
如果你删除 Android Emulator 提示 The selected AVD is currently running in the Emulator !那么你可以继续看下去!

处理方法还是蛮简单, Stackoverflow 已经给出解决方法

In Linux/*nix and OSX:Find the .android folder in your $HOME directory.In .android there should be a avd folderIn the avd folder should be one or multiple .ini file and a corresponding *.avd virtual device folder.Delete both the .ini file and the .avd folder you want to get rid of.Return to the Android sdk and AVD manager.

简单来说到用户根目录下(~/.android/avd)删除与 Emulator 同名 .ini 文件和 avd 虚拟设备文件夹.

MacBook:avd john$ pwd/Users/john/.android/avdMacBook:avd john$ lltotal 8drwxr-xr-x  13 john  staff  442  4 11 01:07 Nexus_5_API_16.avd-rw-r--r--   1 john  staff  122  4 11 01:07 Nexus_5_API_16.ini

因为只有一个虚拟机所以直接 rm -rf * 即可!

Can't delete virtual device from Eclipse, android


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