




SinceEdward is too busy to maintain his gstreamer android repo, I cloned allof them to git hub and continue adding new features and fixing bug forthis project. The homepage is http://github.com/prajnashi

To clone latest source code, run following command
$ repo init -u git://github.com/prajnashi/android-gst-manifest.git
$ repo sync

Edward: GStreamer for Android GIT repositories

All the modifications and patches to build GStreamer for Android are stored in git repositories here : http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~bilboed/

Youcan easily checkout all of those repositories (both the upstreamAndroid ones and the modified gstreamer ones) by using a modifiedmanifest.

repo init -u git://anongit.freedesktop.org/~bilboed/android-manifest

And then carry on the build as explained in the link at the top of this page ( repo sync; make).

'no-opencore' experimental branch

Thereis also an alternate (experimental so far) branch of the manifestswhich removes the dependency on opencore and replaces it as much aspossible by GStreamer. You may try it by using the 'no-opencore' branchof the manifest.

repo init -u git://anongit.freedesktop.org/~bilboed/android-manifest -b no-opencore

Or if you already have been using that manifest repository you can just do:

repo init -b no-opencore


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