

usage: pm [list|path|install|uninstall]
pm list packages [-f]
pm list permission-groups
pm list permissions [-g] [-f] [-d] [-u] [GROUP]
pm list instrumentation [-f] [TARGET-PACKAGE]
pm path PACKAGE
pm install [-l] [-r] PATH
pm uninstall [-k] PACKAGE

The list packages command prints all packages.Use
the -f option to see their associated file.

The list permission-groups command prints all known
permission groups.

The list permissions command prints all known
permissions, optionally only those in GROUP.Use
the -g option to organize by group.Use
the -f option to print all information.Use
the -s option for a short summary.Use
the -d option to only list dangerous permissions.Use
the -u option to list only the permissions users will see.

The list instrumentation command prints all instrumentations,
or only those that target a specified package.Use the -f option
to see their associated file.

The path command prints the path to the .apk of a package.

The install command installs a package to the system.Use
the -l option to install the package with FORWARD_LOCK. Use
the -r option to reinstall an exisiting app, keeping its data.

The uninstall command removes a package from the system. Use
the -k option to keep the data and cache directories around
after the package removal.


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