I'm trying to run android-studio 1.0 on ubuntu using start up script but as i'm behind proxy the android studio gets stuck at "Fetching android sdk component information" and never downloads it. This occurs when i start android script from /bin/studio.h , at startup android-studio tries to download sdk but as i'm beyond proxy it won't download sdk.

I tried adding -Dhttp.proxyHost= and -Dhttp.proxyport in studio.vmoptions still doesn't fetch sdk. As it gets stuck in the fetching screen i'm unable to get GUI and hence not able to set proxy from GUI as well. Also get this error after starting " WARN - ateSettings.impl.UpdateChecker - Connection failed. Please check your network connection and try again."

Let me know if there is an workaround for this , thanks

Go to the install location, open bin directory, edit the idea.properties, add below line to the file's end:


Then open android studio, set the proxy in configuration and close again.

Remove the line disable.android.first.run=true from idea.properties and open android studio again.

After this, you can work behind a proxy.


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