上一章:Android 双开沙箱 VirtualApp 源码分析(二)

在这之前,我们还是要先了解一下 VA Client Framework 和 VAService 之间的通讯方式

VAService 与通讯


首先,VAService 是指 VA 仿造 Android 原生 framework 层 Service 实现的一套副本,举例有 VActivityManagerService,它和系统 AMS 一样,只不过他管理的是 VA 内部 Client App 的组件会话。

VAService 统一管理

首先所有 VAService 直接继承与 XXX.Stub,也就是 Binder,并且直接使用了一个 Map 储存在 VAService 进程空间中,并没有注册到系统 AMS 中,事实上在 VAService 进程中,每个 Service 都被当作一个普通对象 new 和 初始化。
最终,他们被添加到了 ServiceCache 中:

public class ServiceCache {    private static final Map sCache = new ArrayMap<>(5);    public static void addService(String name, IBinder service) {        sCache.put(name, service);    }    public static IBinder removeService(String name) {        return sCache.remove(name);    }    public static IBinder getService(String name) {        return sCache.get(name);    }}

这个 cache 很简单,就是一个 Map。

而被添加的时机则在 BinderProvider 的 onCreate() 回掉中:

@Override    public boolean onCreate() {        Context context = getContext();        // 这是一个空前台服务,目的是为了保活 VAService 进程,即 :x 进程        DaemonService.startup(context);        if (!VirtualCore.get().isStartup()) {            return true;        }        VPackageManagerService.systemReady();        addService(ServiceManagerNative.PACKAGE, VPackageManagerService.get());        VActivityManagerService.systemReady(context);        addService(ServiceManagerNative.ACTIVITY, VActivityManagerService.get());        addService(ServiceManagerNative.USER, VUserManagerService.get());        VAppManagerService.systemReady();        addService(ServiceManagerNative.APP, VAppManagerService.get());        BroadcastSystem.attach(VActivityManagerService.get(), VAppManagerService.get());        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {            addService(ServiceManagerNative.JOB, VJobSchedulerService.get());        }        VNotificationManagerService.systemReady(context);        addService(ServiceManagerNative.NOTIFICATION, VNotificationManagerService.get());        VAppManagerService.get().scanApps();        VAccountManagerService.systemReady();        addService(ServiceManagerNative.ACCOUNT, VAccountManagerService.get());        addService(ServiceManagerNative.VS, VirtualStorageService.get());        addService(ServiceManagerNative.DEVICE, VDeviceManagerService.get());        return true;    }    private void addService(String name, IBinder service) {        ServiceCache.addService(name, service);    }

需要注意的是 DeamonService 是一个空前台服务,目的是为了保活 VAService 进程,即 :x 进程,因为现在后台服务很容易被杀,在 Android 8.0 以后后台服务只能在后台存活5S,而前台服务则不受影响。


VA 设计了一个单独的 ServiceFetcher 服务用于向外部暴露 VAService 中的所有服务的 IBinder 句柄,而 ServiceFetcher 本身也是 Binder 服务,也就是说,ServiceFetcher 的 Ibinder 句柄是拿到其他 VAServic IBinder 的钥匙。

    private class ServiceFetcher extends IServiceFetcher.Stub {        @Override        public IBinder getService(String name) throws RemoteException {            if (name != null) {                return ServiceCache.getService(name);            }            return null;        }        @Override        public void addService(String name, IBinder service) throws RemoteException {            if (name != null && service != null) {                ServiceCache.addService(name, service);            }        }        @Override        public void removeService(String name) throws RemoteException {            if (name != null) {                ServiceCache.removeService(name);            }        }    }

ServicecFetcher 自身的 IBnder 则通过 BinderProvicer 这个ContentProvider 暴露给其他进程:

@Override    public Bundle call(String method, String arg, Bundle extras) {        if ("@".equals(method)) {            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();            BundleCompat.putBinder(bundle, "_VA_|_binder_", mServiceFetcher);            return bundle;        }        return null;    }

