

 private SQLiteDatabase getDatabaseLocked(boolean writable) {        if (mDatabase != null) {            if (!mDatabase.isOpen()) {                // 用户调用 mDatabase.close()关闭数据库,下面会重新打开                mDatabase = null;            } else if (!writable || !mDatabase.isReadOnly()) {                // 只读或者不要求写操作,会使用已经打开的数据库                return mDatabase;            }        }        if (mIsInitializing) {            throw new IllegalStateException("getDatabase called recursively");        }        SQLiteDatabase db = mDatabase;        try {            mIsInitializing = true;            if (db != null) {                if (writable && db.isReadOnly()) {                    //打开可写模式,所以getReadableDatabase可以转换成getWritableDatabase                    db.reopenReadWrite();                }            } else if (mName == null) {                //mName是数据库名字                db = SQLiteDatabase.create(null);            } else {                try {                    if (DEBUG_STRICT_READONLY && !writable) {                        //打开可读只读数据库,                        final String path = mContext.getDatabasePath(mName).getPath();                        db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, mFactory,                                SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY, mErrorHandler);                    } else {                        //打开可预写数据库                        db = mContext.openOrCreateDatabase(mName, mEnableWriteAheadLogging ?                                Context.MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING : 0,                                mFactory, mErrorHandler);                    }                } catch (SQLiteException ex) {                    if (writable) {                        throw ex;                    }                    Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't open " + mName                            + " for writing (will try read-only):", ex);                    final String path = mContext.getDatabasePath(mName).getPath();                    //失败再次打开只读数据库                    db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, mFactory,                            SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY, mErrorHandler);                }            }            onConfigure(db);            final int version = db.getVersion();            if (version != mNewVersion) {                if (db.isReadOnly()) {                    throw new SQLiteException("Can't upgrade read-only database from version " +                            db.getVersion() + " to " + mNewVersion + ": " + mName);                }                //mMinimumSupportedVersion 默认是0,实例helper时可以设置                if (version > 0 && version < mMinimumSupportedVersion) {                    File databaseFile = new File(db.getPath());                    onBeforeDelete(db);                    db.close();                    //输出旧数据库,并查询打开                    if (SQLiteDatabase.deleteDatabase(databaseFile)) {                        mIsInitializing = false;                        return getDatabaseLocked(writable);                    } else {                        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to delete obsolete database "                                + mName + " with version " + version);                    }                } else {                    db.beginTransaction();//开启业务,保持原子性                    try {                        if (version == 0) {                            //回调创建,一般我们的操作是创建表                            onCreate(db);                        } else {                            if (version > mNewVersion) {                                //降级数据库操作,默认会抛出无法降级的异常,业务中极少的情况                                onDowngrade(db, version, mNewVersion);                            } else {                                //设计数据库操作,这就是我们必须实现的方法,来升级我们的表,通过的通过的逐版本来升级                                onUpgrade(db, version, mNewVersion);                            }                        }                        //设置数据库版本,完成业务                        db.setVersion(mNewVersion);                        db.setTransactionSuccessful();                    } finally {                        db.endTransaction();                    }                }            }            //打开数据库回调            onOpen(db);            if (db.isReadOnly()) {                Log.w(TAG, "Opened " + mName + " in read-only mode");            }            mDatabase = db;            return db;        } finally {            mIsInitializing = false;            if (db != null && db != mDatabase) {                //异常情况会关闭数据库                db.close();            }        }    }



    //SQLiteDatabase.java   public static SQLiteDatabase openDatabase(@NonNull String path, @Nullable CursorFactory factory,            @DatabaseOpenFlags int flags, @Nullable DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler) {        SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(path, flags, factory, errorHandler, -1, -1, -1);        db.open();        return db;    }


 public static SQLiteConnectionPool open(SQLiteDatabaseConfiguration configuration) {        if (configuration == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration must not be null.");        }        // Create the pool.        SQLiteConnectionPool pool = new SQLiteConnectionPool(configuration);        pool.open(); // might throw        return pool;    }



public long insertWithOnConflict(String table, String nullColumnHack,            ContentValues initialValues, int conflictAlgorithm) {        acquireReference();        try {            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();            sql.append("INSERT");            //冲突模式 {"", " OR ROLLBACK ", " OR ABORT ", " OR FAIL ", " OR IGNORE ", " OR REPLACE "};默认无            sql.append(CONFLICT_VALUES[conflictAlgorithm]);            sql.append(" INTO ");            sql.append(table);            sql.append('(');            Object[] bindArgs = null;            int size = (initialValues != null && !initialValues.isEmpty())                    ? initialValues.size() : 0;            if (size > 0) {                bindArgs = new Object[size];                int i = 0;                for (String colName : initialValues.keySet()) {                    sql.append((i > 0) ? "," : "");                    sql.append(colName);                    bindArgs[i++] = initialValues.get(colName);                }                sql.append(')');                sql.append(" VALUES (");                for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {                    sql.append((i > 0) ? ",?" : "?");                }            } else {                sql.append(nullColumnHack + ") VALUES (NULL");            }            sql.append(')');            //创建执行对象实体            SQLiteStatement statement = new SQLiteStatement(this, sql.toString(), bindArgs);            try {                return statement.executeInsert();            } finally {                statement.close();            }        } finally {            releaseReference();        }    }


SQLiteStatement 初始化数据,设置flag,只读或者可写,或者WAL(SQLiteStatement是SQLiteStatement的父类)

