A Google Android and Java history lesson 有关谷歌Android和Java历史的一课 By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols | September 8, 2011, 7:53am PDT 发表于:2011年9月9日 北京时间08:00
Summary: Despite what you may have heard, there’s really no news about how Google handles its Android open-source code development. Still, while Google’s path may be both legal and good for business, it’s not always good for developers. 摘要:也许你听到过好多,但其实有关Google如何处置其Android开源代码开发的新闻,从来就不是什么新闻。诚然Google的路线可能是既合法又具有商业价值的,但它是对开发者们的伤害。
Recently, some people were shocked-shocked I tell you-to discover that Google had looked at Java to help create Android’s Dalvik and that Google kept its Android source code to itself and its closest partners until the final product was released to the public. Oh please. There’s nothing new here. It’s always been that way and everyone who knows anything about Android’s history already knew that. 最近,有人为发现谷歌原来是想通过Java来帮助创建 Android的Dalvik虚拟机、谷歌在最终产品发布之前 只将其Android源代码提供给自己的最近合作伙伴等新闻而感到震惊。其实不必。他们其实早不是什么新闻了。它一直都是这样;每一个对Android历史有一点点了解的人,早都猜到了这个结局。

英文原文: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/open-source/a-google-android-and-java-history-lesson/9499
译文原文: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=62598&forum=72
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