Today I make a simple sample to test service:

The result
Condition: 1. the service and the application work in a same process

1>the thread create in the service will work in the app's process.
2>the function in the service called by the application will work

in the application'thread.That meansif the main thread needs

call the service ' function and the funtion needs lots of time to

proceed,we'd better deach another thread to call service function

...or you will block the main thread.

Condition: 2 . the service and the application work in differnet processes .It is

simple to make it.

1>the function in the service called by the application will work in

the application'thread.That means if the main thread needs call

the service ' function and the function needs lots of time to proceed,
we'd better deach another thread to call service function...or you will

block the main thread. It's the same to the Condition 1.
2>the thread create in the service will work in the service's process.

It's different from the Condition 1.

Condition:3. I wrote a remote service by AIDL.So I can call a service from another

APK file.It is obviously that the application and the service work in

different processes like Condition 2.I thinked it's test result may be

1>It is thinkable .The result is the same as Condition 2.What ever you make the service by aidl or another
way.I wonder why so I make these samples.I have proved most books says...


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