那么,在 Client App 中 VA Client 就可以通过 IServiceFetcher 这个 IBinder 拿到其他服务的 IBinder 了:

    private static IServiceFetcher sFetcher;    private static IServiceFetcher getServiceFetcher() {        if (sFetcher == null || !sFetcher.asBinder().isBinderAlive()) {            synchronized (ServiceManagerNative.class) {                Context context = VirtualCore.get().getContext();                Bundle response = new ProviderCall.Builder(context, SERVICE_CP_AUTH).methodName("@").call();                if (response != null) {                    IBinder binder = BundleCompat.getBinder(response, "_VA_|_binder_");                    linkBinderDied(binder);                    sFetcher = IServiceFetcher.Stub.asInterface(binder);                }            }        }        return sFetcher;    }    // 返回服务的 IBinder 句柄    public static IBinder getService(String name) {        // 如果是本地服务,直接本地返回        if (VirtualCore.get().isServerProcess()) {            return ServiceCache.getService(name);        }        // 通过 ServiceFetcher 的句柄找到远程 Service 的句柄        IServiceFetcher fetcher = getServiceFetcher();        if (fetcher != null) {            try {                return fetcher.getService(name);            } catch (RemoteException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        VLog.e(TAG, "GetService(%s) return null.", name);        return null;    }

启动 App

首先要了解的是 Android App 是组件化的,Apk 其实是 N 多个组件的集合,以及一些资源文件和 Assert,App 的启动有多种情况,只要在一个新的进程中调起了 apk 中任何一个组件,App 将被初始化,Application 将被初始化。

启动 Activity

我们先看启动 Activity 的情况:

Hook startActivity(重定位 Intent 到 StubActivity)

首先在 Client App 中,startActivity 方法必须被 Hook 掉,不然 Client App 调用 startActivity 就直指外部 Activity 去了。

这部分的原理其实与 DroidPlugin 大同小异,由于插件(Client App)中的 Activity 是没有在 AMS 中注册的,AMS 自然无法找到我们的插件 Activity。

Hook 的目的是我们拿到用户的 Intent,把他替换成指向 VA 在 Menifest 中站好坑的 StubActivity 的 Intent,然后将原 Intent 当作 data 打包进新 Intent 以便日后流程再次进入 VA 时恢复。

Hook 的方法就是用我们动态代理生成的代理类对象替换系统原来的 ActiityManagerNative.geDefault 对象。

@Override    public void inject() throws Throwable {        if (BuildCompat.isOreo()) {            //Android Oreo(8.X)            Object singleton = ActivityManagerOreo.IActivityManagerSingleton.get();            Singleton.mInstance.set(singleton, getInvocationStub().getProxyInterface());        } else {            if (ActivityManagerNative.gDefault.type() == IActivityManager.TYPE) {                ActivityManagerNative.gDefault.set(getInvocationStub().getProxyInterface());            } else if (ActivityManagerNative.gDefault.type() == Singleton.TYPE) {                Object gDefault = ActivityManagerNative.gDefault.get();                Singleton.mInstance.set(gDefault, getInvocationStub().getProxyInterface());            }        }        BinderInvocationStub hookAMBinder = new BinderInvocationStub(getInvocationStub().getBaseInterface());        hookAMBinder.copyMethodProxies(getInvocationStub());        ServiceManager.sCache.get().put(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE, hookAMBinder);    }

好了,下面只要调用到 startActivity 就会被 Hook 到 call。
1. VA 有意将安装和卸载 APP 的请求重定向到了卸载 VA 内部 APK 的逻辑。
2. resolveActivityInfo 调用到了 VPM 的 resolveIntent,最终会远程调用到 VPMS 的 resolveIntent,然后 VPMS 就会去查询 VPackage 找到目标 Activity 并将信息附加在 ResolveInfo 中返回 VPM。
3. 最后也是最重要的一点,startActivity 会调用到 VAM.startActivity,同样最终会远程调用到 VAMS 的 startActivity。

