Downloading the Google USB Driver

Figure 1.The SDK and AVD Manager with the Google USB Driver selected.

The USB Driver for Windows is available for download as an optional SDK component. You need the driver only if you are developing on Windows and want to connect an Android-powered device (ADP, Nexus One, or Nexus S) to your development environment over USB.

To download the driver, use the Android SDK and AVD Manager tool that is included with theAndroid SDK:

  1. Launch the SDK and AVD Manager by double-clickingSDK Manager.exe, at the root of your SDK directory.
  2. Expand theThird party Add-onsandGoogle Inc. add-ons.
  3. CheckGoogle Usb Driver packageand clickInstall selected.
  4. Proceed to install the package. When done, the driver files are downloaded into the<sdk>\google-usb_driver\directory.


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