




  • Windows 10
  • Python3.6
  • TensoFlow 1.6.0(2018年3月)
  • Android Studio 3.2(2018年10月)
  • AndroidSDK  android9.0  API28


  1. 将训练好的模型转换成 TensorFlow 格式;

  2. 向安卓应用添加 TensorFlow Mobile 依赖项;

  3. 编写相关的 Java 代码,在你的应用中使用 TensorFlow 模型执行推断。


一、将训练好的模型转换成 TensorFlow 格式





from keras.models import Modelfrom keras.layers import *import osimport tensorflow as tf  def keras_to_tensorflow(keras_model, output_dir, model_name,out_prefix="output_", log_tensorboard=True):     if os.path.exists(output_dir) == False:        os.mkdir(output_dir)     out_nodes = []     for i in range(len(keras_model.outputs)):        out_nodes.append(out_prefix + str(i + 1))        tf.identity(keras_model.output[i], out_prefix + str(i + 1))     sess = K.get_session()     from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_util, graph_io     init_graph = sess.graph.as_graph_def()     main_graph = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, init_graph, out_nodes)     graph_io.write_graph(main_graph, output_dir, name=model_name, as_text=False)     if log_tensorboard:        from tensorflow.python.tools import import_pb_to_tensorboard         import_pb_to_tensorboard.import_to_tensorboard(            os.path.join(output_dir, model_name),            output_dir)  """We explicitly redefine the Squeezent architecture since Keras has no predefined Squeezenet""" def squeezenet_fire_module(input, input_channel_small=16, input_channel_large=64):     channel_axis = 3     input = Conv2D(input_channel_small, (1,1), padding="valid" )(input)    input = Activation("relu")(input)     input_branch_1 = Conv2D(input_channel_large, (1,1), padding="valid" )(input)    input_branch_1 = Activation("relu")(input_branch_1)     input_branch_2 = Conv2D(input_channel_large, (3, 3), padding="same")(input)    input_branch_2 = Activation("relu")(input_branch_2)     input = concatenate([input_branch_1, input_branch_2], axis=channel_axis)     return input  def SqueezeNet(input_shape=(224,224,3)):       image_input = Input(shape=input_shape)      network = Conv2D(64, (3,3), strides=(2,2), padding="valid")(image_input)    network = Activation("relu")(network)    network = MaxPool2D( pool_size=(3,3) , strides=(2,2))(network)     network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=16, input_channel_large=64)    network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=16, input_channel_large=64)    network = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(3,3), strides=(2,2))(network)     network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=32, input_channel_large=128)    network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=32, input_channel_large=128)    network = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))(network)     network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=48, input_channel_large=192)    network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=48, input_channel_large=192)    network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=64, input_channel_large=256)    network = squeezenet_fire_module(input=network, input_channel_small=64, input_channel_large=256)     #Remove layers like Dropout and BatchNormalization, they are only needed in training    #network = Dropout(0.5)(network)     network = Conv2D(1000, kernel_size=(1,1), padding="valid", name="last_conv")(network)    network = Activation("relu")(network)     network = GlobalAvgPool2D()(network)    network = Activation("softmax",name="output")(network)      input_image = image_input    model = Model(inputs=input_image, outputs=network)     return model  keras_model = SqueezeNet() keras_model.load_weights("squeezenet.h5")  output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"checkpoint") keras_to_tensorflow(keras_model,output_dir=output_dir,model_name="squeezenet.pb") print("MODEL SAVED")



请在 Android Studio 中创建一个新的工程。在你的 app:build.gradle 文件中添加 TensorFlow Mobile 依赖

 implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-android:+'






1、在编写代码进行实际推断之前,你需要将转换后的模型(squeezenet.pb)添加到应用程序的资源文件夹中。在 Android Studio 中,右键点击你的项目,跳转至「Add Folder」(添加文件夹)部分,并选择「Assets Folder」(资源文件夹)。这将在你的应用程序目录中创建一个资源文件夹。接下来,你需要将模型复制到资源文件夹中。如下:




