

Bluetooth core stack library

HCI library

Vendor Specific HCI library

UART, RFKILL,TUN/TAP and UHID device drivers








/** NOTE: By default, no profiles are initialized at the time of init/enable.* Whenever the application invokes the 'init' API of a profile, then one of* the following shall occur:**  1.) If Bluetooth is not enabled, then the Bluetooth core shall mark the*    profile as enabled. Subsequently, when the application invokes the*    Bluetooth 'enable', as part of the enable sequence the profile that were*    marked shall be enabled by calling appropriate stack APIs. The*    'adapter_properties_cb' shall return the list of UUIDs of the*    enabled profiles.**  2.) If Bluetooth is enabled, then the Bluetooth core shall invoke the stack*    profile API to initialize the profile and trigger a*    'adapter_properties_cb' with the current list of UUIDs including the*    newly added profile's UUID.**  The reverse shall occur whenever the profile 'cleanup' APIs are invoked*//** Represents the standard Bluetooth DM interface. */typedef struct {  /** set to sizeof(bt_interface_t) */  size_t size;  /**  * Opens the interface and provides the callback routines  * to the implemenation of this interface.  */  int (*init)(bt_callbacks_t* callbacks );  /** Enable Bluetooth. */  int (*enable)(void);  /** Disable Bluetooth. */  int (*disable)(void);  /** This ensures the chip is Powered ON to support other radios in the combo chip.  * If the chip is OFF it set the chip to ON, if it is already ON it just increases the radio ref count  * to keep track when to Power OFF */  int (*enableRadio)(void);  /** This decreases radio ref count and ensures that chip is Powered OFF  * when the radio ref count becomes zero. */  int (*disableRadio)(void);  /** Closes the interface. */  void (*cleanup)(void);  /** Get all Bluetooth Adapter properties at init */  int (*get_adapter_properties)(void);  /** Get Bluetooth Adapter property of 'type' */  int (*get_adapter_property)(bt_property_type_t type);  /** Set Bluetooth Adapter property of 'type' */  /* Based on the type, val shall be one of  * bt_bdaddr_t or bt_bdname_t or bt_scanmode_t etc  */  int (*set_adapter_property)(const bt_property_t *property);  /** Get all Remote Device properties */  int (*get_remote_device_properties)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr);  /** Get Remote Device property of 'type' */  int (*get_remote_device_property)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr,                   bt_property_type_t type);  /** Set Remote Device property of 'type' */  int (*set_remote_device_property)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr,                   const bt_property_t *property);  /** Get Remote Device's service record for the given UUID */  int (*get_remote_service_record)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr,                  bt_uuid_t *uuid);  /** Start SDP to get remote services */  int (*get_remote_services)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr);  /** Start Discovery */  int (*start_discovery)(void);  /** Cancel Discovery */  int (*cancel_discovery)(void);  /** Create Bluetooth Bonding */  int (*create_bond)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr);  /** Remove Bond */  int (*remove_bond)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr);  /** Cancel Bond */  int (*cancel_bond)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr);  /** BT Legacy PinKey Reply */  /** If accept==FALSE, then pin_len and pin_code shall be 0x0 */  int (*pin_reply)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, uint8_t accept,          uint8_t pin_len, bt_pin_code_t *pin_code);  /** BT SSP Reply - Just Works, Numeric Comparison and Passkey  * passkey shall be zero for BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_COMPARISON &  * BT_SSP_VARIANT_CONSENT  * For BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_ENTRY, if accept==FALSE, then passkey  * shall be zero */  int (*ssp_reply)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bt_ssp_variant_t variant,          uint8_t accept, uint32_t passkey);  /** Get Bluetooth profile interface */  const void* (*get_profile_interface) (const char *profile_id);  /** Bluetooth Test Mode APIs - Bluetooth must be enabled for these APIs */  /* Configure DUT Mode - Use this mode to enter/exit DUT mode */  int (*dut_mode_configure)(uint8_t enable);  /* Send any test HCI (vendor-specific) command to the controller. Must be in DUT Mode */  int (*dut_mode_send)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len); /* Send service level Authorization response */ int (*authorize_response)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bt_service_id_t service_id,              uint8_t authorize, uint8_t save_settings);  /** Get FM module interface */  const void* (*get_fm_interface) ();  /** BLE Test Mode APIs */  /* opcode MUST be one of: LE_Receiver_Test, LE_Transmitter_Test, LE_Test_End */  int (*le_test_mode)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len);} bt_interface_t;

