

Dependencies and Prerequisites

Android 2.1 (API level 7) or higher

YOU should also read

  • Custom Components
  • Input Events
  • Property Animation
  • Hardware Acceleration
  • Accessibilitydeveloper guide

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Create a class that acts like a built-in view, with custom attributes and support from the ADT layout editor.


Make your view visually distinctive using the Android graphics system.


Users expect a view to react smoothly and naturally to input gestures. This lesson discusses how to use gesture detection, physics, and animation to give your user interface a professional feel.


No matter how beautiful your UI is, users won’t love it if it doesn’t run at a consistently high frame rate. Learn how to avoid common performance problems, and how to use hardware acceleration to make your custom drawings run faster.



  1. android 自定义 dialog
  2. android 自定义 dialog
  3. [Android]在Android(安卓)google Map中標出自己的位置
  4. android ndk 安装
  5. android ndk 纵览
  6. Android(安卓)Permission大全
  7. This Android(安卓)SDK requires Android(安卓)Developer Toolki
  8. 【Android随记】-- Android动态加载布局
  9. Android入门学习四:Android系统框架


  1. 利用Unity脚本自定义分辨率实现相机截一
  2. 【C++】深入了解继承方式基础知识及其与
  3. C#/基于Unity 行为树的实现步骤【纯代码
  4. Unity实现脚本插件[Script Create Dialog
  5. 深入理解C#设计模式之策略模式 角色具体
  6. 设计一个c++ 通用链表:实现多态双向的功能
  7. 采用 C# 编写的学委助手详解及实例
  8. C++实现贪吃蛇游戏的详细步骤及实战演示
  9. Thinking in C++ 第一卷阅读全书笔记重点
  10. C/C++区别有哪些?很多人都不知道的比较方