2、将一个新的 Java 类添加到项目的主程序包中,并将其命名为 ImageUtils,把下面的代码复制到其中。

package com.example.qing.byme_tensroflow;import android.content.res.AssetManager;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.Canvas;import android.graphics.Matrix;import android.os.Environment;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.InputStream;import org.json.*;/** * Utility class for manipulating images. **/public class ImageUtils {    /**     * Returns a transformation matrix from one reference frame into another.     * Handles cropping (if maintaining aspect ratio is desired) and rotation.     *     * @param srcWidth Width of source frame.     * @param srcHeight Height of source frame.     * @param dstWidth Width of destination frame.     * @param dstHeight Height of destination frame.     * @param applyRotation Amount of rotation to apply from one frame to another.     *  Must be a multiple of 90.     * @param maintainAspectRatio If true, will ensure that scaling in x and y remains constant,     * cropping the image if necessary.     * @return The transformation fulfilling the desired requirements.     */    public static Matrix getTransformationMatrix(            final int srcWidth,            final int srcHeight,            final int dstWidth,            final int dstHeight,            final int applyRotation,            final boolean maintainAspectRatio) {        final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();        if (applyRotation != 0) {            // Translate so center of image is at origin.            matrix.postTranslate(-srcWidth / 2.0f, -srcHeight / 2.0f);            // Rotate around origin.            matrix.postRotate(applyRotation);        }        // Account for the already applied rotation, if any, and then determine how        // much scaling is needed for each axis.        final boolean transpose = (Math.abs(applyRotation) + 90) % 180 == 0;        final int inWidth = transpose ? srcHeight : srcWidth;        final int inHeight = transpose ? srcWidth : srcHeight;        // Apply scaling if necessary.        if (inWidth != dstWidth || inHeight != dstHeight) {            final float scaleFactorX = dstWidth / (float) inWidth;            final float scaleFactorY = dstHeight / (float) inHeight;            if (maintainAspectRatio) {                // Scale by minimum factor so that dst is filled completely while                // maintaining the aspect ratio. Some image may fall off the edge.                final float scaleFactor = Math.max(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);                matrix.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);            } else {                // Scale exactly to fill dst from src.                matrix.postScale(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);            }        }        if (applyRotation != 0) {            // Translate back from origin centered reference to destination frame.            matrix.postTranslate(dstWidth / 2.0f, dstHeight / 2.0f);        }        return matrix;    }    public static Bitmap processBitmap(Bitmap source,int size){        int image_height = source.getHeight();        int image_width = source.getWidth();        Bitmap croppedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);        Matrix frameToCropTransformations = getTransformationMatrix(image_width,image_height,size,size,0,false);        Matrix cropToFrameTransformations = new Matrix();        frameToCropTransformations.invert(cropToFrameTransformations);        final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(croppedBitmap);        canvas.drawBitmap(source, frameToCropTransformations, null);        return croppedBitmap;    }    public static float[] normalizeBitmap(Bitmap source,int size,float mean,float std){        float[] output = new float[size * size * 3];        int[] intValues = new int[source.getHeight() * source.getWidth()];        source.getPixels(intValues, 0, source.getWidth(), 0, 0, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight());        for (int i = 0; i < intValues.length; ++i) {            final int val = intValues[i];            output[i * 3] = (((val >> 16) & 0xFF) - mean)/std;            output[i * 3 + 1] = (((val >> 8) & 0xFF) - mean)/std;            output[i * 3 + 2] = ((val & 0xFF) - mean)/std;        }        return output;    }    public static Object[] argmax(float[] array){        int best = -1;        float best_confidence = 0.0f;        for(int i = 0;i < array.length;i++){            float value = array[i];            if (value > best_confidence){                best_confidence = value;                best = i;            }        }        return new Object[]{best,best_confidence};    }    public static String getLabel( InputStream jsonStream,int index){        String label = "";        try {            byte[] jsonData = new byte[jsonStream.available()];            jsonStream.read(jsonData);            jsonStream.close();            String jsonString = new String(jsonData,"utf-8");            JSONObject object = new JSONObject(jsonString);            label = object.getString(String.valueOf(index));        }        catch (Exception e){        }        return label;    }}