// Hook startActivity    static class StartActivity extends MethodProxy {        private static final String SCHEME_FILE = "file";        private static final String SCHEME_PACKAGE = "package";        @Override        public String getMethodName() {            return "startActivity";        }        @Override        public Object call(Object who, Method method, Object... args) throws Throwable {            int intentIndex = ArrayUtils.indexOfObject(args, Intent.class, 1);            if (intentIndex < 0) {                return ActivityManagerCompat.START_INTENT_NOT_RESOLVED;            }            int resultToIndex = ArrayUtils.indexOfObject(args, IBinder.class, 2);            String resolvedType = (String) args[intentIndex + 1];            Intent intent = (Intent) args[intentIndex];            intent.setDataAndType(intent.getData(), resolvedType);            IBinder resultTo = resultToIndex >= 0 ? (IBinder) args[resultToIndex] : null;            int userId = VUserHandle.myUserId();            if (ComponentUtils.isStubComponent(intent)) {                return method.invoke(who, args);            }            // 请求安装和卸载界面            if (Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE.equals(intent.getAction())                    || (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())                    && "application/vnd.android.package-archive".equals(intent.getType()))) {                if (handleInstallRequest(intent)) {                    return 0;                }            } else if ((Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE.equals(intent.getAction())                    || Intent.ACTION_DELETE.equals(intent.getAction()))                    && "package".equals(intent.getScheme())) {                if (handleUninstallRequest(intent)) {                    return 0;                }            }            String resultWho = null;            int requestCode = 0;            Bundle options = ArrayUtils.getFirst(args, Bundle.class);            if (resultTo != null) {                resultWho = (String) args[resultToIndex + 1];                requestCode = (int) args[resultToIndex + 2];            }            // chooser 调用选择界面            if (ChooserActivity.check(intent)) {                intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(getHostContext(), ChooserActivity.class));                intent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, userId);                intent.putExtra(ChooserActivity.EXTRA_DATA, options);                intent.putExtra(ChooserActivity.EXTRA_WHO, resultWho);                intent.putExtra(ChooserActivity.EXTRA_REQUEST_CODE, requestCode);                return method.invoke(who, args);            }            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) {                args[intentIndex - 1] = getHostPkg();            }            //解析 ActivityInfo            ActivityInfo activityInfo = VirtualCore.get().resolveActivityInfo(intent, userId);            if (activityInfo == null) {                VLog.e("VActivityManager", "Unable to resolve activityInfo : " + intent);                if (intent.getPackage() != null && isAppPkg(intent.getPackage())) {                    return ActivityManagerCompat.START_INTENT_NOT_RESOLVED;                }                return method.invoke(who, args);            }            // 调用远程 VAMS.startActivity            int res = VActivityManager.get().startActivity(intent, activityInfo, resultTo, options, resultWho, requestCode, VUserHandle.myUserId());            if (res != 0 && resultTo != null && requestCode > 0) {                VActivityManager.get().sendActivityResult(resultTo, resultWho, requestCode);            }            // 处理 Activity 切换动画,因为此时动画还是 Host 的 Stub Activity 默认动画,需要覆盖成子程序包的动画            if (resultTo != null) {                ActivityClientRecord r = VActivityManager.get().getActivityRecord(resultTo);                if (r != null && r.activity != null) {                    try {                        TypedValue out = new TypedValue();                        Resources.Theme theme = r.activity.getResources().newTheme();                        theme.applyStyle(activityInfo.getThemeResource(), true);                        if (theme.resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.windowAnimationStyle, out, true)) {                            TypedArray array = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(out.data,                                    new int[]{                                            android.R.attr.activityOpenEnterAnimation,                                            android.R.attr.activityOpenExitAnimation                                    });                            r.activity.overridePendingTransition(array.getResourceId(0, 0), array.getResourceId(1, 0));                            array.recycle();                        }                    } catch (Throwable e) {                        // Ignore                    }                }            }            return res;        }        private boolean handleInstallRequest(Intent intent) {            IAppRequestListener listener = VirtualCore.get().getAppRequestListener();            if (listener != null) {                Uri packageUri = intent.getData();                if (SCHEME_FILE.equals(packageUri.getScheme())) {                    File sourceFile = new File(packageUri.getPath());                    try {                        listener.onRequestInstall(sourceFile.getPath());                        return true;                    } catch (RemoteException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }            }            return false;        }        private boolean handleUninstallRequest(Intent intent) {            IAppRequestListener listener = VirtualCore.get().getAppRequestListener();            if (listener != null) {                Uri packageUri = intent.getData();                if (SCHEME_PACKAGE.equals(packageUri.getScheme())) {                    String pkg = packageUri.getSchemeSpecificPart();                    try {                        listener.onRequestUninstall(pkg);                        return true;                    } catch (RemoteException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }            }            return false;        }    }

