There are some useful Android components in API demos, which can be integrated into current cross-platform architecture.

1. Text, Linkify/Marquee which is very useful for multiline.
2. View->Auto Complete, every case is important. And the "Contact" case can be used for intelligence address book.
3. View->Controls --> two theme
4..View->Focus, how to make a component unfocusable but can scroll. how to jump over one component for specific orientation.

to optimize:
dropdown field.
global back key.
screensize change.
interface optimize.
enter key in tree.
simply the uiargs mechanism.
1) Tree List can’t move focus when use trackball (Fixed)
2) Focus issue when click the Ui, and when back and click another, will focus on two items. (I have Fixed)
3) Popup of route compare can’t close
4) When switch from touch mode to trackball/key mode, when click the back key, the first time/second time will not be back.
5) How to display the button at the bottom of screen? Such as POI Icon screen (will talk with your guys next week)
6) Width/height of poup is not changed when landscape/portrait switch.
7) S the scrollable when the text is too long and the label is focused, but the scroll is not smooth.
8) Multiline: there is a blank line when lazy load the another parts. The link popup is too large.
9) Multiline: another test case seems that it doesn’t work.
10) The performance of POI List screen is not good. About the kinds of list, could we enlarge the list item > 500, and test the performance? Maybe we need add the lazy load mechanism.
11) Tree, could we have a test that focus on the special tree node when show the tree? working on


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  3. 问题的解决: android sdk 2.1 update中Fa
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