


public static boolean isRootAvailable(){    return RootShell.isRootAvailable();}


public static boolean isRootAvailable() {    return (findBinary("su")).size() > 0;}



public static List<String> findBinary(final String binaryName) {    return findBinary(binaryName, null);}public static List<String> findBinary(final String binaryName, List<String> searchPaths) {    final List<String> foundPaths = new ArrayList<String>();    boolean found = false;    // 1、如果搜索路径为空,得到环境变量PATH路径    if(searchPaths == null)    {        searchPaths = RootShell.getPath();    }    RootShell.log("Checking for " + binaryName);    // 2、使用了两种方法来检查    // 2.1、遍历所有路径,尝试使用stat命令来查看su文件信息    //Try to use stat first    try {        for (String path : searchPaths) {            if(!path.endsWith("/"))            {                path += "/";            }            final String currentPath = path;            Command cc = new Command(0, false, "stat " + path + binaryName) {                // 对执行stat命令后的输出信息进行判断                // 如果包含了"File: "和"su"就表示这个路径存在su命令                @Override                public void commandOutput(int id, String line) {                    if (line.contains("File: ") && line.contains(binaryName)) {                        foundPaths.add(currentPath);                        RootShell.log(binaryName + " was found here: " + currentPath);                    }                    RootShell.log(line);                    super.commandOutput(id, line);                }            };            RootShell.getShell(false).add(cc);            commandWait(RootShell.getShell(false), cc);        }        found = !foundPaths.isEmpty();    } catch (Exception e) {        RootShell.log(binaryName + " was not found, more information MAY be available with Debugging on.");    }    // 2.2、如果第一种方法没有找到,就使用下面这种方法    // 遍历所有路径,使用ls命令查看su文件是否存在    if (!found) {        RootShell.log("Trying second method");        for (String path : searchPaths) {            if(!path.endsWith("/"))            {                path += "/";            }            if (RootShell.exists(path + binaryName)) {                RootShell.log(binaryName + " was found here: " + path);                foundPaths.add(path);            } else {                RootShell.log(binaryName + " was NOT found here: " + path);            }        }    }    Collections.reverse(foundPaths);    return foundPaths;}


public static List<String> getPath() {    return Arrays.asList(System.getenv("PATH").split(":"));}



(2)创建一个”stat /system/bin/su”的Command命令。并且重写了Command的commandOutput方法,这个方法可以得到执行”stat /system/bin/su”的输出信息,然后对输出信息进行比较判断,如果输出信息包含了”File: “和”su”,那么就说明这个路径下面包含了su命令,就将它添加到foundPaths列表中,最终如果foundPaths为空,表示没有找到,如果不为空就表示找到了,如果为空,就使用第二种方法接着查找。


它的核心就是RootShell.exists(path + binaryName)这个检查函数。

public static boolean exists(final String file) {    return exists(file, false);}public static boolean exists(final String file, boolean isDir) {    final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();    String cmdToExecute = "ls " + (isDir ? "-d " : " ");    Command command = new Command(0, false, cmdToExecute + file) {        @Override        public void commandOutput(int id, String line) {            RootShell.log(line);            result.add(line);            super.commandOutput(id, line);        }    };    try {        //Try without root...        RootShell.getShell(false).add(command);        commandWait(RootShell.getShell(false), command);    } catch (Exception e) {        return false;    }    for (String line : result) {        if (line.trim().equals(file)) {            return true;        }    }    result.clear();    try {        RootShell.getShell(true).add(command);        commandWait(RootShell.getShell(true), command);    } catch (Exception e) {        return false;    }    //Avoid concurrent modification...    List<String> final_result = new ArrayList<String>();    final_result.addAll(result);    for (String line : final_result) {        if (line.trim().equals(file)) {            return true;        }    }    return false;}