逻辑最终走到 VAMS 后,VAMS 调用 ActivityStack.startActivityLocked

    // 参考 framework 的实现    int startActivityLocked(int userId, Intent intent, ActivityInfo info, IBinder resultTo, Bundle options,                            String resultWho, int requestCode) {        optimizeTasksLocked();        Intent destIntent;        ActivityRecord sourceRecord = findActivityByToken(userId, resultTo);        TaskRecord sourceTask = sourceRecord != null ? sourceRecord.task : null;        // 忽略一大堆对 Flag 的处理        .............................        String affinity = ComponentUtils.getTaskAffinity(info);        // 根据 Flag 寻找合适的 Task        TaskRecord reuseTask = null;        switch (reuseTarget) {            case AFFINITY:                reuseTask = findTaskByAffinityLocked(userId, affinity);                break;            case DOCUMENT:                reuseTask = findTaskByIntentLocked(userId, intent);                break;            case CURRENT:                reuseTask = sourceTask;                break;            default:                break;        }        boolean taskMarked = false;        if (reuseTask == null) {            startActivityInNewTaskLocked(userId, intent, info, options);        } else {            boolean delivered = false;            mAM.moveTaskToFront(reuseTask.taskId, 0);            boolean startTaskToFront = !clearTask && !clearTop && ComponentUtils.isSameIntent(intent, reuseTask.taskRoot);            if (clearTarget.deliverIntent || singleTop) {                taskMarked = markTaskByClearTarget(reuseTask, clearTarget, intent.getComponent());                ActivityRecord topRecord = topActivityInTask(reuseTask);                if (clearTop && !singleTop && topRecord != null && taskMarked) {                    topRecord.marked = true;                }                // Target activity is on top                if (topRecord != null && !topRecord.marked && topRecord.component.equals(intent.getComponent())) {                    deliverNewIntentLocked(sourceRecord, topRecord, intent);                    delivered = true;                }            }            if (taskMarked) {                synchronized (mHistory) {                    scheduleFinishMarkedActivityLocked();                }            }            if (!startTaskToFront) {                if (!delivered) {                    destIntent = startActivityProcess(userId, sourceRecord, intent, info);                    if (destIntent != null) {                        startActivityFromSourceTask(reuseTask, destIntent, info, resultWho, requestCode, options);                    }                }            }        }        return 0;    }

然后 call 到了 startActivityProcess ,这就是真正替换 Intent 的地方:

// 使用 Host Stub Activity 的 Intent 包装原 Intent 瞒天过海    private Intent startActivityProcess(int userId, ActivityRecord sourceRecord, Intent intent, ActivityInfo info) {        intent = new Intent(intent);        // 获得 Activity 对应的 ProcessRecorder,如果没有则表示这是 Process 第一个打开的组件,需要初始化 Application        ProcessRecord targetApp = mService.startProcessIfNeedLocked(info.processName, userId, info.packageName);        if (targetApp == null) {            return null;        }        Intent targetIntent = new Intent();        // 根据 Client App 的 PID 获取 StubActivity        String stubActivityPath = fetchStubActivity(targetApp.vpid, info);        Log.e("gy", "map activity:" + intent.getComponent().getClassName() + " -> " + stubActivityPath);        targetIntent.setClassName(VirtualCore.get().getHostPkg(), stubActivityPath);        ComponentName component = intent.getComponent();        if (component == null) {            component = ComponentUtils.toComponentName(info);        }        targetIntent.setType(component.flattenToString());        StubActivityRecord saveInstance = new StubActivityRecord(intent, info,                sourceRecord != null ? sourceRecord.component : null, userId);        saveInstance.saveToIntent(targetIntent);        return targetIntent;    }

fetchStubActivity 会根据相同的进程 id 在 VA 的 Menifest 中找到那个提前占坑的 StubActivity:

// 获取合适的 StubActivity,返回 StubActivity 全限定名    private String fetchStubActivity(int vpid, ActivityInfo targetInfo) {        boolean isFloating = false;        boolean isTranslucent = false;        boolean showWallpaper = false;        try {            int[] R_Styleable_Window = R_Hide.styleable.Window.get();            int R_Styleable_Window_windowIsTranslucent = R_Hide.styleable.Window_windowIsTranslucent.get();            int R_Styleable_Window_windowIsFloating = R_Hide.styleable.Window_windowIsFloating.get();            int R_Styleable_Window_windowShowWallpaper = R_Hide.styleable.Window_windowShowWallpaper.get();            AttributeCache.Entry ent = AttributeCache.instance().get(targetInfo.packageName, targetInfo.theme,                    R_Styleable_Window);            if (ent != null && ent.array != null) {                showWallpaper = ent.array.getBoolean(R_Styleable_Window_windowShowWallpaper, false);                isTranslucent = ent.array.getBoolean(R_Styleable_Window_windowIsTranslucent, false);                isFloating = ent.array.getBoolean(R_Styleable_Window_windowIsFloating, false);            }        } catch (Throwable e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        boolean isDialogStyle = isFloating || isTranslucent || showWallpaper;        // 根据在 Menifest 中注册的 pid        if (isDialogStyle) {            return VASettings.getStubDialogName(vpid);        } else {            return VASettings.getStubActivityName(vpid);        }    }

