1.this libaray is base onAsyncTask,AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.

2.Iencapsulate http request params into Request . you can access the cloud like this:

finalRequest request =newRequest(url);// link url , the default constructor is GET request

request.addHeader("accept", "application/json"); // set request headers

request.addPostParams(key, value); // set post content

request.setRequestListener(newIRequestListener() {// when the AsyncTask execute , it will callback let code to handle something


publicvoidonProgressUpdate(intstatus,intcurPos,inttotalPos) {// callback to update UI progress


publicvoidonPreExecute() { // callback , this is in UI thread , you may show progress or do sth prepare



publicvoidonPostExecute() { // callback , this is in UI thread , you may show the tips that http has done



publicvoidonPrepareParams(OutputStream out) { // callback , you can use OutputStream to push the post content yourself



publicvoidonCancelled() { // callback , this is in UI thread , you may show that the http connection has been cancelled



publicvoidonBeforeDoingBackground() { // callback , this is in Sub thread , you may do sth preparation , like query db , prepare the post params.



publicObject onAfterDoingBackground(Object object) { // callback , this is in Sub thread, you may do sth that insert/update db , create files .etc




request.setCallback(newJsonCallback<Companies>() {// callback , this is in UI thread , will return the data that http response.


publicvoidonCallback(Companies callback) {// the callback can be DTOs , path that write data into file , or just String data

for(Company company : callback.companies) {



assertTrue(callback.companies.size() > 0);



publicvoidonFailure(Exception e) {// e can be CloudException , AbortException or other RuntimeException




.setFilePath(path) // if you want save the data into file first , you can setFilePath(path).

);// setReturnType , if you want callback to return you the exactly DTO , pls set the Class and use JsonCallback , it will deserialize automatically , and return object to you

request.execute();// execute the code to http access. if you just for test ,pls call request.test() . this method is only for test .




网络请求有Get Post。。为了低耦合,基本都要拆开,比如我会用HttpClient 也可能用HttpUrlConnection.那么写个HttpUtil用来封装http的请求代码。这里定义一个execute()方法,在这个方法里判断是get还是post请求,再去call get() post() 方法,那么post请求需要push data到服务器,所以你要把params设置到Request中,有可能你需要push file到服务器,所以我添加了一个回调方法,把OutputStream传回去,手动的把file flush到Stream中。

在AsyncTask中,在doingBackground()方法中execute http,然后再调用AbstractCallback预先处理服务器返回的InputStream,如果data不大,可以直接写到内存变成String返回,如果data比较大,建议写到tmp文件里,把path返回,在不同的callback里再处理。所以就会有不同的callback,StringCallback PathCallback JsonCallback 你也可以根据你的特殊需求来定义不同的callback,你也可以在callback里将数据deserialize到database中。这样创建一个网络请求代码就会非常轻松。


public Object handleConnection(HttpURLConnection response,

IProgressListener task) throws Exception {

try {


int statusCode = response.getResponseCode();

long contentLength = response.getContentLength();

InputStream in = null;

if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {

String encoding = response.getContentEncoding();

if (encoding != null && "gzip".equals(encoding))

in = new GZIPInputStream(response.getInputStream());

else if (encoding != null && "deflate".equals(encoding))

in = new InflaterInputStream(response.getInputStream());


in = response.getInputStream();

// if set path , write the data into file

if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(path)) {

FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path);

byte[] b = new byte[IO_BUFFER_SIZE];

int curPos = 0;

int read;

while ((read = in.read(b)) != -1) {


if (task != null) {

curPos += read;



curPos / 1000, contentLength == -1 ? -1

: (int) (contentLength / 1000));


fos.write(b, 0, read);





return bindData(path, task);

} else {

return bindData(

new String(IOUtilities.readStreamToMemory(in)), task);


} else {

throw new CloudException(statusCode,

response.getResponseMessage(), new String(




} finally {

if (response != null) {


response = null;







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