A resource in Android is a file (like a
music file) or a value (like the title of a dialog box) that is bound to an executable
application. These files and values are bound to the executable in such a way that you
can change them without recompiling the application.

String Resources

Android allows you to define strings in one or more XML resource files.

These XML files containing string-resource definitions reside in the /res/values subdirectory.


<? xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8" ?>
< resources >
< string name ="hello" >hello </ string >
< string name ="app_name" >helloappname </ string >
</ resources >

Layout Resources

In Android, the view for a screen is often loaded from an XML file as a resource. These
XML files are called layout resources.A layout resource is a key resource used in
Android UI programming.


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