shortcuts:    Ctrl+f        switch fullscreen mode    Ctrl+g        resize window to 1:1 (pixel-perfect)    Ctrl+x    Double-click on black borders        resize window to remove black borders    Ctrl+h    Middle-click        click on HOME    Ctrl+b    Ctrl+Backspace    Right-click (when screen is on)        click on BACK    Ctrl+s        click on APP_SWITCH    Ctrl+m        click on MENU    Ctrl+Up        click on VOLUME_UP    Ctrl+Down        click on VOLUME_DOWN    Ctrl+p        click on POWER (turn screen on/off)    Right-click (when screen is off)        power on    Ctrl+o        turn device screen off (keep mirroring)    Ctrl+r        rotate device screen    Ctrl+n       expand notification panel    Ctrl+Shift+n       collapse notification panel    Ctrl+c        copy device clipboard to computer    Ctrl+v        paste computer clipboard to device    Ctrl+Shift+v        copy computer clipboard to device    Ctrl+i        enable/disable FPS counter (print frames/second in logs)    Drag & drop APK file        install APK from computer


启动scrcpy:scrcpy如果有多个设备,需要指定序列号:scrcpy -s 设备序列号置顶显示投屏窗口scrcpy --always-on-top以全屏方式启动:scrcpy -f设置端口:scrcpy -p 27184查看帮助:scrcpy -h设置码率(默认8M):scrcpy -b 8M设置最大fps值:scrcpy --max-fps value限制投屏尺寸:scrcpy -m 1024裁剪投屏屏幕(长:宽:偏移x:偏移y):scrcpy -c 800:800:0:0投屏并录屏:scrcpy -r file.mp4不投屏只录屏:scrcpy -Nr file.mp4手指触摸的时候显示轨迹:scrcpy -t显示版本信息:scrcpy -v


动作 快捷键
全屏/非全屏切换 Ctrl+f
将窗口调整为1:1(完美像素) Ctrl+g
调整窗口大小以删除黑色边框 Ctrl+x
设备Home Ctrl+h|鼠标中间键
设备Back Ctrl+b | 鼠标右键| Ctrl+Backspace
设备最近任务键 Ctrl+s
设备Menu Ctrl+m
设备音量↑ Ctrl+↑
设备音量↓ Ctrl+↓
设备电源键 Ctrl+p
亮屏(屏幕灭屏状态) 鼠标右键
灭屏 Ctrl+o
旋转屏幕 Ctrl+r
展开通知栏 Ctrl+n
收缩通知栏 Ctrl+Shift+n
将设备粘贴板的内容粘贴到PC Ctrl+c
将PC粘贴板内容粘贴到设备 Ctrl+v|Ctrl+Shift+v
打开关闭FPS计数器(命令行中显示) Ctrl+i
安装apk Drag & drop APK file


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