而bluetooth services和bluetooth JNI编译出来的结果就是bluetooth.apk, bluetooth services透过bluetooth JNI,bluetooth JNI透过硬件抽象层,直接调用到bluedroid的核心协议栈,而核心协议栈通过uart driver,rfkill driver,UHID,TUN等vfs文件接口直接调用到内核空间的驱动。




/* * Bluetooth Host/Controller VENDOR Interface */typedef struct {    /** Set to sizeof(bt_vndor_interface_t) */    size_t          size;    /*     * Functions need to be implemented in Vendor libray (     */    /**     * Caller will open the interface and pass in the callback routines     * to the implemenation of this interface.     */    int   (*init)(const bt_vendor_callbacks_t* p_cb, unsigned char *local_bdaddr);    /**  Vendor specific operations */    int (*op)(bt_vendor_opcode_t opcode, void *param);    /** Closes the interface */    void  (*cleanup)(void);} bt_vendor_interface_t;

在以上结构体中,其中大部份的工作是由int (*op)(bt_vendor_opcode_t opcode, void *param);函数实现,该函数更具OPCODE操作码的不同,一般通过switch语句来实现。


/** Vendor specific operations OPCODE */typedef enum {/* [operation]*   Power on or off the BT Controller.* [input param]*   A pointer to int type with content of bt_vendor_power_state_t.*   Typecasting conversion: (int *) param.* [return]*   0 - default, don't care.* [callback]*   None.*/  BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL,/* [operation]*   Perform any vendor specific initialization or configuration*   on the BT Controller. This is called before stack initialization.* [input param]*   None.* [return]*   0 - default, don't care.* [callback]*   Must call fwcfg_cb to notify the stack of the completion of vendor*   specific initialization once it has been done.*/  BT_VND_OP_FW_CFG,/* [operation]*   Perform any vendor specific SCO/PCM configuration on the BT Controller.*   This is called after stack initialization.* [input param]*   None.* [return]*   0 - default, don't care.* [callback]*   Must call scocfg_cb to notify the stack of the completion of vendor*   specific SCO configuration once it has been done.*/  BT_VND_OP_SCO_CFG,/* [operation]*   Open UART port on where the BT Controller is attached.*   This is called before stack initialization.* [input param]*   A pointer to int array type for open file descriptors.*   The mapping of HCI channel to fd slot in the int array is given in*   bt_vendor_hci_channels_t.*   And, it requires the vendor lib to fill up the content before returning*   the call.*   Typecasting conversion: (int (*)[]) param.* [return]*   Numbers of opened file descriptors.  *   Valid number:  *     1 - CMD/EVT/ACL-In/ACL-Out via the same fd (e.g. UART)  *     2 - CMD/EVT on one fd, and ACL-In/ACL-Out on the other fd  *     4 - CMD, EVT, ACL-In, ACL-Out are on their individual fd* [callback]*   None.*/  BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN,/* [operation]*   Close the previously opened UART port.* [input param]*   None.* [return]*   0 - default, don't care.* [callback]*   None.*/  BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE,/* [operation]*   Get the LPM idle timeout in milliseconds.*   The stack uses this information to launch a timer delay before it*   attempts to de-assert LPM WAKE signal once downstream HCI packet*   has been delivered.* [input param]*   A pointer to uint32_t type which is passed in by the stack. And, it*   requires the vendor lib to fill up the content before returning*   the call.*   Typecasting conversion: (uint32_t *) param.* [return]*   0 - default, don't care.* [callback]*   None.*/  BT_VND_OP_GET_LPM_IDLE_TIMEOUT,/* [operation]*   Enable or disable LPM mode on BT Controller.* [input param]*   A pointer to uint8_t type with content of bt_vendor_lpm_mode_t.*   Typecasting conversion: (uint8_t *) param.* [return]*   0 - default, don't care.* [callback]*   Must call lpm_cb to notify the stack of the completion of LPM*   disable/enable process once it has been done.*/  BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE,/* [operation]*   Assert or Deassert LPM WAKE on BT Controller.* [input param]*   A pointer to uint8_t type with content of bt_vendor_lpm_wake_state_t.*   Typecasting conversion: (uint8_t *) param.* [return]*   0 - default, don't care.* [callback]*   None.*/  BT_VND_OP_LPM_WAKE_SET_STATE,} bt_vendor_opcode_t;