这里需要特别注意,VA 占坑的方式和 DroidPlugin 有些小不同,VA 没有为每个 Process 注册多个 Activity,也没有为不同的启动方式注册多个 Activity,这里确实是有改进的。
这里根本原因是因为 VA 对 VAMS 实现的更为完整,实现了原版 AMS 的基本功能,包括完整的 Recorder 管理,Task Stack 管理等,这样的话 StubActivity 的唯一作用便是携带 Client App 真正的 Intent 交给 VAMS 处理。这套机制衍生到其他的组件也是一样的。

可以简单看一下 ActivityStack, ActivityRecorder,ActivityRecord

 class ActivityStack {    private final ActivityManager mAM;    private final VActivityManagerService mService;    /**     * [Key] = TaskId [Value] = TaskRecord     */    private final SparseArray mHistory = new SparseArray<>();
class TaskRecord {    public final List activities = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());    public int taskId;    public int userId;    public String affinity;    public Intent taskRoot;
/* package */ class ActivityRecord {    public TaskRecord task;    public ComponentName component;    public ComponentName caller;    // Client App 中 Activity 的句柄    public IBinder token;    public int userId;    public ProcessRecord process;    public int launchMode;    public int flags;    public boolean marked;    public String affinity;


public class StubActivityRecord  {        public Intent intent;        public ActivityInfo info;        public ComponentName caller;        public int userId;        public StubActivityRecord(Intent intent, ActivityInfo info, ComponentName caller, int userId) {            this.intent = intent;            this.info = info;            this.caller = caller;            this.userId = userId;        }        // 获取原版 Intent 和一些其他信息        public StubActivityRecord(Intent stub) {            this.intent = stub.getParcelableExtra("_VA_|_intent_");            this.info = stub.getParcelableExtra("_VA_|_info_");            this.caller = stub.getParcelableExtra("_VA_|_caller_");            this.userId = stub.getIntExtra("_VA_|_user_id_", 0);        }    // 将原版 Intent 塞到 Stub Intent    public void saveToIntent(Intent stub) {        stub.putExtra("_VA_|_intent_", intent);        stub.putExtra("_VA_|_info_", info);        stub.putExtra("_VA_|_caller_", caller);        stub.putExtra("_VA_|_user_id_", userId);    }}

初始化 Application


// 获得 Activity 对应的 ProcessRecorder,如果没有则表示这是 Process 第一个打开的组件,需要初始化 Application        ProcessRecord targetApp = mService.startProcessIfNeedLocked(info.processName, userId, info.packageName);

这里会先去找对应 Client App 进程的 ProcessRecorder,找不到代表 Application 刚启动尚未初始化:

private ProcessRecord performStartProcessLocked(int vuid, int vpid, ApplicationInfo info, String processName) {        ProcessRecord app = new ProcessRecord(info, processName, vuid, vpid);        Bundle extras = new Bundle();        BundleCompat.putBinder(extras, "_VA_|_binder_", app);        extras.putInt("_VA_|_vuid_", vuid);        extras.putString("_VA_|_process_", processName);        extras.putString("_VA_|_pkg_", info.packageName);        // 调用子程序包的 init_process 方法,并且得到子程序包 IBinder 句柄        Bundle res = ProviderCall.call(VASettings.getStubAuthority(vpid), "_VA_|_init_process_", null, extras);        if (res == null) {            return null;        }        int pid = res.getInt("_VA_|_pid_");        IBinder clientBinder = BundleCompat.getBinder(res, "_VA_|_client_");        // attach 到 Client 的 VAM , 将子程序句柄推入服务端 VAMS        attachClient(pid, clientBinder);        return app;    }

ProviderCall.call 向 Client App 的 StubContentProvider 发起远程调用:

@Override    public Bundle call(String method, String arg, Bundle extras) {        if ("_VA_|_init_process_".equals(method)) {            return initProcess(extras);        }        return null;    }    private Bundle initProcess(Bundle extras) {        ConditionVariable lock = VirtualCore.get().getInitLock();        if (lock != null) {            lock.block();        }        IBinder token = BundleCompat.getBinder(extras,"_VA_|_binder_");        int vuid = extras.getInt("_VA_|_vuid_");        VClientImpl client = VClientImpl.get();        client.initProcess(token, vuid);        Bundle res = new Bundle();        BundleCompat.putBinder(res, "_VA_|_client_", client.asBinder());        res.putInt("_VA_|_pid_", Process.myPid());        return res;    }

