
  1. 首先进入目录\frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\android\server\pm
  2. 修改第一步中进入的目录下的PackageManagerService.java文件(代码已修改在如下函数中)
private void grantPermissionsLPw(PackageParser.Package pkg, boolean replace,            String packageOfInterest) {        // IMPORTANT: There are two types of permissions: install and runtime.        // Install time permissions are granted when the app is installed to        // all device users and users added in the future. Runtime permissions        // are granted at runtime explicitly to specific users. Normal and signature        // protected permissions are install time permissions. Dangerous permissions        // are install permissions if the app's target SDK is Lollipop MR1 or older,        // otherwise they are runtime permissions. This function does not manage        // runtime permissions except for the case an app targeting Lollipop MR1        // being upgraded to target a newer SDK, in which case dangerous permissions        // are transformed from install time to runtime ones.        final PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) pkg.mExtras;        if (ps == null) {            return;        }        Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER, "grantPermissions");        PermissionsState permissionsState = ps.getPermissionsState();        PermissionsState origPermissions = permissionsState;        final int[] currentUserIds = UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds();        boolean runtimePermissionsRevoked = false;        int[] changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;        boolean changedInstallPermission = false;        if (replace) {            ps.installPermissionsFixed = false;            if (!ps.isSharedUser()) {                origPermissions = new PermissionsState(permissionsState);                permissionsState.reset();            } else {                // We need to know only about runtime permission changes since the                // calling code always writes the install permissions state but                // the runtime ones are written only if changed. The only cases of                // changed runtime permissions here are promotion of an install to                // runtime and revocation of a runtime from a shared user.                changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = revokeUnusedSharedUserPermissionsLPw(                        ps.sharedUser, UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds());                if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(changedRuntimePermissionUserIds)) {                    runtimePermissionsRevoked = true;                }            }        }        permissionsState.setGlobalGids(mGlobalGids);        final int N = pkg.requestedPermissions.size();        for (int i=0; i pkgs = mAppOpPermissionPackages.get(bp.name);                if (pkgs == null) {                    pkgs = new ArraySet<>();                    mAppOpPermissionPackages.put(bp.name, pkgs);                }                pkgs.add(pkg.packageName);            }            final int level = bp.protectionLevel & PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_MASK_BASE;            final boolean appSupportsRuntimePermissions = pkg.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion                    >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M;            switch (level) {                case PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_NORMAL: {                    // For all apps normal permissions are install time ones.                    grant = GRANT_INSTALL;                } break;                case PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_DANGEROUS: {                    // If a permission review is required for legacy apps we represent                    // their permissions as always granted runtime ones since we need                    // to keep the review required permission flag per user while an                    // install permission's state is shared across all users.                    if (!appSupportsRuntimePermissions && !mPermissionReviewRequired                            && !Build.PERMISSIONS_REVIEW_REQUIRED) {                        // For legacy apps dangerous permissions are install time ones.                        grant = GRANT_INSTALL;                    } else if (origPermissions.hasInstallPermission(bp.name)) {                        // For legacy apps that became modern, install becomes runtime.                        grant = GRANT_UPGRADE;                    } else if (mPromoteSystemApps                            && isSystemApp(ps)                            && mExistingSystemPackages.contains(ps.name)) {                        // For legacy system apps, install becomes runtime.                        // We cannot check hasInstallPermission() for system apps since those                        // permissions were granted implicitly and not persisted pre-M.                        grant = GRANT_UPGRADE;                    } else {                        // For modern apps keep runtime permissions unchanged.                        grant = GRANT_RUNTIME;                    }                } break;                case PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_SIGNATURE: {                    // For all apps signature permissions are install time ones.                    allowedSig = grantSignaturePermission(perm, pkg, bp, origPermissions);                    if (allowedSig) {                        grant = GRANT_INSTALL;                    }                } break;            }            if (DEBUG_INSTALL) {                Log.i(TAG, "Package " + pkg.packageName + " granting " + perm);            }            if (grant != GRANT_DENIED) {                if (!isSystemApp(ps) && ps.installPermissionsFixed) {                    // If this is an existing, non-system package, then                    // we can't add any new permissions to it.                    if (!allowedSig && !origPermissions.hasInstallPermission(perm)) {                        // Except...  if this is a permission that was added                        // to the platform (note: need to only do this when                        // updating the platform).                        if (!isNewPlatformPermissionForPackage(perm, pkg)) {                            grant = GRANT_DENIED;                        }                    }                }                switch (grant) {                    case GRANT_INSTALL: {                        // Revoke this as runtime permission to handle the case of                        // a runtime permission being downgraded to an install one.                        // Also in permission review mode we keep dangerous permissions                        // for legacy apps                        for (int userId : UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds()) {                            if (origPermissions.getRuntimePermissionState(                                    bp.name, userId) != null) {                                // Revoke the runtime permission and clear the flags.                                origPermissions.revokeRuntimePermission(bp, userId);                                origPermissions.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId,                                      PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);                                // If we revoked a permission permission, we have to write.                                changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(                                        changedRuntimePermissionUserIds, userId);                            }                        }                        // Grant an install permission.                        if (permissionsState.grantInstallPermission(bp) !=                                PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                            changedInstallPermission = true;                        }                    } break;                    case GRANT_RUNTIME: {                        // Grant previously granted runtime permissions.                        for (int userId : UserManagerService.getInstance().getUserIds()) {                            PermissionState permissionState = origPermissions                                    .getRuntimePermissionState(bp.name, userId);                            int flags = permissionState != null                                    ? permissionState.getFlags() : 0;                            if (origPermissions.hasRuntimePermission(bp.name, userId)) {                                // Don't propagate the permission in a permission review mode if                                // the former was revoked, i.e. marked to not propagate on upgrade.                                // Note that in a permission review mode install permissions are                                // represented as constantly granted runtime ones since we need to                                // keep a per user state associated with the permission. Also the                                // revoke on upgrade flag is no longer applicable and is reset.                                final boolean revokeOnUpgrade = (flags & PackageManager                                        .FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE) != 0;                                if (revokeOnUpgrade) {                                    flags &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE;                                    // Since we changed the flags, we have to write.                                    changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(                                            changedRuntimePermissionUserIds, userId);                                }                                if (!mPermissionReviewRequired || !revokeOnUpgrade) {                                    if (permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId) ==                                            PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                                        // If we cannot put the permission as it was,                                        // we have to write.                                        changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(                                                changedRuntimePermissionUserIds, userId);                                    }                                }                                // If the app supports runtime permissions no need for a review.                                if ((mPermissionReviewRequired || Build.PERMISSIONS_REVIEW_REQUIRED)                                        && appSupportsRuntimePermissions                                        && (flags & PackageManager                                                .FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED) != 0) {                                    flags &= ~PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED;                                    // Since we changed the flags, we have to write.                                    changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(                                            changedRuntimePermissionUserIds, userId);                                }                            } else if ((mPermissionReviewRequired                                        || Build.PERMISSIONS_REVIEW_REQUIRED)                                    && !appSupportsRuntimePermissions) {                                // For legacy apps that need a permission review, every new                                // runtime permission is granted but it is pending a review.                                // We also need to review only platform defined runtime                                // permissions as these are the only ones the platform knows                                // how to disable the API to simulate revocation as legacy                                // apps don't expect to run with revoked permissions.                                if (PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME.equals(bp.sourcePackage)) {                                    if ((flags & FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED) == 0) {                                        flags |= FLAG_PERMISSION_REVIEW_REQUIRED;                                        // We changed the flags, hence have to write.                                        changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(                                                changedRuntimePermissionUserIds, userId);                                    }                                }                                if (permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId)                                        != PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                                    // We changed the permission, hence have to write.                                    changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(                                            changedRuntimePermissionUserIds, userId);                                }                            }                            // Propagate the permission flags.                            permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId, flags, flags);                        }                    } break;                    case GRANT_UPGRADE: {                        // Grant runtime permissions for a previously held install permission.                        PermissionState permissionState = origPermissions                                .getInstallPermissionState(bp.name);                        final int flags = permissionState != null ? permissionState.getFlags() : 0;                        if (origPermissions.revokeInstallPermission(bp)                                != PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                            // We will be transferring the permission flags, so clear them.                            origPermissions.updatePermissionFlags(bp, UserHandle.USER_ALL,                                    PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);                            changedInstallPermission = true;                        }                        // If the permission is not to be promoted to runtime we ignore it and                        // also its other flags as they are not applicable to install permissions.                        if ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE) == 0) {                            for (int userId : currentUserIds) {                                if (permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId) !=                                        PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                                    // Transfer the permission flags.                                    permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, userId,                                            flags, flags);                                    // If we granted the permission, we have to write.                                    changedRuntimePermissionUserIds = ArrayUtils.appendInt(                                            changedRuntimePermissionUserIds, userId);                                }                            }                        }                    } break;                    default: {                        if (packageOfInterest == null                                || packageOfInterest.equals(pkg.packageName)) {                            Slog.w(TAG, "Not granting permission " + perm                                    + " to package " + pkg.packageName                                    + " because it was previously installed without");                        }                    } break;                }            } else {                if (permissionsState.revokeInstallPermission(bp) !=                        PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                    // Also drop the permission flags.                    permissionsState.updatePermissionFlags(bp, UserHandle.USER_ALL,                            PackageManager.MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS, 0);                    changedInstallPermission = true;                    Slog.i(TAG, "Un-granting permission " + perm                            + " from package " + pkg.packageName                            + " (protectionLevel=" + bp.protectionLevel                            + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(pkg.applicationInfo.flags)                            + ")");                } else if ((bp.protectionLevel&PermissionInfo.PROTECTION_FLAG_APPOP) == 0) {                    // Don't print warning for app op permissions, since it is fine for them                    // not to be granted, there is a UI for the user to decide.                    if (packageOfInterest == null || packageOfInterest.equals(pkg.packageName)) {                        Slog.w(TAG, "Not granting permission " + perm                                + " to package " + pkg.packageName                                + " (protectionLevel=" + bp.protectionLevel                                + " flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(pkg.applicationInfo.flags)                                + ")");                    }                }            }        }        /*------     modify  below     -------*/        if(pkg.packageName.contains("cn.com.wasu.main")) {          final int permsSize = pkg.requestedPermissions.size();          for (int i=0; i


有关Android给系统应用开启默认权限 的链接:https://blog.csdn.net/wangjicong_215/article/details/52484694


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