涉及蓝牙相关的通用配置选项有(具体配置格式的组织是 vendor specific的):

1:uart的端口号,如/dev/ttyS1, /dev/ttS2,/dev/ttyO1等等

2: uart的boadrate,如921600,460800,3000000等

3: 蓝牙固件的名字和路径

4: 是否使能LPM mode(低功耗管理模式)

5: PCM的配置

6: 如果是cob(chip on board)的蓝牙芯片,还需要指定蓝牙mac地址,如果是模块的一般直接可有从模块里读出来,则不需要该项







4:蓝牙的硬件流控双方是否支持,如果不支持,需要硬件上进行欺骗:譬如brcm的蓝牙芯片是必须需要硬件流控,而我们uart 主控的硬件流控却有问题,因此我们将brcm的蓝牙端的cts pin硬件拉地(low active),这样就是相当于告诉拨通的蓝牙芯片,我们的uart controller始终都是准备好可以接收数据的。从而实现无硬件流控也可以实现互通讯

5:uart是否需要电平转换,像我们的AP 输出的都是3.3v的电平,而拨通的蓝牙则则只能输出1.8v的电平,这样的话,就需要在拨通的rts和tx pin上接电平转换,将拨通的1.8v提升到3.3v,这样可以让我们AP能够正确检测到高电平。



1:通过控制台命令:echo 1/0 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfill0/state再结合示波器来检测power enabe pin和32KHZ的输出/关闭是否正常

2:通过配置文件/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf文件,我们可以来用来控制调试信息的显示,和蓝牙封包的保存,他能够将hci层的cmd,data,event包都保存到btsnoop_hci.log文件中,然后可以通过frontline公司的capture file viewer工具来查看封包的格式和含义。


/system/etc/bluetooth # /system/etc/bluetooth # cat bt_stack.conf # Set the phone BT device name#Name=Bluetooth Phone# Set the phone BT device COD (Class of Device)#Class={0x5A, 0x02, 0x0C}# Enable BtSnoop logging function# valid value : true, falseBtSnoopLogOutput=false# BtSnoop log output fileBtSnoopFileName=/sdcard/btsnoop_hci.log# Enable trace level reconfiguration function# Must be present before any TRC_ trace level settingsTraceConf=true# Trace level configuration#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE    0    ( No trace messages to be generated )#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR   1    ( Error condition trace messages )#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2    ( Warning condition trace messages )#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API     3    ( API traces )#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT   4    ( Debug messages for events )#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG   5    ( Full debug messages )#   BT_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE 6    ( Verbose messages ) - Currently supported for TRC_BTAPP only.TRC_BTM=2TRC_HCI=2TRC_L2CAP=2TRC_RFCOMM=2TRC_OBEX=2TRC_AVCT=2TRC_AVDT=2TRC_AVRC=2TRC_AVDT_SCB=2TRC_AVDT_CCB=2TRC_A2D=2TRC_SDP=2TRC_GATT=2TRC_SMP=2TRC_BTAPP=2TRC_PROTOCOL=0

int array2strings(char* header, char * array_buf, int array_len){#if BT_DEBUGint n,i;uint8_t buf_strings[1600];//IS_DEBUG_ENABLE_CMD_EVENT;memset(buf_strings,0,sizeof(buf_strings));char * tmpbuf = (char * )buf_strings;array_len = (array_len>32)?32:array_len;for(i=0; i<array_len; i++){n = sprintf(tmpbuf,"0x%x ",array_buf[i]);tmpbuf += n;}ALOGD("%s:len=%d %s", header, array_len, buf_strings);#endifreturn 0;}


