Android -- StateMachine瑙f瀽

Android涓紝涓轰簡绠$悊Wifi鍚勪釜杩囩▼鐨勭姸鎬侊紝鎻愬嚭浜嗙姸鎬佹満锛屽嵆StateMachine鐨勬蹇点€備娇鐢⊿tateMachine锛屽彲浠ュ皢绻佹潅鐨勮繃绋嬬粏鍖栦负涓€涓釜鍒嗘敮鐘舵€侊紝鏄撲簬绠$悊锛屽苟涓斾唬鐮佺殑缁撴瀯涔熸洿娓呮櫚锛屾槗浜庨槄璇汇€俉ifiStateMachine.java鏂囦欢灏卞畾涔変簡杩欐牱涓€涓粨鏋勫寲鐘舵€佹満锛屽畠绠$悊Wifi椹卞姩鍔犺浇銆佽繛鎺ャ€佹壂鎻忎互鍙婃柇寮€绛夊悇涓姸鎬併€傛湰鏂囧氨浠ifiStateMachine涓哄叆鍙f潵绠€瑕佸垎鏋怱tateMachine(WiFiController瀹為檯涓婁篃瀹氫箟浜嗕竴涓粨鏋勫寲鐘舵€佹満)鐨勫疄鐜板師鐞嗐€? 杩欓噷璇寸殑姣忎竴涓猻tate閮芥槸涓€涓猄tate绫诲璞★紝瀹冨繀椤诲疄鐜皃rocessMessage鏂规硶锛屼絾enter/exit/getName鏂规硶鏄惁瀹炵幇鏄彲閫夌殑锛岃繖瀹屽叏鍙栧喅浜庤璁¤€呯殑闇€瑕併€俥nter/exit鏂规硶鐩稿綋浜庨潰鍚戝璞$紪绋嬩腑鐨勬瀯閫犲拰鏋愭瀯杩囩▼锛屽畠浠粡甯歌鐢ㄤ簬鎵ц鏌愪釜state鐨勭浉鍏冲垵濮嬪寲鍜屾竻鐞嗗伐浣溿€俫etName()鏂规硶涓€鑸敤鏉ヨ繑鍥炴煇涓猻tate鐨勫悕瀛椼€? State绫荤殑鍏蜂綋瀹炵幇濡備笅锛?
/** * {@hide} * * The class for implementing states in a StateMachine */public class State implements IState {    /**     * Constructor     */    protected State() {    }    /* (non-Javadoc)     * @see     */    @Override    public void enter() {    }    /* (non-Javadoc)     * @see     */    @Override    public void exit() {    }    /* (non-Javadoc)     * @see     */    @Override    public boolean processMessage(Message msg) {        return false;    }    /**     * Name of State for debugging purposes.     *     * This default implementation returns the class name, returning     * the instance name would better in cases where a State class     * is used for multiple states. But normally there is one class per     * state and the class name is sufficient and easy to get. You may     * want to provide a setName or some other mechanism for setting     * another name if the class name is not appropriate.     *     * @see     */    @Override    public String getName() {        String name = getClass().getName();        int lastDollar = name.lastIndexOf('$');        return name.substring(lastDollar + 1);    }
public class WifiStateMachine extends StateMachine implements WifiNative.WifiPnoEventHandler {...}
public WifiStateMachine(Context context, String wlanInterface,WifiTrafficPoller trafficPoller) {        ...        addState(mDefaultState);            addState(mInitialState, mDefaultState);            addState(mSupplicantStartingState, mDefaultState);            addState(mSupplicantStartedState, mDefaultState);                addState(mDriverStartingState, mSupplicantStartedState);                addState(mDriverStartedState, mSupplicantStartedState);                    addState(mScanModeState, mDriverStartedState);                    addState(mConnectModeState, mDriverStartedState);                        addState(mL2ConnectedState, mConnectModeState);                            addState(mObtainingIpState, mL2ConnectedState);                            addState(mVerifyingLinkState, mL2ConnectedState);                            addState(mConnectedState, mL2ConnectedState);                            addState(mRoamingState, mL2ConnectedState);                        addState(mDisconnectingState, mConnectModeState);                        addState(mDisconnectedState, mConnectModeState);                        addState(mWpsRunningState, mConnectModeState);                addState(mWaitForP2pDisableState, mSupplicantStartedState);                addState(mDriverStoppingState, mSupplicantStartedState);                addState(mDriverStoppedState, mSupplicantStartedState);            addState(mSupplicantStoppingState, mDefaultState);            addState(mSoftApStartingState, mDefaultState);            addState(mSoftApStartedState, mDefaultState);                addState(mTetheringState, mSoftApStartedState);                addState(mTetheredState, mSoftApStartedState);                addState(mUntetheringState, mSoftApStartedState);        setInitialState(mInitialState);        setLogRecSize(ActivityManager.isLowRamDeviceStatic() ? 100 : 3000);        setLogOnlyTransitions(false);        if (VDBG) setDbg(true);        //start the state machine        start();        ...}
  1. 鍒涘缓鏌愪簺缁ф壙鑷猄tate鐨勭被锛屼唬琛ㄦ垜浠娣诲姞鐨勭姸鎬?/li>
  2. 璋冪敤addState()鏂规硶锛屾坊鍔犵姸鎬佹満
  3. 璋冪敤setInitialState()璁剧疆鍒濆鐘舵€?/li>
  4. 璋冪敤start()鏂规硶锛屽紑鍚姸鎬佹満
