Thinking deeply......creativity ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Robert Lin Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:50 PM Subject: [android-beginners] 95% of Chinese android developer earns not a penn To: Android Beginners It takes only 3 month for an android game, and 3 to 4 weeks for an android application, so many projects are done by students in China. Most people think their products are cool but nobody pay for them. Chinese people never pay for software. Americans are willing to pay for an app but Chinese not. They use pirate, and over 75% of android users in China pay not a penny for an app. And Chinese developers dont know what the overseas markets like and cannot meet the requirements of Americans. And the third reason is, plagiarizing. Chinese are expert in plagiarizing others ideas, so once a good idea and app comes out, there will be large amount of plagiarizers in China. For example, when android came out, oPhone soon emerged in China. When facebook came out, emerged. Chinese use instead of facebook, instead of google, ophone instead of android , nokla instead of nokia. Chinese are lack of creativity.


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