有些ap的uart cotroller并不支持硬件流控,这样的话在蓝牙芯片初始化过程中,会碰到如下一些问题:

A: 在切换波特率时会出现错误:

原因就是有些蓝牙芯片,如brcm的6330/6476等芯片在蓝牙芯片和uart controller的波特率切换到较高的波特率时,蓝牙芯片端会忙一段时间,在这段时间里,uart controller就不能够给蓝牙芯片段发送命令或数据。

否则会导致命令或数据超时无响应。如果支持硬件流控则不会存在该问题,因为蓝牙芯片端在切换到高波特率时,在忙的时间段,他会自动将芯片的rts脚拉高,uart controller端在检测到cts变高,认为接收端在忙,

从而不会将数据发送出去,而只是将数据缓存在tty xmit buffer中,待cts变低后,再继续从tty xmit buffer取数据通过dma方式发送出去。

B: 会出现应用层已经将数据写到了/dev/ttyS1设备里,但uart controller并未将数据在tx pin上发送出来。

原因是蓝牙芯片的硬件流控极性跟ap中的uart controller定义的硬件流控的极性不一致,导致蓝牙芯片已经通知ap端,蓝牙芯片已经准备好接受数据,但由于极性不一致,所以导致ap段一直以为蓝牙芯片端没有准备好,所以一直未发送数据。出现这个钟情况时,就是第一条hci reset的命令都不能发送出去。蓝牙芯片的rx pin上也未有任何的波形。这个时候可以通过查看 state->port.tty->hw_stopped位是否为1,如果为1,说明正是由于ap的uart controller检测到硬件流控不允许所以才未发送。


uart drivers的调试方法有: 1: 可以考虑将蓝牙芯片uart口的tx pin在接到AP端的uart口的rx pin的同时也接到pc com口上的rx pin,同理将蓝牙芯片uart口上rx pin同时接到pc com上rx pin,这样可以通过pc上uart debug tool可以看到AP发送给蓝牙芯片的数据和蓝牙芯片送回来的数据。以检查串口收发数据的正确性。局限性是:由于目前pc com上的波特率不能设置太高,所以一般只能在低速的115200上进行调试。
2:在串口驱动添加/proc文件属性来动态的观察uart drivers的工作状况。
譬如在蓝牙串口出错时,我们可以命令:cat /proc/bt_debug来查看串口的如下信息:

a:uart controller的寄存器上下文
b:uart DMA rx buffer中是否还有剩余数据未通过tty_insert_flip_string_fixed_flag函数提交到tty io层 会导致bluedroid层收到一个不完整的数据包,但uart controller其实已经收到了一个完整的数据包
c:uart xmitcirc_buf中是否还有剩余数据未能及时发送出去
d: 在proc的文件属性中,还可以添加关键的一些变量的值,这样检测出错时,这些是否正确。

3: 内存数据查看工具:mu命令
该命令可以查看DMA tx buf和DMA rx buf中的数据内容,可以非常的方便检查数据收发是否正确
4: 有时在蓝牙芯片的reset,enable pin,32Khz,26Mhz等都正常的情况下,蓝牙的初始化还是未能正常完成,提示uart发送超时的话。
这个时候,就可以用示波器来测试下ap端的uart的cotroller的tx pin是否有波形发出来,如果有波形发送出来,
但蓝牙芯片段的tx pin没有任何回复波形,则基本可以断定是一下几种问题之一:

如果ap端的uart的cotroller的tx pin没有波形出来。那基本可以肯定,是如下问题之一:




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