2、在你的主活动(main activity)添加代码。它们将被用于显示图像和预测结果。

package com.example.qing.byme_tensroflow;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;import android.os.AsyncTask;import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.TextView;import android.widget.Toast;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;import android.os.AsyncTask;import android.os.Bundle;import android.renderscript.ScriptGroup;import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;import android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar;import android.util.JsonReader;import android.view.View;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.TextView;import android.widget.Toast;import org.json.*;import org.tensorflow.contrib.android.TensorFlowInferenceInterface;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.InputStream;import org.tensorflow.contrib.android.TensorFlowInferenceInterface;import java.io.InputStream;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    /*     * 在需要调用TensoFlow的地方,加载so库“System.loadLibrary("tensorflow_inference");     * 并”import org.tensorflow.contrib.android.TensorFlowInferenceInterface;就可以使用了     * */    //Load the tensorflow inference library    //static{}(即static块),会在类被加载的时候执行且仅会被执行一次,一般用来初始化静态变量和调用静态方法。    static {        System.loadLibrary("tensorflow_inference");    }    //PATH TO OUR MODEL FILE AND NAMES OF THE INPUT AND OUTPUT NODES    //各节点名称    private String MODEL_PATH = "file:///android_asset/squeezenet.pb";    private String INPUT_NAME = "input_1";    private String OUTPUT_NAME = "output_1";    private TensorFlowInferenceInterface tf;    //ARRAY TO HOLD THE PREDICTIONS AND FLOAT VALUES TO HOLD THE IMAGE DATA    //保存图片和图片尺寸的    float[] PREDICTIONS = new float[1000];    private float[] floatValues;    private int[] INPUT_SIZE = {224,224,3};    ImageView imageView;    TextView resultView;    Button buttonSub;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        tf = new TensorFlowInferenceInterface(getAssets(),MODEL_PATH);        imageView=(ImageView)findViewById(R.id.imageView1);        resultView=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.text_show);        buttonSub=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button1);        buttonSub.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {            @Override            public void onClick(View view) {                try{                    InputStream imageStream = getAssets().open("testimage.jpg");                    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream);                    imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);                    predict1(bitmap);                }catch(Exception e){                }            }        });    }    //FUNCTION TO COMPUTE THE MAXIMUM PREDICTION AND ITS CONFIDENCE    public Object[] argmax(float[] array){        int best = -1;        float best_confidence = 0.0f;        for(int i = 0;i < array.length;i++){            float value = array[i];            if (value > best_confidence){                best_confidence = value;                best = i;            }        }        return new Object[]{best,best_confidence};    }    public void predict(final Bitmap bitmap){        //Runs inference in background thread        new AsyncTask(){            @Override            protected Integer doInBackground(Integer ...params){                //Resize the image into 224 x 224                Bitmap resized_image = ImageUtils.processBitmap(bitmap,224);                //Normalize the pixels                floatValues = ImageUtils.normalizeBitmap(resized_image,224,127.5f,1.0f);                //Pass input into the tensorflow                tf.feed(INPUT_NAME,floatValues,1,224,224,3);                //compute predictions                tf.run(new String[]{OUTPUT_NAME});                //copy the output into the PREDICTIONS array                tf.fetch(OUTPUT_NAME,PREDICTIONS);                //Obtained highest prediction                Object[] results = argmax(PREDICTIONS);                int class_index = (Integer) results[0];                float confidence = (Float) results[1];                try{                    final String conf = String.valueOf(confidence * 100).substring(0,5);                    //Convert predicted class index into actual label name                    final String label = ImageUtils.getLabel(getAssets().open("labels.json"),class_index);                    //Display result on UI                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {                        @Override                        public void run() {                            resultView.setText(label + " : " + conf + "%");                        }                    });                } catch (Exception e){                }                return 0;            }        }.execute(0);    }}






