Mount Manager, Cifs manager :Manage your CIFS/NFS network shares

was working, but the command from the terminal was not.

For me anyway, it turned out that I just had to modify the command slightly and it worked.

Try the following command:

mount -o username=guest,password=guest -t cifs //[ipaddress]/[share] /sdcard/cifs/nas

Make sure that the local folder /sdcard/cifs/nas (or your desired equivalent) exists

before running the command or you might get a "file or directory doesn't exist" error.

This document provides help on mounting SMB/CIFS shares under Linux.

All files accessible in a Linux and UNIX systems are arranged in one big tree, the file hierarchy, rooted at /.

These files can be spread out over several devices.

The mount command serves to attach the file system found on some device to the big file tree.

Use the mount command to mount remote SMB/CIFS shares under Linux as follows:

mount -t cifs // -o username=myUser,password=myPassword /mnt/mySharedFolder

-t cifs: File system type to be mount
-o: are options passed to mount command, in this example I had passed two options.
First argument is the user name (myUser) and second argument is the password (myPassword)
to connect to the remote computer.
// remote computer and share name
/mnt/mySharedFolder: local mount point directory

Make sure to create/mnt/mySharedFolderfirst.

to connect to the remote computer.

mount.cifs(8) - Linux man page


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