public void loadData(String data,String mimeType,String encoding)

Added in API level 1

Loads the given data into this WebView using a 'data' scheme URL.

Note that JavaScript's same origin policy means that script running in a page loaded using this method will be unable to access content loaded using any scheme other than 'data', including 'http(s)'. To avoid this restriction, useloadDataWithBaseURL() with an appropriate base URL.

The encoding parameter specifies whether the data is base64 or URL encoded. If the data is base64 encoded, the value of the encoding parameter must be 'base64'. For all other values of the parameter, including null, it is assumed that the data uses ASCII encoding for octets inside the range of safe URL characters and use the standard %xx hex encoding of URLs for octets outside that range. For example, '#', '%', '\', '?' should be replaced by %23, %25, %27, %3f respectively.Parameters

data a String of data in the given encoding
mimeType the MIME type of the data, e.g. 'text/html'
encoding the encoding of the data



为了避免这一点,采用一个合适的base URL来调用loadDataWithBaseURL() 是以个好的选择;



例如'#', '%', '\', '?'必须分别被替换为%23, %25, %27, %3f

public void loadDataWithBaseURL(String baseUrl,String data,String mimeType,String encoding,String historyUrl)

Added in API level 1

Loads the given data into this WebView, using baseUrl as the base URL for the content. The base URL is used both to resolve relative URLs and when applying JavaScript's same origin policy. The historyUrl is used for the history entry.


baseUrl the URL to use as the page's base URL. If null defaults to 'about:blank'.
data a String of data in the given encoding
mimeType the MIMEType of the data, e.g. 'text/html'. If null, defaults to 'text/html'.
encoding the encoding of the data
historyUrl the URL to use as the history entry. If null defaults to 'about:blank'.


这个baseUrl 不仅用于相对URL,而且也用于js的根地址。historyUrl用与指向历史记录(这个需要我们自己实现,其实就是个地址)。




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