
architecture的解释:n. 建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;建筑艺术;架构。

项目down下来之后,使用git 查看分支就是一个个简单的架构示例

 master  todo-databinding* todo-mvp  todo-mvp-clean  todo-mvp-contentproviders  todo-mvp-dagger  todo-mvp-loaders  todo-mvp-rxjava  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master  remotes/origin/dev-todo-mvp-clean-fix-memory-leak  remotes/origin/dev-todo-mvp-tablet  remotes/origin/dev-todo-mvp-tablet_dialogfragment  remotes/origin/dev-todo-mvvm-databinding  remotes/origin/master  remotes/origin/todo-databinding  remotes/origin/todo-mvp  remotes/origin/todo-mvp-clean  remotes/origin/todo-mvp-contentproviders  remotes/origin/todo-mvp-dagger  remotes/origin/todo-mvp-loaders  remotes/origin/todo-mvp-rxjava


Stable samples

Sample Description
todo‑mvp Demonstrates a basic Model‑View‑Presenter (MVP) architecture and provides a foundation on which the other samples are built. This sample also acts as a reference point for comparing and contrasting the other samples in this project.
todo‑mvp‑loaders Fetches data using the Loaders API.
todo‑databinding Uses the Data Binding Library.
todo‑mvp‑clean Uses concepts from Clean Architecture.
todo‑mvp‑dagger Uses Dagger2 to add support for dependency injection.
todo‑mvp‑contentproviders Based on the todo-mvp-loaders sample, this version fetches data using the Loaders API, and also makes use of content providers.
todo‑mvp‑rxjava Uses RxJava to implement concurrency, and abstract the data layer.

Samples in progress

Sample Description
dev‑todo‑mvp‑tablet Adds a master and detail view for tablets.
dev‑todo‑mvvm‑databinding Based on the todo-databinding sample, this version incorporates the Model‑View‑ViewModel architecture.

For information about planned samples, see “New sample” issues.

External samples

External samples are variants that may not be in sync with the rest of the branches in this repository.

Sample Description
todo‑mvp‑fragmentless Uses View objects instead of Fragment objects.
todo‑mvp‑conductor Uses the Conductor framework to refactor the app to use a single Activity architecture.

简单的说下,”stable samples” 就是稳定的示例;”smaples in progress”就是正在完善开发中的示例;”external samples”就是其他一些开发者fork本项目后做的一些改进版

关于todo app这个项目的内容,它的基本业务:核心就是一个任务列表。包括编辑创建任务(任务属性有标题和内容);勾选已完成的任务;查看所有任务列表,有三种状态,All、Active、Completed;任务统计


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