Android SDK and AVD Manager" cannot be made visible because all of its children are in unavailable

Android SDK and AVD Manager" 

cannot be made visible because all of its children are in unavailable command groups.

linux eclipse 安装好android SDK后在eclipse没找到启动图标.

解决:window/customize perspective/Command Groups Availability 勾选Android SDK and AVD Manager


  1. Android获取开机启动程序列表
  2. android startService小例子
  3. Android(安卓)基础
  4. 隐式启动Activity 报ActivityNotFoundException
  5. android 结束进程
  6. Android模拟器无法启动
  7. android studio 3.1 Android(安卓)Device Monitor 新的启动方式
  8. 启动模式详解
  9. 关机充电图标


  1. Binder之bindService
  2. android 增加重启功能
  3. Android 预置APK的权限授予
  4. Windows系统下制作Android开关机动画
  5. android 屏幕上面画线
  6. Android使用NDK进行联网签名认证
  7. android官方资源下载url
  8. iOS与Android对比学之NSNotificationCent
  9. Android 启动app的几种方式
  10. Android(安卓)Studio里面的Build.gradle