    class InitialState extends State {        @Override        public void enter() {            WifiNative.stopHal();            mWifiNative.unloadDriver();            if (mWifiP2pChannel == null) {                mWifiP2pChannel = new AsyncChannel();                mWifiP2pChannel.connect(mContext, getHandler(),                    mWifiP2pServiceImpl.getP2pStateMachineMessenger());            }            if (mWifiApConfigChannel == null) {                mWifiApConfigChannel = new AsyncChannel();                mWifiApConfigStore = WifiApConfigStore.makeWifiApConfigStore(                        mContext, getHandler());                mWifiApConfigStore.loadApConfiguration();                mWifiApConfigChannel.connectSync(mContext, getHandler(),                        mWifiApConfigStore.getMessenger());            }            if (mWifiConfigStore.enableHalBasedPno.get()) {                // make sure developer Settings are in sync with the config option                mHalBasedPnoEnableInDevSettings = true;            }        }        @Override        public boolean processMessage(Message message) {            logStateAndMessage(message, getClass().getSimpleName());            switch (message.what) {                case CMD_START_SUPPLICANT:                    if (mWifiNative.loadDriver()) {                        try {                            mNwService.wifiFirmwareReload(mInterfaceName, "STA");                        } catch (Exception e) {                            loge("Failed to reload STA firmware " + e);                            // Continue                        }                        try {                            // A runtime crash can leave the interface up and                            // IP addresses configured, and this affects                            // connectivity when supplicant starts up.                            // Ensure interface is down and we have no IP                            // addresses before a supplicant start.                            mNwService.setInterfaceDown(mInterfaceName);                            mNwService.clearInterfaceAddresses(mInterfaceName);                            // Set privacy extensions                            mNwService.setInterfaceIpv6PrivacyExtensions(mInterfaceName, true);                            // IPv6 is enabled only as long as access point is connected since:                            // - IPv6 addresses and routes stick around after disconnection                            // - kernel is unaware when connected and fails to start IPv6 negotiation                            // - kernel can start autoconfiguration when 802.1x is not complete                            mNwService.disableIpv6(mInterfaceName);                        } catch (RemoteException re) {                            loge("Unable to change interface settings: " + re);                        } catch (IllegalStateException ie) {                            loge("Unable to change interface settings: " + ie);                        }                       /* Stop a running supplicant after a runtime restart                        * Avoids issues with drivers that do not handle interface down                        * on a running supplicant properly.                        */                        mWifiMonitor.killSupplicant(mP2pSupported);                        if (WifiNative.startHal() == false) {                            /* starting HAL is optional */                            loge("Failed to start HAL");                        }                        if (mWifiNative.startSupplicant(mP2pSupported)) {                            setWifiState(WIFI_STATE_ENABLING);                            if (DBG) log("Supplicant start successful");                            mWifiMonitor.startMonitoring();                            transitionTo(mSupplicantStartingState);                        } else {                            loge("Failed to start supplicant!");                        }                    } else {                        loge("Failed to load driver");                    }                    break;                case CMD_START_AP:                    if (mWifiNative.loadDriver() == false) {                        loge("Failed to load driver for softap");                    } else {                        if (enableSoftAp() == true) {                            setWifiApState(WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLING, 0);                            transitionTo(mSoftApStartingState);                        } else {                            setWifiApState(WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED,                                    WifiManager.SAP_START_FAILURE_GENERAL);                            transitionTo(mInitialState);                        }                    }                    break;                default:                    return NOT_HANDLED;            }            return HANDLED;        }    }
杩欐槸WifiStateMachine涓璉nitialState绫荤殑瀹炵幇銆? 涓嬮潰鎴戜滑鐪媋ddState()鏂规硶銆俉ifiStateMachine缁ф壙鑷猄tateMachine锛岃皟鐢╝ddState()瀹為檯涓婃槸璋冪敤鐖剁被涓殑鍚屽悕鏂规硶锛?