Client App 的 IBinder 句柄(VClientImpl.asBinder) 被打包在了 Bundle 中返回给 VAMS。

最终, VAMS 调用原生 AM 的 startActivity 向真正的 AMS 发送替换成 StubActivity 的伪造 Intent。

 mirror.android.app.IActivityManager.startActivity.call(ActivityManagerNative.getDefault.call(),                (Object[]) args);

恢复原 Intent 重定向到原 Activity

当 AMS 收到伪装的 Intent 后,就会找到 StubActivity,这时流程回到 VA 里的主线程中的消息队列中。

Hook 过程就是用我们自己的 Handler 替换 android.os.Handler.mCallback 因为主线程在这里分发一些操作:

    @Override        public void inject() throws Throwable {            otherCallback = getHCallback();            mirror.android.os.Handler.mCallback.set(getH(), this);        }

handlerMessage 判断是 LAUNCH_ACTIVITY Action 后直接调用了 handlerLaunchActivity 方法,和原版其实很像。

private boolean handleLaunchActivity(Message msg) {            Object r = msg.obj;            Intent stubIntent = ActivityThread.ActivityClientRecord.intent.get(r);            // 获取原版 Intent 信息            StubActivityRecord saveInstance = new StubActivityRecord(stubIntent);            if (saveInstance.intent == null) {                return true;            }            // 原版 Intent            Intent intent = saveInstance.intent;            ComponentName caller = saveInstance.caller;            IBinder token = ActivityThread.ActivityClientRecord.token.get(r);            ActivityInfo info = saveInstance.info;            // 如果 token 还没初始化,代表 App 刚刚启动第一个组件            if (VClientImpl.get().getToken() == null) {                VActivityManager.get().processRestarted(info.packageName, info.processName, saveInstance.userId);                getH().sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(Message.obtain(msg));                return false;            }            // AppBindData 为空,则 App 信息不明            if (!VClientImpl.get().isBound()) {                // 初始化并绑定 Application                VClientImpl.get().bindApplication(info.packageName, info.processName);                getH().sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(Message.obtain(msg));                return false;            }            // 获取 TaskId            int taskId = IActivityManager.getTaskForActivity.call(                    ActivityManagerNative.getDefault.call(),                    token,                    false            );            // 1.将 ActivityRecorder 加入 mActivities 2.通知服务端 VAMS Activity 创建完成            VActivityManager.get().onActivityCreate(ComponentUtils.toComponentName(info), caller, token, info, intent, ComponentUtils.getTaskAffinity(info), taskId, info.launchMode, info.flags);            ClassLoader appClassLoader = VClientImpl.get().getClassLoader(info.applicationInfo);            intent.setExtrasClassLoader(appClassLoader);            // 将 Host Stub Activity Intent 替换为原版 Intent            ActivityThread.ActivityClientRecord.intent.set(r, intent);            // 同上            ActivityThread.ActivityClientRecord.activityInfo.set(r, info);            return true;        }

需要注意的是,如果这个 Activity 是这个 Apk 启动的第一个组件,则需要 bindApplication 初始化 Application 操作:

