The problem in getting the page content, according to the normal content should be to normal link, because In response, they are normal, but when you insert the right content div is removed links.


    type: "GET",
    url: url,
    dataType: "html",
    cache: false,
    success: function(data)
var a=$('.glavnoe',data).eq(n);

n - is position of className tag

n - 是className标记的位置

The result before ajax is


<a href="/xxx/xxx/xx/xx/xxxxx/"><img src="http://xxxx.jpg" /><br>

result after ajax is


<a href="/xxx/xxx/xx/xx/xxxxx/"></a><img src="http://xxxx.jpg" /><br>

You see, before requesting a normal tag, but after the tag is closed immediately. What are the possible solutions to this problem?


UPD1: Problem is in slash on end of the links, if somehow remove this slash problem will be solved, but how ???


1 个解决方案



Unfortunately for jQuery easily can not solve this problem. Wrote at javascript xmlhttp request with the parser on iframe, there is no such problem appeared.

不幸的是,jQuery很容易无法解决这个问题。用iframe上的解析器写了javascript xmlhttp请求,没有出现这样的问题。


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