



# coding:utf-8'''获取系统total cpu'''import os, csvimport timeimport csvimport numpy as npfrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltcpu_list = []time_list = []app_list = []lines = []package_name = []# 读取进程名称(包名)def get_applist():  global package_name  with open('config/director.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:    lines_all = f.readlines()    for appname in lines_all:      package_name1 = appname      appname_new = appname[0:15]      package_name.append(package_name1)      lines.append(appname_new)    for line in lines:      app_list.append(line.strip())# 获取cpu数值def get_cpu():  global filename  with open(filename, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as f:    lines = f.readlines()    for appname in app_list:      for lis in lines:        # 适配低版本手机        if appname in lis and '%' in lis:          now = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())          time_list.append(now)          cpu_1 = lis.split('%')[0]          cpu_2 = cpu_1.split(' ')          # print(cpu_2)          cpu = cpu_2[len(cpu_2) - 1]          print(cpu, now)          cpu_list.append(cpu)          break        # 适配高版本手机        elif appname in lis:          now = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())          time_list.append(now)          cpu1 = lis.split(' ')          # print(cpu1)          cpu2 = list(set(cpu1))          cpu2.sort(key=cpu1.index)          cpu_h = cpu2[len(cpu2) - 4]          print(cpu_h, now)          cpu_list.append(cpu_h)          break        else:          pass# csv头部def write_head():  headers = ['name:']  headers.append(app_list[0])  headers.append('init_cpu')  with open('log_su/cpuinfo.csv', 'w+', newline='') as csvfile:    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=headers)    writer.writeheader()# 将数值写入csv,用于绘图时读取def write_report():  # headers = ['name', 'aaa', 'init_cpu']  with open('log_su/cpuinfo.csv', 'a+', newline='') as csvfile:    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)    for key in cpu_list:      writer.writerow([' ', ' ', key])# 绘制折线图,生成测试报告def mapping():  filename = 'log_su/cpuinfo.csv'  with open(filename) as f:    reader = csv.reader(f)    header_row = next(reader)    highs = []    for row in reader:      high = row[2]      highs.append(high)    # print(highs)  wights = time_list  highs_float = list(map(float, highs))  # print(f"****{highs}")  print(f"CPU值:{highs_float}")  # 输出平均值  total = 0  for value in highs_float:    total += value  average = round(total/len(highs_float), 2)  print(f"CPU平均值:{average}")  #输出最低值和最高值  highs_hl = sorted(highs_float)  print(f"CPU最低值:{highs_hl[0]}")  print(f"CPU最高值:{highs_hl[len(highs_hl)-1]}")  # 根据数据绘制图形  plt.figure(figsize=(11, 4), dpi=600)  # 生成网格  # plt.grid()  plt.grid(axis="y")  # 折线图  if package_name[0] == 'com.oneapp.max.security.pro.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="PPP")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.oneapp.max.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Opt1.6.1")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.boost.clean.coin.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Fastclear")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.walk.sports.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Walk")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.diamond.coin.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Amber")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.oneapp.max.cleaner.booster.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Space")  else:    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label=package_name[0])  # 坐标轴范围  # plt.ylim(300, 400)  # plt.xlim(0, 10)  plt.xlabel('time(H:Min:S)', fontsize=16)  plt.ylabel("cpu_realtime(%)", fontsize=16)  plt.title("cpu real time line chart", fontsize=24)  plt.legend()  # 横坐标显示间隔  if len(wights) <= 15:    pass  else:    t = int(len(wights) / 15)    plt.xticks(range(0, len(wights), t))  # 纵坐标显示间隔  # plt.yticks(range(100, 300, 10))  # 旋转日期  plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()  # 展示每个坐标  # for a, b in zip(wights, highs_float):  #   plt.text(a, b, (a, b), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=8)  # plt.show()  time_now = time.strftime("%m%d-%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())  path = "report/" + time_now  plt.savefig(path)# 自动识别当前需检测的def name_app():  cmd = 'adb shell dumpsys window | grep mCurrentFocus > log_su/name_info.csv'  os.system(cmd)  with open('log_su/name_info.csv', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:    lines = f.readlines()    for line in lines:      if 'mCurrentFocus' in line:        name1 = line.split('/')[0].split(' ')        name = name1[len(name1) - 1]  with open('config/director.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as f_name:    text = name    f_name.write(text)  print(f"将要监测的包名为:{text}")#控制监测时间def time_control():  global filename  while True:    end_time = time.time()    if (end_time - start_time)/60 >= tol_time:  #分钟    # if end_time - start_time >= tol_time: # 秒      break    time.sleep(1)    adb = "adb shell top -n 1 > log_su/adb_info.csv"    d = os.system(adb)    filename = "log_su/adb_info.csv"    get_cpu()if __name__ == "__main__":  name_app()  tol_time = int(input("请输入脚本执行时间(分钟):"))  start_time = time.time()  get_applist()  write_head()  time_control()  write_report()  mapping()