    /**     * Add a new state to the state machine, parent will be null     * @param state to add     */    protected final void addState(State state) {        mSmHandler.addState(state, null);    }
/**         * Add a new state to the state machine. Bottom up addition         * of states is allowed but the same state may only exist         * in one hierarchy.         *         * @param state the state to add         * @param parent the parent of state         * @return stateInfo for this state         */        private final StateInfo addState(State state, State parent) {            if (mDbg) {                mSm.log("addStateInternal: E state=" + state.getName() + ",parent="                        + ((parent == null) ? "" : parent.getName()));            }            StateInfo parentStateInfo = null;            if (parent != null) {                parentStateInfo = mStateInfo.get(parent);                if (parentStateInfo == null) {                    // Recursively add our parent as it's not been added yet.                    parentStateInfo = addState(parent, null);                }            }            StateInfo stateInfo = mStateInfo.get(state);            if (stateInfo == null) {                stateInfo = new StateInfo();                mStateInfo.put(state, stateInfo);            }            // Validate that we aren't adding the same state in two different hierarchies.            if ((stateInfo.parentStateInfo != null)                    && (stateInfo.parentStateInfo != parentStateInfo)) {                throw new RuntimeException("state already added");            }            stateInfo.state = state;            stateInfo.parentStateInfo = parentStateInfo;   = false;            if (mDbg) mSm.log("addStateInternal: X stateInfo: " + stateInfo);            return stateInfo;        }
        /**true if StateMachine has quit */        private boolean mHasQuit = false;        /** The debug flag */        private boolean mDbg = false;        /** The SmHandler object, identifies that message is internal */        private static final Object mSmHandlerObj = new Object();        /** The current message */        private Message mMsg;        /** A list of log records including messages this state machine has processed */        private LogRecords mLogRecords = new LogRecords();        /** true if construction of the state machine has not been completed */        private boolean mIsConstructionCompleted;        /** Stack used to manage the current hierarchy of states */        private StateInfo mStateStack[];        /** Top of mStateStack */        private int mStateStackTopIndex = -1;        /** A temporary stack used to manage the state stack */        private StateInfo mTempStateStack[];        /** The top of the mTempStateStack */        private int mTempStateStackCount;        /** State used when state machine is halted */        private HaltingState mHaltingState = new HaltingState();        /** State used when state machine is quitting */        private QuittingState mQuittingState = new QuittingState();        /** Reference to the StateMachine */        private StateMachine mSm;        /**         * Information about a state.         * Used to maintain the hierarchy.         */        private class StateInfo {            /** The state */            State state;            /** The parent of this state, null if there is no parent */            StateInfo parentStateInfo;            /** True when the state has been entered and on the stack */            boolean active;            /**             * Convert StateInfo to string             */            @Override            public String toString() {                return "state=" + state.getName() + ",active=" + active + ",parent="                        + ((parentStateInfo == null) ? "null" : parentStateInfo.state.getName());            }        }        /** The map of all of the states in the state machine */        private HashMap mStateInfo = new HashMap();        /** The initial state that will process the first message */        private State mInitialState;        /** The destination state when transitionTo has been invoked */        private State mDestState;
鏍规嵁娉ㄩ噴鎴戜滑鍙煡瀹冧滑浠h〃鐨勫惈涔夛紝杩欓噷灏变笉鍦ㄨ禈杩般€? 鎴戜滑鍒嗘瀽addState()鐨勫疄鐜帮紝WifiStateMachine涓姸鎬佹満鏁伴噺澶氥€佸お澶嶆潅銆備负鍒嗘瀽鏋勫缓杩囩▼锛屾垜浠互婧愮爜涓彁渚涚殑涓€涓緥瀛愪綔涓烘湰鏂囩殑绀轰緥锛? 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽mP0
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽/ 聽 聽 聽 聽 \
聽 聽 聽 聽 mP1 聽 mS0
聽 聽 聽 聽/ 聽 聽 聽 \
聽 聽 聽 mS2 聽 mS1
聽 聽 聽/ 聽 聽 聽 聽\ 聽 聽 聽 聽\
聽 聽 mS3 聽mS4 聽mS5 聽---> initial state
