





    <declare-styleable name="DownloadProgressButton">        <attr name="textColor" format="color" />        <attr name="textSize" format="dimension" />        <attr name="progressColor" format="color" />        <attr name="bottomColor" format="color" />        <attr name="topColor" format="color" />        <attr name="progressWidthPercent" format="integer" />    declare-styleable>


/** * Author : BlackHao * Time : 2018/5/18 10:25 * Description : 自定义带圆形进度条下载控件 * Remarks : */public class DownloadProgressButton extends View implements View.OnClickListener {    /**     * 未下载     */    public static final int READY_TO_DOWNLOAD = 0;    /**     * 正在下载     */    public static final int IS_DOWNLOADING = 1;    /**     * 下载完成     */    public static final int FINISH_DOWNLOAD = 2;    /**     * 下载失败     */    public static final int FAIL_DOWNLOAD = 3;    //进度最大值    private int max;    //当前进度    private int progress;    //进度条的颜色    private int progressColor;    //进度条宽度百分比    private int progressWidthPercent;    //底层背景色    private int bottomColor;    //最上层圆的颜色    private int topColor;    //进度文本的颜色    private int textColor;    //进度文本的字体大小    private int textSize;    //进度条画笔    private Paint progressPaint;    //文本画笔    private Paint textPaint;    //用来显示文本的矩形    private Rect textRect;    //当前模式    private int downloadModel = 0;    //    private ProgressChangeListener clickListener;    private Path path;    public DownloadProgressButton(Context context) {        this(context, null, 0);    }    public DownloadProgressButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        this(context, attrs, 0);    }    public DownloadProgressButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);        initDefault();        TypedArray a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.DownloadProgressButton, defStyleAttr, 0);        int n = a.getIndexCount();        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {            int attr = a.getIndex(i);            if (attr == R.styleable.DownloadProgressButton_topColor) {//最上层圆的颜色,默认绿色                topColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.TRANSPARENT);            } else if (attr == R.styleable.DownloadProgressButton_textColor) {//进度文本的颜色                textColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.BLACK);            } else if (attr == R.styleable.DownloadProgressButton_progressColor) {//进度条颜色                progressColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.GREEN);            } else if (attr == R.styleable.DownloadProgressButton_bottomColor) {//背景色                bottomColor = a.getColor(attr, Color.GREEN);            } else if (attr == R.styleable.DownloadProgressButton_textSize) {//进度文本的大小                // 默认设置为16sp,TypeValue也可以把sp转化为px                textSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(                        TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 16, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()));            } else if (attr == R.styleable.DownloadProgressButton_progressWidthPercent) {//进度条宽度占总宽度的百分比                progressWidthPercent = a.getInteger(attr, 50);            }        }        //Recycles the TypedArray        a.recycle();        /*         * 初始化画笔         */        //文本画笔        textPaint = new Paint();        textPaint.setTextSize(textSize);        textPaint.setColor(textColor);        //设置抗锯齿        textPaint.setAntiAlias(true);        //进度条画笔        progressPaint = new Paint();        //设置抗锯齿        progressPaint.setAntiAlias(true);        //初始化textRect        textRect = new Rect();        path = new Path();        //        setOnClickListener(this);    }    /**     * 设置默认值     */    private void initDefault() {        //最上层默认为透明        topColor = Color.TRANSPARENT;        //字体颜色默认为黑色        textColor = Color.BLACK;        //进度条默认为绿色        progressColor = Color.GREEN;        //背景为灰色        bottomColor = Color.GRAY;        //字体大小16        textSize = 16;        //进度0        progress = 0;        //最大进度100        max = 100;        //进度条宽度比例50        progressWidthPercent = 50;    }    @Override    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {        super.onDraw(canvas);        //canvas的宽高        int width = getWidth();        int height = getHeight();        //中点        int centerX = getWidth() / 2;        int centerY = getHeight() / 2;        //获取宽高中较短的作为底层圆的半径        int bottomRadius = width > height ? getHeight() / 2 : getWidth() / 2;        //下载边框宽度        int circleWidth = bottomRadius / 5;        switch (downloadModel) {            case READY_TO_DOWNLOAD:                //绘制下载按钮                progressPaint.setColor(Color.GRAY);                progressPaint.setStrokeWidth(circleWidth);                //绘制圆                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);                canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, bottomRadius - circleWidth / 2, progressPaint);                //绘制三角箭头                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);                canvas.drawLine(centerX, centerY, centerX, centerY - bottomRadius / 2, progressPaint);                //绘制三角形                path.reset();                path.moveTo(centerX - bottomRadius / 2, centerY);// 此点为多边形的起点                path.lineTo(centerX + bottomRadius / 2, centerY);                path.lineTo(centerX, centerY + bottomRadius / 2);                path.close(); // 使这些点构成封闭的多边形                canvas.drawPath(path, progressPaint);                break;            case IS_DOWNLOADING:                //进度条宽度占的比例                double scale = progressWidthPercent / 100.00;                //这四个参数用来drawText以及drawArc                int top = centerY - bottomRadius;                int bottom = centerY + bottomRadius;                int left = centerX - bottomRadius;                int right = centerX + bottomRadius;                //显示的进度                int showProgress = progress * 100 / max;                //绘制最底层的大圆(空心圆)                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);                progressPaint.setColor(bottomColor);                //大圆的宽度刚好等于进度条的宽度                int strokeWidth = (int) (bottomRadius * scale);                progressPaint.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth);                //这里要考虑到strokeWidth的长度                canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, bottomRadius - strokeWidth / 2, progressPaint);                //根据进度绘制进度条                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);                progressPaint.