package com.example.jinquan.pan.mnist_ensorflow_androiddemo;import android.content.res.AssetManager;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.Color;import android.graphics.Matrix;import android.util.Log;import org.tensorflow.contrib.android.TensorFlowInferenceInterface;public class PredictionTF {    private static final String TAG = "PredictionTF";    //设置模型输入/输出节点的数据维度    private static final int IN_COL = 1;    private static final int IN_ROW = 28*28;    private static final int OUT_COL = 1;    private static final int OUT_ROW = 1;    //模型中输入变量的名称    private static final String inputName = "input/x_input";    //模型中输出变量的名称    private static final String outputName = "output";    TensorFlowInferenceInterface inferenceInterface;    static {        //加载libtensorflow_inference.so库文件        System.loadLibrary("tensorflow_inference");        Log.e(TAG,"libtensorflow_inference.so库加载成功");    }    PredictionTF(AssetManager assetManager, String modePath) {        //初始化TensorFlowInferenceInterface对象        inferenceInterface = new TensorFlowInferenceInterface(assetManager,modePath);        Log.e(TAG,"TensoFlow模型文件加载成功");    }    /**     *  利用训练好的TensoFlow模型预测结果     * @param bitmap 输入被测试的bitmap图     * @return 返回预测结果,int数组     */    public int[] getPredict(Bitmap bitmap) {        float[] inputdata = bitmapToFloatArray(bitmap,28,28);//需要将图片缩放带28*28        //将数据feed给tensorflow的输入节点        inferenceInterface.feed(inputName, inputdata, IN_COL, IN_ROW);        //运行tensorflow        String[] outputNames = new String[] {outputName};        inferenceInterface.run(outputNames);        ///获取输出节点的输出信息        int[] outputs = new int[OUT_COL*OUT_ROW]; //用于存储模型的输出数据        inferenceInterface.fetch(outputName, outputs);        return outputs;    }    /**     * 将bitmap转为(按行优先)一个float数组,并且每个像素点都归一化到0~1之间。     * @param bitmap 输入被测试的bitmap图片     * @param rx 将图片缩放到指定的大小(列)->28     * @param ry 将图片缩放到指定的大小(行)->28     * @return   返回归一化后的一维float数组 ->28*28     */    public static float[] bitmapToFloatArray(Bitmap bitmap, int rx, int ry){        int height = bitmap.getHeight();        int width = bitmap.getWidth();        // 计算缩放比例        float scaleWidth = ((float) rx) / width;        float scaleHeight = ((float) ry) / height;        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();        matrix.postScale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true);        Log.i(TAG,"bitmap width:"+bitmap.getWidth()+",height:"+bitmap.getHeight());        Log.i(TAG,"bitmap.getConfig():"+bitmap.getConfig());        height = bitmap.getHeight();        width = bitmap.getWidth();        float[] result = new float[height*width];        int k = 0;        //行优先        for(int j = 0;j < height;j++){            for (int i = 0;i < width;i++){                int argb = bitmap.getPixel(i,j);                int r = Color.red(argb);                int g = Color.green(argb);                int b = Color.blue(argb);                int a = Color.alpha(argb);                //由于是灰度图,所以r,g,b分量是相等的。                assert(r==g && g==b);//                Log.i(TAG,i+","+j+" : argb = "+argb+", a="+a+", r="+r+", g="+g+", b="+b);                result[k++] = r / 255.0f;            }        }        return result;    }}
package com.example.jinquan.pan.mnist_ensorflow_androiddemo;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;import android.os.Bundle;import android.util.Log;import android.view.View;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.TextView;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    // Used to load the 'native-lib' library on application startup.    static {        System.loadLibrary("native-lib");    }    private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";    private static final String MODEL_FILE = "file:///android_asset/mnist.pb"; //模型存放路径    TextView txt;    TextView tv;    ImageView imageView;    Bitmap bitmap;    PredictionTF preTF;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        // Example of a call to a native method        tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.sample_text);        txt=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.txt_id);        imageView =(ImageView)findViewById(R.id.imageView1);        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.test_image);        imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);        preTF =new PredictionTF(getAssets(),MODEL_FILE);//输入模型存放路径,并加载TensoFlow模型    }    public void click01(View v){        String res="预测结果为:";        int[] result= preTF.getPredict(bitmap);        for (int i=0;i



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