addState(mP0);addState(mP1, mP0);addState(mS2, mP1);addState(mS3, mS2);addState(mS4, mS2);addState(mS1, mP1);addState(mS5, mP1);addState(mS0, mP0);setInitialState(mS5);start();
鍦╝ddState()鏂规硶涓紝棣栧厛鍒ゆ柇鍔犲叆鐨剆tate鐨勭埗state鏄惁涓虹┖锛涗笉涓虹┖锛屾帴鐫€纭畾鐖秙tate鏄惁宸茬粡娣诲姞鍒板眰娆$粨鏋勪腑锛屽鏋滄病鏈夊垯閫掑綊璋冪敤addState()鏂规硶锛屾坊鍔犵埗state锛涗负绌猴紝鍒欒鏄庤繖涓猻tate鏄暣涓姸鎬佹満鏍戠粨鏋勭殑椤剁偣锛屽垱寤哄畠鐨剆tateInfo瀵硅薄锛屾坊鍔犲埌mStateInfo杩欎釜HashMap缁撴瀯涓紝瀹冧繚鎸佷簡鐘舵€佹満鐨勫眰娆$粨鏋勬€с€係tateInfo鐨刟ctive灞炴€ф爣绀鸿state鐨別nter鏂规硶鏄惁琚墽琛屻€? 姣忎釜StateInfo閮戒繚瀛樹簡褰撳墠鐨勭姸鎬佸拰瀹冪殑鐖剁姸鎬佷俊鎭€傛垜浠粠mStateInfo鎴彇mP0鍒癿S2鐨勭姸鎬佷俊鎭潵鍒嗘瀽瀹冩€庝箞淇濇寔鍚勪釜鐘舵€佷箣闂寸殑鑱旂郴鐨勶細
HashMap mStateInfo
Stae StateInfo
聽 聽聽mP0 state = mP0, parentStateInfo 娌℃湁淇℃伅锛屾牴鑺傜偣
聽 聽聽mP1 state = mP1, parentStateinfo = mP0鐨凷tateInfo
聽 聽聽mS2 state = mS2, parenetStateInfo = mP1鐨凷tateInfo
杩欓噷鎴戜滑鍙煡锛屽湪鐘舵€佹満缁撴瀯涓紝浠庢煇涓瓙鑺傜偣寮€濮嬶紝鎴戜滑閮借兘渚濋潬杩欑鑱旂郴璁块棶鍒板畠灞傛浠ヤ笂鐨勬墍鏈夌埗鑺傜偣銆? 娣诲姞瀹屽悇涓姸鎬佸悗锛屽氨鏄缃垵濮嬭妭鐐癸細
    protected final void setInitialState(State initialState) {        mSmHandler.setInitialState(initialState);    }
        /** @see StateMachine#setInitialState(State) */        private final void setInitialState(State initialState) {            if (mDbg) mSm.log("setInitialState: initialState=" + initialState.getName());            mInitialState = initialState;        }
    public void start() {        // mSmHandler can be null if the state machine has quit.        SmHandler smh = mSmHandler;        if (smh == null) return;        /** Send the complete construction message */        smh.completeConstruction();    }
/**         * Complete the construction of the state machine.         */        private final void completeConstruction() {            if (mDbg) mSm.log("completeConstruction: E");            /**             * Determine the maximum depth of the state hierarchy             * so we can allocate the state stacks.             */            int maxDepth = 0;            for (StateInfo si : mStateInfo.values()) {                int depth = 0;                for (StateInfo i = si; i != null; depth++) {                    i = i.parentStateInfo;                }                if (maxDepth < depth) {                    maxDepth = depth;                }            }            if (mDbg) mSm.log("completeConstruction: maxDepth=" + maxDepth);            mStateStack = new StateInfo[maxDepth];            mTempStateStack = new StateInfo[maxDepth];            setupInitialStateStack();            /** Sending SM_INIT_CMD message to invoke enter methods asynchronously */            sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(obtainMessage(SM_INIT_CMD, mSmHandlerObj));            if (mDbg) mSm.log("completeConstruction: X");        }
/**         * Initialize StateStack to mInitialState.         */        private final void setupInitialStateStack() {            if (mDbg) {                mSm.log("setupInitialStateStack: E mInitialState=" + mInitialState.getName());            }            StateInfo curStateInfo = mStateInfo.get(mInitialState);            for (mTempStateStackCount = 0; curStateInfo != null; mTempStateStackCount++) {                mTempStateStack[mTempStateStackCount] = curStateInfo;                curStateInfo = curStateInfo.parentStateInfo;            }            // Empty the StateStack            mStateStackTopIndex = -1;            moveTempStateStackToStateStack();        }
/**         * Move the contents of the temporary stack to the state stack         * reversing the order of the items on the temporary stack as         * they are moved.         *         * @return index into mStateStack where entering needs to start         */        private final int moveTempStateStackToStateStack() {            int startingIndex = mStateStackTopIndex + 1;            int i = mTempStateStackCount - 1;            int j = startingIndex;            while (i >= 0) {                if (mDbg) mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: i=" + i + ",j=" + j);                mStateStack[j] = mTempStateStack[i];                j += 1;                i -= 1;            }            mStateStackTopIndex = j - 1;            if (mDbg) {                mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=" + mStateStackTopIndex                        + ",startingIndex=" + startingIndex + ",Top="                        + mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state.getName());            }            return startingIndex;        }
璇ユ柟娉曚富瑕佹妸mTempStateStack鏁扮粍涓繚瀛樼殑淇℃伅閫嗗簭鍐嶄繚瀛樺埌mStateStack鏁扮粍涓€? 鍦ㄦ垜浠繖涓ず渚嬩腑锛? mTempStateStack[ ]鏁扮粍鐨勫唴瀹规槸锛歮S5_StateInfo, mS1_StateInfo, mP1_StateInfo, mP0_StateInfo. mStateStack[ ]鏁扮粍鐨勫唴瀹规槸锛歮P0_StateInfo, mP1_StateInfo, mS1_StateInfo, mS5_StateInfo.
