if you have wifi in home, it is easy to share media files via nfs instead of copying files to sd card(sd card is unstable with fat filesystem, crashed if you unconnect it when copying files)

1. overview


ubuntu 10.04


htc magic android 2.2.1

kernel 2.6.35-9

mod version cyanogenmod-6.1.0-DS

android mount command do not support nfs,compile busybox for mount command using toolchains that support eabi(known as arm-eabi-*)

2. details

2.1 pc:

1. configure nfs server

1.1 #sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap

1.2 #sudo dpkg-reconfigure portmap

after run, choose no

1.3 edit /etc/exports

/nfs-share *(rw, sync)

1.4 update exports

#sudo exportfs -r

1.5 restart nfs service

#service portmap restart

#service /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

1.6 test mount in local pc

#sudo mount NFS-SERVER-IP:/nfs-share /MOUNT-POINT

check by mount, if mounted, then umount it.

#umount /MOUNT-POINT

2.2 build busybox

2.2.1. download busyboxhttp://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-1.18.0.tar.bz2

2. 2.2 configure your toolchain environment, for example


2.2.3 make, asume prefix of cross compiler is "arm-linux-"

#make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- menuconfig

(1) . select built option "Build BusyBox as a static binary(no shared libs)"

(2). installation options "Don't use /usr"

#make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-

and then make install to "./_install"

2.3 copy busybox to your phone

2.3.1 make sure you have install android sdk, if installed, put tools to your PATH

for example: export PATH=/media/develop/android-sdk/android-sdk-linux_86/tools:$PATH

2.3.2 connect phone to pc using usb cable, and enable USB debugging(Settings/Application/Development)

#adb usb

#adb shell

#mkdir /data/busybox


#adb push ./_install/ /data/busybox/

#adb shell

#export PATH=/data/busybox/bin:/data/busybox/sbin:$PATH

now, you can test in shell to mount your pc share

#mkdir /sdcard/server

#mount -t nfs NFS-SERVER-IP:/nfs-share /sdcard/server -o nolock

2.4 mount in phone

install Terminal Emulator, set initial command to export busybox bin path. same in adb shell.


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