# coding:utf-8'''获取系统total memory'''import os, csvimport timeimport csvimport numpy as npfrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltmem_dict = {}time_list = []app_list = []package_name = []t = 0def get_applist():  global package_name  with open('config/director.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:    lines = f.readlines()    for line in lines:      package_name1 = line      package_name.append(package_name1)      app_list.append(line.strip())def get_mem():  global filename  with open(filename, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as f:    lines = f.readlines()    start_flag = False    for appname in app_list:      for line in lines:        if "Total PSS by OOM adjustment" in line:          break        if appname in line and 'pid' in line and 'kB' in line:          mem_v = line.strip().split(':')[0].replace('kB', '').replace(',', '')          line_name = line.split(':')[1].split('(')[0].strip()          if line_name in appname:            mem_v = round(float(mem_v) / 1024, 2)            mem_dict[appname] = mem_v            now_v = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())            # now_int = int(now_v)            time_list.append(now_v)            print(mem_v, now_v)            break        elif appname in line and 'pid' in line and 'K' in line:          mem_v = line.strip().split(':')[0].replace('K', '').replace(',', '')          line_name = line.split(':')[1].split('(')[0].strip()          if line_name in appname:            mem_v = round(float(mem_v) / 1024, 2)            mem_dict[appname] = mem_v            now_v = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())            # now_int = int(now_v)            time_list.append(now_v)            print(mem_v, now_v)            breakdef write_head():  headers = ['name:']  headers.append(app_list[0])  headers.append('init_mem')  with open('log_su/meminfo.csv', 'w+', newline='') as csvfile:    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=headers)    writer.writeheader()def write_report():  headers = ['name','aaa', 'init_mem']  with open('log_su/meminfo.csv', 'a+', newline='') as csvfile:    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=headers)    for key in mem_dict:      writer.writerow({'init_mem': mem_dict[key]})def mapping():  filename = 'log_su/meminfo.csv'  with open(filename) as f:    reader = csv.reader(f)    header_row = next(reader)    highs = []    for row in reader:      high = row[2]      highs.append(high)    # print(highs)  wights = time_list  highs_float = list(map(float, highs))  print(f"内存值:{highs_float}")  # 输出平均值  total = 0  for value in highs_float:    total += value  average = round(total / len(highs_float), 2)  print(f"内存平均值:{average}")  # 输出最低值和最高值  highs_hl = sorted(highs_float)  print(f"内存最低值:{highs_hl[0]}")  print(f"内存最高值:{highs_hl[len(highs_hl) - 1]}")  # 根据数据绘制图形  plt.figure(figsize=(11, 4), dpi=600)  # 生成网格  # plt.grid()  plt.grid(axis="y")  if package_name[0] == 'com.oneapp.max.security.pro.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="PPP")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.oneapp.max.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Opt")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.boost.clean.coin.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="fastclear")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.walk.sports.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Walk")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.diamond.coin.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Amber")  elif package_name[0] == 'com.oneapp.max.cleaner.booster.cn':    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label="Space")  else:    plt.plot(wights, highs_float, "c-", linewidth=1, label=package_name[0])  # 坐标轴范围  # plt.ylim(300, 400)  # plt.xlim(0, 10)  plt.xlabel('time(H:Min:S)', fontsize=16)  plt.ylabel("Number (Mb)", fontsize=16)  plt.title("meminfo", fontsize=24)  plt.legend()  # 横坐标显示间隔  if len(wights) <= 15:    pass  else:    t = int(len(wights) / 15)    plt.xticks(range(0, len(wights), t))  # 坐标刻度  # my_y_ticks = np.arange(300, 400, 10)  # my_x_ticks = np.arange(1, 10, 1)  # plt.xticks(my_x_ticks)  # plt.yticks(my_y_ticks)  # plt.yticks(range(100, 300, 10))  #旋转日期  plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()  # 展示每个坐标  # for a, b in zip(wights, highs_float):  #   plt.text(a, b, (a, b), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=8)  # plt.show()  time_now = time.strftime("%m%d-%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())  path = "report/" + time_now  plt.savefig(path)def name_app():  cmd = 'adb shell dumpsys window | grep mCurrentFocus > log_su/name_info.csv'  os.system(cmd)  with open('log_su/name_info.csv', encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:    lines = f.readlines()    for line in lines:      if 'mCurrentFocus' in line:        name1 = line.split('/')[0].split(' ')        name = name1[len(name1) - 1]  with open('config/director.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as f_name:    text = name    f_name.write(text)  print(f"将要监测的包名为:{text}")def time_control():  global filename  while True:    end_time = time.time()    if (end_time - start_time)/60 >= tol_time:  #分钟    # if end_time - start_time >= tol_time:  #秒      break    # time.sleep(2)    # filename = str(input("请输入文件名:"))    adb = "adb shell dumpsys meminfo > log_su/adb_info.csv"    d = os.system(adb)    filename = "log_su/adb_info.csv"    get_mem()    write_report()if __name__ == "__main__":  name_app()  tol_time = int(input("请输入脚本执行时间(分钟):"))  start_time = time.time()  get_applist()  write_head()  time_control()  mapping()






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