鍥炲埌completeConstruction()鏂规硶涓紝鏈€鍚庤皟鐢╯endMessageAtFrontOfQueue(obtainMessage(SM_INIT_CMD, mSmHandlerObj))鍚慡mHandler鍙戦€佷竴涓秷鎭紝澶勭悊濡備笅锛?
/**         * Handle messages sent to the state machine by calling         * the current state's processMessage. It also handles         * the enter/exit calls and placing any deferred messages         * back onto the queue when transitioning to a new state.         */        @Override        public final void handleMessage(Message msg) {            if (!mHasQuit) {                if (mDbg) mSm.log("handleMessage: E msg.what=" + msg.what);                /** Save the current message */                mMsg = msg;                /** State that processed the message */                State msgProcessedState = null;                if (mIsConstructionCompleted) {                    /** Normal path */                    msgProcessedState = processMsg(msg);                } else if (!mIsConstructionCompleted && (mMsg.what == SM_INIT_CMD)                        && (mMsg.obj == mSmHandlerObj)) {                    /** Initial one time path. */                    mIsConstructionCompleted = true;                    invokeEnterMethods(0);                } else {                    throw new RuntimeException("StateMachine.handleMessage: "                            + "The start method not called, received msg: " + msg);                }                performTransitions(msgProcessedState, msg);                // We need to check if mSm == null here as we could be quitting.                if (mDbg && mSm != null) mSm.log("handleMessage: X");            }        }
濡傛灉鏄涓€娆″垵濮嬪寲鐘舵€佹満锛岃繘鍏lse if鍒嗘敮锛岃皟鐢╥nvokeEnterMethods锛?
        /**         * Invoke the enter method starting at the entering index to top of state stack         */        private final void invokeEnterMethods(int stateStackEnteringIndex) {            for (int i = stateStackEnteringIndex; i <= mStateStackTopIndex; i++) {                if (mDbg) mSm.log("invokeEnterMethods: " + mStateStack[i].state.getName());                mStateStack[i].state.enter();                mStateStack[i].active = true;            }        }
鎸塵StateStack鏁扮粍涓繚瀛樼殑鐘舵€佹満椤哄簭锛屾寜浠庝笂鍒颁笅鐨勫眰娆$粨鏋勪緷娆¤皟鐢ㄥ悇涓猄tate鐨別nter()鏂规硶锛屽苟灏嗘瘡涓猄tate鐨刟ctive鏍囧織璁句负true銆傚埌杩欓噷锛屼竴涓姸鎬佹満鐨勬瀯寤猴紝鍖呮嫭娣诲姞鐘舵€併€佽缃垵濮嬬姸鎬佷互鍙婂紑鍚姸鎬佹満鐨勮繃绋嬪氨缁撴潫浜嗐€? 鏈€鍚庡啀浠嬬粛涓€涓嬬姸鎬佹満鐨勮浆鎹㈣繃绋嬨€? 鍦╓ifiStateMachine涓紝鐘舵€佹満鐨勭姸鎬佸垏鎹㈡槸璋冪敤transitionTo()鏂规硶锛岄棿鎺ヨ皟鐢⊿mHandler鍐呴儴鐨勫悓鍚嶆柟娉曪細
    /**     * transition to destination state. Upon returning     * from processMessage the current state's exit will     * be executed and upon the next message arriving     * destState.enter will be invoked.     *     * this function can also be called inside the enter function of the     * previous transition target, but the behavior is undefined when it is     * called mid-way through a previous transition (for example, calling this     * in the enter() routine of a intermediate node when the current transition     * target is one of the nodes descendants).     *     * @param destState will be the state that receives the next message.     */    protected final void transitionTo(IState destState) {        mSmHandler.transitionTo(destState);    }
        /** @see StateMachine#transitionTo(IState) */        private final void transitionTo(IState destState) {            mDestState = (State) destState;            if (mDbg) mSm.log("transitionTo: destState=" + mDestState.getName());        }
鍦ㄥ鐞哠M_INIT_CMD娑堟伅鏃讹紝鍙戠幇杩樿皟鐢ㄤ簡performTransitions(msgProcessedState, msg);鐘舵€佹満鍚勪釜鐘舵€佺殑鍒囨崲灏辨槸鍦ㄨ繖涓嚱鏁颁腑澶勭悊鐨勩€?