//SQLiteProgram.java 初始化参数,是否只写,字段,值 SQLiteProgram(SQLiteDatabase db, String sql, Object[] bindArgs,            CancellationSignal cancellationSignalForPrepare) {        mDatabase = db;        mSql = sql.trim();        //判断读写模式,根据sql语句字符串判断        int n = DatabaseUtils.getSqlStatementType(mSql);        switch (n) {            case DatabaseUtils.STATEMENT_BEGIN:            case DatabaseUtils.STATEMENT_COMMIT:            case DatabaseUtils.STATEMENT_ABORT:                mReadOnly = false;                mColumnNames = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;                mNumParameters = 0;                break;            default:                boolean assumeReadOnly = (n == DatabaseUtils.STATEMENT_SELECT);                SQLiteStatementInfo info = new SQLiteStatementInfo();                db.getThreadSession().prepare(mSql,                        db.getThreadDefaultConnectionFlags(assumeReadOnly),                        cancellationSignalForPrepare, info);                mReadOnly = info.readOnly;                mColumnNames = info.columnNames;                mNumParameters = info.numParameters;                break;        }
//  SQLiteDatabase.java 设置flag   int getThreadDefaultConnectionFlags(boolean readOnly) {        int flags = readOnly ? SQLiteConnectionPool.CONNECTION_FLAG_READ_ONLY :                SQLiteConnectionPool.CONNECTION_FLAG_PRIMARY_CONNECTION_AFFINITY;        if (isMainThread()) {            flags |= SQLiteConnectionPool.CONNECTION_FLAG_INTERACTIVE;        }        return flags;    }

SQLiteSession 最终执行

//SQLiteDatabase.java   SQLiteSession getThreadSession() {  //每个线程持不同Session对象        return mThreadSession.get(); // initialValue() throws if database closed    }



  public long executeInsert() {        acquireReference();        try {            return getSession().executeForLastInsertedRowId(                    getSql(), getBindArgs(), getConnectionFlags(), null);        } catch (SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException ex) {            onCorruption();            throw ex;        } finally {            releaseReference();        }    }


SQLiteConnection naviti方法封装,真正执行sql方法

   // SQLiteSession.java 获取SQLiteConnection对象  private void acquireConnectionSQLiteConnection(String sql, int connectionFlags,            CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {        if (mConnection == null) {            assert mConnectionUseCount == 0;            mConnection = mConnectionPool.acquireConnection(sql, connectionFlags,                    cancellationSignal); // might throw            mConnectionFlags = connectionFlags;        }        mConnectionUseCount += 1;    }



//SQLiteConnectionPool.javapublic SQLiteConnection acquireConnection(String sql, int connectionFlags,            CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {        SQLiteConnection con = waitForConnection(sql, connectionFlags, cancellationSignal);        synchronized (mLock) {            if (mIdleConnectionHandler != null) {                mIdleConnectionHandler.connectionAcquired(con);            }        }        return con;    }private SQLiteConnection waitForConnection(String sql, int connectionFlags,            CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {        //是否获取主链接,只读操作为false,查看上面的getThreadDefaultConnectionFlags方法            final boolean wantPrimaryConnection =                (connectionFlags & CONNECTION_FLAG_PRIMARY_CONNECTION_AFFINITY) != 0;            ......      // Try to acquire a connection.            SQLiteConnection connection = null;            if (!wantPrimaryConnection) {            // 从连接列表获取,写操作不从这里获取            // private final ArrayList mAvailableNonPrimaryConnections = new ArrayList();                connection = tryAcquireNonPrimaryConnectionLocked(                        sql, connectionFlags); // might throw            }            if (connection == null) {            // 从主连接获取            //private SQLiteConnection mAvailablePrimaryConnection;                connection = tryAcquirePrimaryConnectionLocked(connectionFlags); // might throw            }            if (connection != null) {                return connection;            }


打开WAL可以增加连接数,SQLiteDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging disableWriteAheadLogging,可打开或关闭读写并行,打开后内存消耗也会增加, 下面为enableWriteAheadLogging的注释

     * When write-ahead logging is not enabled (the default), it is not possible for     * reads and writes to occur on the database at the same time.  Before modifying the     * database, the writer implicitly acquires an exclusive lock on the database which     * prevents readers from accessing the database until the write is completed.     * It is a good idea to enable write-ahead logging whenever a database will be     * concurrently accessed and modified by multiple threads at the same time.     * However, write-ahead logging uses significantly more memory than ordinary     * journaling because there are multiple connections to the same database.     * So if a database will only be used by a single thread, or if optimizing     * concurrency is not very important, then write-ahead logging should be disabled.
//SQLiteDatabase.java 获取最多的执行数,由系统决定  private void setMaxConnectionPoolSizeLocked() {        if (!mConfiguration.isInMemoryDb()                && (mConfiguration.openFlags & SQLiteDatabase.ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING) != 0) {            mMaxConnectionPoolSize = SQLiteGlobal.getWALConnectionPoolSize();        } else {            // We don't actually need to always restrict the connection pool size to 1            // for non-WAL databases.  There might be reasons to use connection pooling            // with other journal modes. However, we should always keep pool size of 1 for in-memory            // databases since every :memory: db is separate from another.            // For now, enabling connection pooling and using WAL are the same thing in the API.            mMaxConnectionPoolSize = 1;        }    }


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