In android, we can highlight the button through custom images. Here is a example that will give you about how to set a image when the button is focused, pressed and focused pressed. we can set each image for each stage.
Example for Android Button Highlight :-

01 <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?>
02 <LinearLayoutandroid:id="@+id/LinearLayout01"
03 android:layout_width="fill_parent"
04 android:layout_height="fill_parent"
05 xmlns:android="">
06 // Adding Button to Layout
07 <Buttonandroid:id="@+id/Button01"
08 android:background="@drawable/buttonhighlight"
09 android:layout_height="60px"
10 android:layout_width="100px"></Button>
11 </LinearLayout>

Here “@drawable/buttonhighlight” is a XML file located in res/drawable folder. (see below image blue color highlighted)

Create a XML file in res/drawable folder (ex:- buttonhighlight.xml) and write the code as

01 <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?>
02 <selectorxmlns:android="">
03 // Button Focused
04 <itemandroid:state_focused="true"
05 android:state_pressed="false"
06 android:drawable="@drawable/buttonhighlightfocused"/>
07 // Button Focused Pressed
08 <itemandroid:state_focused="true"
09 android:state_pressed="true"
10 android:drawable="@drawable/buttonhighlightpressed"/>
11 // Button Pressed
12 <itemandroid:state_focused="false"
13 android:state_pressed="true"
14 android:drawable="@drawable/buttonhighlightpressed"/>
15 // Button Default Image
16 <itemandroid:drawable="@drawable/buttonhighlightdefault"/>
17 </selector>

The outputwill looks like


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