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽mP0
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽/ 聽 聽 聽 聽 \
聽 聽 聽 聽 mP1 聽 mS0
聽 聽 聽 聽/ 聽 聽 聽 \
聽 聽 聽 mS2 聽 mS1
聽 聽 聽/ 聽 聽 聽 聽\ 聽 聽 聽 聽\
聽 聽 mS3 聽mS4 聽mS5 聽---> initial state
涓轰簡鏂逛究鍒嗘瀽锛岀幇鍦ㄥ亣璁炬垜浠灏嗙姸鎬佸垏鎹㈠埌mS4锛歵ransitionTo(mS4)锛屾潵鐪嬬湅杩欎釜杩囩▼浼氬仛鍝簺閲嶈鐨勫鐞嗗伐浣溿€? 棣栧厛锛屼細鎶婂皢瑕佽鎹㈢殑鐘舵€佷繚瀛樺湪SmHandler鐨刴DestState鎴愬憳鍙橀噺涓紝杩欒〃绀烘垜浠殑鐩殑鐘舵€佹槸mS4銆傜湅锛?
        /**         * Do any transitions         * @param msgProcessedState is the state that processed the message         */        private void performTransitions(State msgProcessedState, Message msg) {            /**             * If transitionTo has been called, exit and then enter             * the appropriate states. We loop on this to allow             * enter and exit methods to use transitionTo.             */            State orgState = mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state;            /**             * Record whether message needs to be logged before we transition and             * and we won't log special messages SM_INIT_CMD or SM_QUIT_CMD which             * always set msg.obj to the handler.             */            boolean recordLogMsg = mSm.recordLogRec(mMsg) && (msg.obj != mSmHandlerObj);            if (mLogRecords.logOnlyTransitions()) {                /** Record only if there is a transition */                if (mDestState != null) {                    mLogRecords.add(mSm, mMsg, mSm.getLogRecString(mMsg), msgProcessedState,                            orgState, mDestState);                }            } else if (recordLogMsg) {                /** Record message */                mLogRecords.add(mSm, mMsg, mSm.getLogRecString(mMsg), msgProcessedState, orgState,                        mDestState);            }            State destState = mDestState;            if (destState != null) {                /**                 * Process the transitions including transitions in the enter/exit methods                 */                while (true) {                    if (mDbg) mSm.log("handleMessage: new destination call exit/enter");                    /**                     * Determine the states to exit and enter and return the                     * common ancestor state of the enter/exit states. Then                     * invoke the exit methods then the enter methods.                     */                    StateInfo commonStateInfo = setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter(destState);                    invokeExitMethods(commonStateInfo);                    int stateStackEnteringIndex = moveTempStateStackToStateStack();                    invokeEnterMethods(stateStackEnteringIndex);                    /**                     * Since we have transitioned to a new state we need to have                     * any deferred messages moved to the front of the message queue                     * so they will be processed before any other messages in the                     * message queue.                     */                    moveDeferredMessageAtFrontOfQueue();                    if (destState != mDestState) {                        // A new mDestState so continue looping                        destState = mDestState;                    } else {                        // No change in mDestState so we're done                        break;                    }                }                mDestState = null;            }            /**             * After processing all transitions check and             * see if the last transition was to quit or halt.             */            if (destState != null) {                if (destState == mQuittingState) {                    /**                     * Call onQuitting to let subclasses cleanup.                     */                    mSm.onQuitting();                    cleanupAfterQuitting();                } else if (destState == mHaltingState) {                    /**                     * Call onHalting() if we've transitioned to the halting                     * state. All subsequent messages will be processed in                     * in the halting state which invokes haltedProcessMessage(msg);                     */                    mSm.onHalting();                }            }        }