 private void bindApplicationNoCheck(String packageName, String processName, ConditionVariable lock) {        mTempLock = lock;        try {            // 设置未捕获异常的 Callback            setupUncaughtHandler();        } catch (Throwable e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        try {            // 修复 Provider 信息            fixInstalledProviders();        } catch (Throwable e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        mirror.android.os.Build.SERIAL.set(deviceInfo.serial);        mirror.android.os.Build.DEVICE.set(Build.DEVICE.replace(" ", "_"));        ActivityThread.mInitialApplication.set(                VirtualCore.mainThread(),                null        );        // 从 VPMS 获取 apk 信息        AppBindData data = new AppBindData();        InstalledAppInfo info = VirtualCore.get().getInstalledAppInfo(packageName, 0);        if (info == null) {            new Exception("App not exist!").printStackTrace();            Process.killProcess(0);            System.exit(0);        }        // dex 优化的开关,dalvik 和 art 处理不同        if (!info.dependSystem && info.skipDexOpt) {            VLog.d(TAG, "Dex opt skipped.");            if (VirtualRuntime.isArt()) {                ARTUtils.init(VirtualCore.get().getContext());                ARTUtils.setIsDex2oatEnabled(false);            } else {                DalvikUtils.init();                DalvikUtils.setDexOptMode(DalvikUtils.OPTIMIZE_MODE_NONE);            }        }        data.appInfo = VPackageManager.get().getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0, getUserId(vuid));        data.processName = processName;        data.providers = VPackageManager.get().queryContentProviders(processName, getVUid(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);        Log.i(TAG, "Binding application " + data.appInfo.packageName + " (" + data.processName + ")");        mBoundApplication = data;        // 主要设置进程的名字        VirtualRuntime.setupRuntime(data.processName, data.appInfo);        int targetSdkVersion = data.appInfo.targetSdkVersion;        if (targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) {            StrictMode.ThreadPolicy newPolicy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder(StrictMode.getThreadPolicy()).permitNetwork().build();            StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(newPolicy);        }        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {            if (mirror.android.os.StrictMode.sVmPolicyMask != null) {                mirror.android.os.StrictMode.sVmPolicyMask.set(0);            }        }        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {            mirror.android.os.Message.updateCheckRecycle.call(targetSdkVersion);        }        if (VASettings.ENABLE_IO_REDIRECT) {            // IO 重定向            startIOUniformer();        }        // hook native 函数        NativeEngine.hookNative();        Object mainThread = VirtualCore.mainThread();        // 准备 dex 列表        NativeEngine.startDexOverride();        // 获得子 pkg 的 Context 前提是必须在系统中安装的(疑问?)        Context context = createPackageContext(data.appInfo.packageName);        // 设置虚拟机系统环境 临时文件夹 codeCacheDir        System.setProperty("java.io.tmpdir", context.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath());        // oat 的 cache 目录        File codeCacheDir;        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {            codeCacheDir = context.getCodeCacheDir();        } else {            codeCacheDir = context.getCacheDir();        }        // 硬件加速的 cache 目录        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {            if (HardwareRenderer.setupDiskCache != null) {                HardwareRenderer.setupDiskCache.call(codeCacheDir);            }        } else {            if (ThreadedRenderer.setupDiskCache != null) {                ThreadedRenderer.setupDiskCache.call(codeCacheDir);            }        }        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {            if (RenderScriptCacheDir.setupDiskCache != null) {                RenderScriptCacheDir.setupDiskCache.call(codeCacheDir);            }        } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {            if (RenderScript.setupDiskCache != null) {                RenderScript.setupDiskCache.call(codeCacheDir);            }        }        // 修复子 App 中 ActivityThread.AppBinderData 的参数,因为之前用的是在 Host 程序中注册的 Stub 的信息        Object boundApp = fixBoundApp(mBoundApplication);        mBoundApplication.info = ContextImpl.mPackageInfo.get(context);        mirror.android.app.ActivityThread.AppBindData.info.set(boundApp, data.info);        // 同样修复 targetSdkVersion 原来也是可 Host 程序一样的        VMRuntime.setTargetSdkVersion.call(VMRuntime.getRuntime.call(), data.appInfo.targetSdkVersion);        boolean conflict = SpecialComponentList.isConflictingInstrumentation(packageName);        if (!conflict) {            InvocationStubManager.getInstance().checkEnv(AppInstrumentation.class);        }        // 开始构建子程序包的 Application 对象,并且替换原来通过 Host Stub 生成的 mInitialApplication        mInitialApplication = LoadedApk.makeApplication.call(data.info, false, null);        mirror.android.app.ActivityThread.mInitialApplication.set(mainThread, mInitialApplication);        ContextFixer.fixContext(mInitialApplication);        if (data.providers != null) {            // 注册 Providers            installContentProviders(mInitialApplication, data.providers);        }        // 初始化锁开,异步调用的初始化函数可以返回了        if (lock != null) {            lock.open();            mTempLock = null;        }        try {            // 调用 Application.onCreate            mInstrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(mInitialApplication);            InvocationStubManager.getInstance().checkEnv(HCallbackStub.class);            if (conflict) {                InvocationStubManager.getInstance().checkEnv(AppInstrumentation.class);            }            Application createdApp = ActivityThread.mInitialApplication.get(mainThread);            if (createdApp != null) {                mInitialApplication = createdApp;            }        } catch (Exception e) {            if (!mInstrumentation.onException(mInitialApplication, e)) {                throw new RuntimeException(                        "Unable to create application " + mInitialApplication.getClass().getName()                                + ": " + e.toString(), e);            }        }        VActivityManager.get().appDoneExecuting();    }    private void setupUncaughtHandler() {        ThreadGroup root = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();        while (root.getParent() != null) {            root = root.getParent();        }        ThreadGroup newRoot = new RootThreadGroup(root);        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {            final List groups = mirror.java.lang.ThreadGroup.groups.get(root);            //noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter            synchronized (groups) {                List newGroups = new ArrayList<>(groups);                newGroups.remove(newRoot);                mirror.java.lang.ThreadGroup.groups.set(newRoot, newGroups);                groups.clear();                groups.add(newRoot);                mirror.java.lang.ThreadGroup.groups.set(root, groups);                for (ThreadGroup group : newGroups) {                    mirror.java.lang.ThreadGroup.parent.set(group, newRoot);                }            }        } else {            final ThreadGroup[] groups = ThreadGroupN.groups.get(root);            //noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter            synchronized (groups) {                ThreadGroup[] newGroups = groups.clone();                ThreadGroupN.groups.set(newRoot, newGroups);                ThreadGroupN.groups.set(root, new ThreadGroup[]{newRoot});                for (Object group : newGroups) {                    ThreadGroupN.parent.set(group, newRoot);                }                ThreadGroupN.ngroups.set(root, 1);            }        }    }

