
* Inflate a new view hierarchy from the specified xml resource. Throws
* {@link InflateException} if there is an error.
* @param resource ID for an XML layout resource to load (e.g.,
* <code>R.layout.main_page</code>)
* @ param root Optional view to be the parent of the generated hierarchy (if
* <em>attachToRoot</em> is true)
, or else simply an object that
* provides a set of LayoutParams values for root of the returned
* hierarchy (if <em>attachToRoot</em> is false.)
* @param attachToRoot Whether the inflated hierarchy should be attached to
* the root parameter? If false, root is only used to create the
* correct subclass of LayoutParams for the root view in the XML.
* @return The root View of the inflated hierarchy. If root was supplied and
* attachToRoot is true, this is root; otherwise it is the root of
* the inflated XML file.
public View inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) {


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