        /**         * Setup the mTempStateStack with the states we are going to enter.         *         * This is found by searching up the destState's ancestors for a         * state that is already active i.e. == true.         * The destStae and all of its inactive parents will be on the         * TempStateStack as the list of states to enter.         *         * @return StateInfo of the common ancestor for the destState and         * current state or null if there is no common parent.         */        private final StateInfo setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter(State destState) {            /**             * Search up the parent list of the destination state for an active             * state. Use a do while() loop as the destState must always be entered             * even if it is active. This can happen if we are exiting/entering             * the current state.             */            mTempStateStackCount = 0;            StateInfo curStateInfo = mStateInfo.get(destState);            do {                mTempStateStack[mTempStateStackCount++] = curStateInfo;                curStateInfo = curStateInfo.parentStateInfo;            } while ((curStateInfo != null) && !;            if (mDbg) {                mSm.log("setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount="                        + mTempStateStackCount + ",curStateInfo: " + curStateInfo);            }            return curStateInfo;        }
璇ュ嚱鏁颁富瑕佹槸閲嶆柊璁剧疆mTempStateStack()鏁扮粍锛屽湪鐘舵€佹満灞傛缁撴瀯涓紝鏌ヨ鐩爣鐘舵€佸眰娆$粨鏋勪箣涓婄殑鎵€鏈夌埗绫荤姸鎬侊紝灏嗛偅浜涙病鏈夎皟鐢ㄨ繃鍏秂nter()鏂规硶鐨勭埗鐘舵€佷繚瀛樺湪鏁扮粍涓紝鏌ヨ渚濇嵁灏辨槸姣忎釜鐘舵€佺殑StateInfo鐨刟ctive灞炴€э紝涓篺alse灏辨槸娌¤璋冪敤杩囥€傝繖涓ず渚嬩腑mTempStateStack[ ]鏁扮粍闇€瑕佹洿鏂扮殑鐘舵€侊細mS4_StateInfo, mS2_StateInfo銆? 鎺ョ潃璋冪敤invokeExitMethods()鍑芥暟锛?
        /**         * Call the exit method for each state from the top of stack         * up to the common ancestor state.         */        private final void invokeExitMethods(StateInfo commonStateInfo) {            while ((mStateStackTopIndex >= 0)                    && (mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex] != commonStateInfo)) {                State curState = mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state;                if (mDbg) mSm.log("invokeExitMethods: " + curState.getName());                curState.exit();                mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].active = false;                mStateStackTopIndex -= 1;            }        }
姝ゅ浼氭寜鍘熷厛鐨劼爉StateStack[ ]鏁扮粍涓繚瀛樼殑鍚勪釜鐘舵€佺殑椤哄簭渚濇鍏堣皟鐢ㄥ垵濮嬭妭鐐瑰強鍏舵墍鏈夌埗鑺傜偣鐨別xit()鏂规硶锛屽皢active璁剧疆涓篺alse锛涜繖涓繃绋嬬洿鍒伴亶鍘嗙殑鑺傜偣鏄垵濮嬭妭鐐瑰拰鐩殑鑺傜偣鐨勫叕鍏辩埗鑺傜偣鏂规墠鍋滄銆? 鎺ョ潃璋冪敤moveTempStateStackToStateStack()鍑芥暟锛?
/**         * Move the contents of the temporary stack to the state stack         * reversing the order of the items on the temporary stack as         * they are moved.         *         * @return index into mStateStack where entering needs to start         */        private final int moveTempStateStackToStateStack() {            int startingIndex = mStateStackTopIndex + 1;            int i = mTempStateStackCount - 1;            int j = startingIndex;            while (i >= 0) {                if (mDbg) mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: i=" + i + ",j=" + j);                mStateStack[j] = mTempStateStack[i];                j += 1;                i -= 1;            }            mStateStackTopIndex = j - 1;            if (mDbg) {                mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=" + mStateStackTopIndex                        + ",startingIndex=" + startingIndex + ",Top="                        + mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state.getName());            }            return startingIndex;        }
灏唌TempStateStack[ ]鏁扮粍涓繚瀛樼殑鐘舵€佷俊鎭€嗗簭鍐嶅瓨鍏StateStack[ ]鏁扮粍涓€? 鎺ョ潃璋冪敤invokeEnterMethods()鍑芥暟锛?
