• Add Android SDK/NDK tools into PATH (used by native/Makefile).
  • Set environment variable NDK_PLATFORM (used by native/Makefile).
  • Build using: ant -Dos.prefix=android-arm dist.
  • Tests must be run on the target platform, not the build platform.
  • Add dist/jna.jar and/or dist/platform.jar to your application, as needed.
  • If you're using android-maven-plugin, jna.jar can be used as-is (native libraries will be automatically copied into your project).
  • If you're using Google's Eclipse plugin then you must manually remove libjnidispatch.so from jna.jar/lib/armeabi and add it into your project's libs/armeabi directory.
  • See http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=17861 and http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/jni.html for more information.


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