bindApplication 主要做了以下几个事情:
1. 从 VPMS 获取 APK 的信息,根据设置控制 Dex 优化的开关。
2. 调用 mirror.android.os.Process.setArgV0.call(processName); 设置进程的名称,如果不设置则还是 p0 p1 这样。
3. 做 nativeHook 主要 Hook 一些 native 的函数,主要是一些 IO 函数,包括文件访问重定向等等。
4. 准备一些 cache 临时文件夹。
5. 设置 AppBinderData,AppBinderData 内部包含了 ApplicationInfo 和 provider 信息等重要的 apk 信息。可以理解为 framework 所需要的关键数据结构。
6. 安装 ContentProvider
7. 初始化用户的 Application 对象,并通过 Instrumentation 调用其 onCreate,代表着 Client App 的生命周期正式开始。

最后成功从 StubActivity Intent 还原出来的原版 Intent 被继续交给原生的 AM:

// 将 Host Stub Activity Intent 替换为原版 IntentActivityThread.ActivityClientRecord.intent.set(r, intent);// 同上ActivityThread.ActivityClientRecord.activityInfo.set(r, info);

最后,最后一个 Hook 点在 Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate:

因为 AMS 实际上启动的是 StubActivity 的关系,真正的 Activity 的一些信息还不是其真正的信息,比如主题之类的,所以需要在这个时机修复一下,选择这个时间修复的原因也是因为 Activity 已经被 new 出来了,而且资源已经准备完毕。

public void callActivityOnCreate(Activity activity, Bundle icicle) {        VirtualCore.get().getComponentDelegate().beforeActivityCreate(activity);        IBinder token = mirror.android.app.Activity.mToken.get(activity);        ActivityClientRecord r = VActivityManager.get().getActivityRecord(token);        // 替换 Activity 对象        if (r != null) {            r.activity = activity;        }        ContextFixer.fixContext(activity);        ActivityFixer.fixActivity(activity);        ActivityInfo info = null;        if (r != null) {            info = r.info;        }        // 设置主题和屏幕纵横控制        if (info != null) {            if (info.theme != 0) {                activity.setTheme(info.theme);            }            if (activity.getRequestedOrientation() == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED                    && info.screenOrientation != ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED) {                activity.setRequestedOrientation(info.screenOrientation);            }        }        super.callActivityOnCreate(activity, icicle);        VirtualCore.get().getComponentDelegate().afterActivityCreate(activity);    }

下一章介绍 Service 的代理。 Android 双开沙箱 VirtualApp 源码分析(四)启动插件 Service


  1. android 横竖屏
  2. Android中外部程序调用方法总结
  3. android:configChanges属性
  4. Android之Bluetooth
  5. Android应用程序启动过程源代码分析
  6. Android四大基本组件介绍与生命周期
  7. Android深入浅出之Binder机制
  8. 打包下载Android源码
  9. Android(安卓)Scroller、VelocityTracker


  1. Android之隐式意图(Intent)如何查找匹配
  2. android消息机制总结
  3. Develop--Training(二)Getting Started--
  4. 关于Android的自动化测试,你需要了解的5个
  5. xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.
  6. Android(安卓)apk系列1-------APK签名
  7. CMMB在Android平台上的实现步骤简介
  8. android 之摄像头
  9. Android的几个常见小错误
  10. android应用程序内部通信