        /**         * Invoke the enter method starting at the entering index to top of state stack         */        private final void invokeEnterMethods(int stateStackEnteringIndex) {            for (int i = stateStackEnteringIndex; i <= mStateStackTopIndex; i++) {                if (mDbg) mSm.log("invokeEnterMethods: " + mStateStack[i].state.getName());                mStateStack[i].state.enter();                mStateStack[i].active = true;            }        }
鍐嶆寜鐓StateStack[ ]鏁扮粍涓瓨鍌ㄧ殑椤哄簭渚濇璋冪敤鍚勪釜鐘舵€佺殑enter()鏂规硶锛屽苟灏哸ctive灞炴€ц缃负true銆傚湪鍒囨崲鐨勬渶鍚庯紝杩樹細鎶婅鐘舵€佹満寤惰繜澶勭悊鐨勬秷鎭斁鍒版秷鎭槦鍒椾腑鐨勬渶鍓嶅垪锛岃鍒囨崲鍚庣殑鏂扮姸鎬佷紭鍏堝鐞嗐€傝嚦姝ょ姸鎬佸垏鎹㈢殑杩囩▼鍩烘湰瀹屾瘯銆? 鐘舵€佹満澶勭悊娑堟伅鐨勫嚱鏁版槸SmHandler::processMsg()鏂规硶锛?
       /**         * Handle messages sent to the state machine by calling         * the current state's processMessage. It also handles         * the enter/exit calls and placing any deferred messages         * back onto the queue when transitioning to a new state.         */        @Override        public final void handleMessage(Message msg) {            if (!mHasQuit) {                if (mDbg) mSm.log("handleMessage: E msg.what=" + msg.what);                /** Save the current message */                mMsg = msg;                /** State that processed the message */                State msgProcessedState = null;                if (mIsConstructionCompleted) {                    /** Normal path */                    msgProcessedState = processMsg(msg);                } else if (!mIsConstructionCompleted && (mMsg.what == SM_INIT_CMD)                        && (mMsg.obj == mSmHandlerObj)) {                    /** Initial one time path. */                    mIsConstructionCompleted = true;                    invokeEnterMethods(0);                } else {                    throw new RuntimeException("StateMachine.handleMessage: "                            + "The start method not called, received msg: " + msg);                }                performTransitions(msgProcessedState, msg);                // We need to check if mSm == null here as we could be quitting.                if (mDbg && mSm != null) mSm.log("handleMessage: X");            }        }
/**         * Process the message. If the current state doesn't handle         * it, call the states parent and so on. If it is never handled then         * call the state machines unhandledMessage method.         * @return the state that processed the message         */        private final State processMsg(Message msg) {            StateInfo curStateInfo = mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex];            if (mDbg) {                mSm.log("processMsg: " + curStateInfo.state.getName());            }            if (isQuit(msg)) {                transitionTo(mQuittingState);            } else {                while (!curStateInfo.state.processMessage(msg)) {                    /**                     * Not processed                     */                    curStateInfo = curStateInfo.parentStateInfo;                    if (curStateInfo == null) {                        /**                         * No parents left so it's not handled                         */                        mSm.unhandledMessage(msg);                        break;                    }                    if (mDbg) {                        mSm.log("processMsg: " + curStateInfo.state.getName());                    }                }            }            return (curStateInfo != null) ? curStateInfo.state : null;        }

  1. 鍚勪釜鐘舵€佹満鐨別nter()鍜宔xit()鏂规硶鐨勮皟鐢ㄩ『搴忎笌C++缁ф壙浣撶郴涓殑鏋勯€犲嚱鏁颁笌鏋愭瀯鍑芥暟绫讳技銆傚湪鏍戠姸灞傛缁撴瀯涓紝enter()鏂规硶鏄粠鐖剁姸鎬佸埌瀛愮姸鎬佷緷娆¤皟鐢紝鑰宔xit()鏂规硶鍒氬ソ鐩稿弽锛屼粠瀛愮姸鎬佸埌鐖剁姸鎬佷緷娆¤皟鐢ㄣ€?/li>
  2. 鍦ㄧ姸鎬佸垏鎹㈣繃绋嬩腑锛屽彧浼氭湁鏌愪簺鐘舵€佺殑enter鍜宔xit()鏂规硶琚皟鐢ㄣ€傚湪鏈緥涓紝鍒囨崲鍒癿S4鐘舵€侊紝璋冪敤enter鍜宔xit()鏂规硶鐨勮妭鐐规槸鍒板畠浠渶灏忕殑鍏叡鐖惰妭鐐筸P1涓烘锛屼笖璇ョ埗鑺傜偣涓嶈璋冪敤銆?/li>
  3. 鍚勪釜鐘舵€佷箣闂达紝濡傛灉鏌愪釜娑堟伅瀛愮姸鎬佷笉鑳藉鐞嗭紝鍏朵細琚緷娆′笂鎶涚粰鍚勪釜鐖剁姸鎬侊紝鐩村埌琚鐞嗕负姝紱鏈€鍚庤繕鏄病琚鐞嗗垯浼氭姏寮冭娑堟伅銆?/li>


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