1、download Android Studio from the offical website


  (You could also check the offical website tips to install the Android Studio.)

  2、Unpack the downloaded Tar file.

$ sudo tar xvf android-studio-bundle-130.687321-linux.tgz -C ~/Software/Android/

  3、turn to the unpack dir

$ cd ~/Software/Android/android-studio/$ cd  bin/

  4、try to run the Android Studio first time

$ sh studio.sh// or $ ./studio.sh

  It would take a minute to download some libs when running the first time.

  5、add the shell script to run the studio backstage. ( Otherwise the studio would catch your terminal and close after you close this terminal.)

$ pwd~/Software/Android/android-studio/bin$ vim androidstart

  add the following messenge to the 'androidstart'

#!/bin/shstudio.sh &

  you couldn't run this script right now, because the PATH isn't useable.

  6、add the PATH to ~/.bashrc

$ vim ~/.bashrc// add the following messege#       android studioexport ANDORID_HOME=/home/username/Software/Android/android-studioexport PATH=${ANDORID_HOME}/bin:$PATH

  7、enjoy it.

$ chmod 775 androidstart$ sudo source ~/.bashrc$ androidstartCtrl + C // the android studio won't close again.

  A small tips to change the backstage of the android studio :

File -> Setting -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Scheme name// change the scheme name to Darcula and click ok// the studio would restart and the backstage changed


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