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth);                progressPaint.setColor(progressColor);                //起始角度为-90度才是从正上方开始画                canvas.drawArc(left + strokeWidth / 2, top + strokeWidth / 2, right - strokeWidth / 2, bottom - strokeWidth / 2,                        -90, 360 * showProgress / 100, false, progressPaint);                //绘制最上层的圆(实心圆)                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);                int topRadius = (int) (bottomRadius * (1 - scale));                progressPaint.setColor(topColor);                //设置边框宽度                progressPaint.setStrokeWidth(0);                canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, topRadius, progressPaint);                //在圆的中央显示进度文本                textRect.set(left, top, right, bottom);                drawTextOnRect(canvas, textRect, showProgress + " %");                break;            case FINISH_DOWNLOAD:                //绘制下载完成                progressPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN);                progressPaint.setStrokeWidth(circleWidth);                //绘制圆                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);                canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, bottomRadius - circleWidth / 2, progressPaint);                //绘制完成符号(√)                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);                canvas.drawLine(centerX, centerY + bottomRadius / 2, centerX - bottomRadius / 2, centerY, progressPaint);                canvas.drawLine(centerX - circleWidth / 2, centerY + bottomRadius / 2, centerX + bottomRadius / 2, centerY - bottomRadius / 2, progressPaint);                break;            case FAIL_DOWNLOAD:                //下载失败                progressPaint.setColor(Color.RED);                progressPaint.setStrokeWidth(circleWidth);                //绘制圆                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);                canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, bottomRadius - circleWidth / 2, progressPaint);                //绘制完成符号(X)                progressPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);                canvas.drawLine(centerX - bottomRadius / 2, centerY - bottomRadius / 2, centerX + bottomRadius / 2, centerY + bottomRadius / 2, progressPaint);                canvas.drawLine(centerX - bottomRadius / 2, centerY + bottomRadius / 2, centerX + bottomRadius / 2, centerY - bottomRadius / 2, progressPaint);                break;        }    }    @Override    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);        int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);        int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);        int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);        int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);        //计算View的宽高        int width = widthSize, height = heightSize;        if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {            //指定大小或者match_parent            width = widthSize;        } else if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {            //wrap_content            width = 100;        }        if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {            //指定大小或者match_parent            height = heightSize;        } else if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {            //wrap_content            height = 100;        }        setMeasuredDimension(width, height);    }    /**     * 在指定矩形中间drawText     *     * @param canvas     画布     * @param targetRect 指定矩形     * @param text       需要绘制的 Text     */    private void drawTextOnRect(Canvas canvas, Rect targetRect, String text) {        Paint.FontMetricsInt fontMetrics = textPaint.getFontMetricsInt();        // 获取baseLine        int baseline = targetRect.top + (targetRect.bottom - targetRect.top - fontMetrics.bottom + fontMetrics.top) / 2 - fontMetrics.top;        // 下面这行是实现水平居中,drawText对应改为传入targetRect.centerX()        textPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER);        canvas.drawText(text, targetRect.centerX(), baseline, textPaint);    }    public int getProgress() {        return progress;    }    public void setProgress(int progress) {        this.progress = progress;        if (progress == max) {            downloadModel = FINISH_DOWNLOAD;            //完成回调结果            if (clickListener != null) {                clickListener.onSuccess(this);            }        } else if (progress == 0) {            downloadModel = READY_TO_DOWNLOAD;        } else if (progress > 0 && progress < max) {            downloadModel = IS_DOWNLOADING;        }else {            downloadModel = FAIL_DOWNLOAD;            //完成回调结果            if (clickListener != null) {                clickListener.onFailed(this);            }        }        postInvalidate();    }    public int getProgressColor() {        return progressColor;    }    public void setProgressColor(int progressColor) {        this.progressColor = progressColor;        postInvalidate();    }    public int getBottomColor() {        return bottomColor;    }    public int getProgressWidthPercent() {        return progressWidthPercent;    }    public void setProgressWidthPercent(int progressWidthPercent) {        this.progressWidthPercent = progressWidthPercent;        postInvalidate();    }    public void setBottomColor(int bottomColor) {        this.bottomColor = bottomColor;        postInvalidate();    }    public int getTopColor() {        return topColor;    }    public void setTopColor(int topColor) {        this.topColor = topColor;        postInvalidate();    }    public int getTextColor() {        return textColor;    }    public void setTextColor(int textColor) {        this.textColor = textColor;        postInvalidate();    }    public int getTextSize() {        return textSize;    }    public void setTextSize(int textSize) {        this.textSize = textSize;        postInvalidate();    }    public void setClickListener(ProgressChangeListener clickListener) {        this.clickListener = clickListener;    }    @Override    public void onClick(View v) {        if (clickListener != null) {            clickListener.onPbClick(v, downloadModel);        }    }    /**     * 点击/下载完成(失败) 回调     */    public interface ProgressChangeListener {        //点击监听        void onPbClick(View view, int model);        //下载成功        void onSuccess(View view);        //下载失败        void onFailed(View view);    }}


1.源码github地址 : https://github.com/LuoChen-Hao/BlackHaoCustomView


  1. Android通过自定义View实现心形(贝塞尔曲线)
  2. 一步一步学android OpenGL ES2.0编程(1)
  3. Android(安卓)开发之RecyclerView的使用
  4. Android(安卓)自定义View视图
  5. Android(安卓)opengl es 2.0怎么学习
  6. Android学习――HorizontalScollview水平滚动控件
  7. 【UI交互效果】android UI效果二: 给选中的图片加边框
  8. Android使用Canvas绘制圆形进度条效果
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