Command cc = new Command(0, false, "stat " + path + binaryName) {    @Override    public void commandOutput(int id, String line) {        if (line.contains("File: ") && line.contains(binaryName)) {            foundPaths.add(currentPath);            RootShell.log(binaryName + " was found here: " + currentPath);        }        RootShell.log(line);        super.commandOutput(id, line);    }};


public static Shell getShell(boolean root) throws IOException, TimeoutException, RootDeniedException {    return RootShell.getShell(root, 0);}public static Shell getShell(boolean root, int timeout) throws IOException, TimeoutException, RootDeniedException {    return getShell(root, timeout, Shell.defaultContext, 3);}public static Shell getShell(boolean root, int timeout, Shell.ShellContext shellContext, int retry) throws IOException, TimeoutException, RootDeniedException {    if (root) {        return Shell.startRootShell(timeout, shellContext, retry);    } else {        return Shell.startShell(timeout);    }}


public static Shell startShell(int timeout) throws IOException, TimeoutException {    try {        if (Shell.shell == null) {            RootShell.log("Starting Shell!");            Shell.shell = new Shell("/system/bin/sh", ShellType.NORMAL, ShellContext.NORMAL, timeout);        } else {            RootShell.log("Using Existing Shell!");        }        return Shell.shell;    } catch (RootDeniedException e) {        //Root Denied should never be thrown.        throw new IOException();    }}

如果shell为空,就创建一个shell,我们来看看这个创建过程new Shell(“/system/bin/sh”, ShellType.NORMAL, ShellContext.NORMAL, timeout)。

private Shell(String cmd, ShellType shellType, ShellContext shellContext, int shellTimeout) throws IOException, TimeoutException, RootDeniedException {    RootShell.log("Starting shell: " + cmd);    RootShell.log("Context: " + shellContext.getValue());    RootShell.log("Timeout: " + shellTimeout);    this.shellType = shellType;    this.shellTimeout = shellTimeout > 0 ? shellTimeout : this.shellTimeout;    this.shellContext = shellContext;    // 1、这里会执行cmd命令,就是上面传过来的"/system/bin/sh"    if (this.shellContext == ShellContext.NORMAL) {        this.proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);    } else {        String display = getSuVersion(false);        String internal = getSuVersion(true);        //only done for root shell...        //Right now only SUPERSU supports the --context switch        if (isSELinuxEnforcing() &&                (display != null) &&                (internal != null) &&                (display.endsWith("SUPERSU")) &&                (Integer.valueOf(internal) >= 190)) {            cmd += " --context " + this.shellContext.getValue();        } else {            RootShell.log("Su binary --context switch not supported!");            RootShell.log("Su binary display version: " + display);            RootShell.log("Su binary internal version: " + internal);            RootShell.log("SELinuxEnforcing: " + isSELinuxEnforcing());        }        this.proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);    }    // 2、得到执行cmd命令之后的输入流、输出流和错误流    this.inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.proc.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));    this.errorStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.proc.getErrorStream(), "UTF-8"));    this.outputStream = new OutputStreamWriter(this.proc.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");    //3、启动一个Worker线程去不断的读取输入流    Worker worker = new Worker(this);    worker.start();    try {        worker.join(this.shellTimeout);        if (worker.exit == -911) {            try {                this.proc.destroy();            } catch (Exception e) {            }            closeQuietly(this.inputStream);            closeQuietly(this.errorStream);            closeQuietly(this.outputStream);            throw new TimeoutException(this.error);        }        /** * Root access denied? */        else if (worker.exit == -42) {            try {                this.proc.destroy();            } catch (Exception e) {            }            closeQuietly(this.inputStream);            closeQuietly(this.errorStream);            closeQuietly(this.outputStream);            throw new RootDeniedException("Root Access Denied");        }        /** * Normal exit */        else {            // 4、启动一个线程,向输入流中输入命令            Thread si = new Thread(this.input, "Shell Input");            si.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);            si.start();            // 5、启动一个线程,得到执行命令之后输出流的信息            Thread so = new Thread(this.output, "Shell Output");            so.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);            so.start();        }    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {        worker.interrupt();        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();        throw new TimeoutException();    }}


this.proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);


this.inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.proc.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));this.errorStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.proc.getErrorStream(), "UTF-8"));this.outputStream = new OutputStreamWriter(this.proc.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");


protected static class Worker extends Thread {    public int exit = -911;    public Shell shell;    private Worker(Shell shell) {        this.shell = shell;    }    public void run() {        try {            shell.outputStream.write("echo Started\n");            shell.outputStream.flush();            // 这里有一个死循环,不断的读取输入流            while (true) {                String line = shell.inputStream.readLine();                if (line == null) {                    throw new EOFException();                } else if ("".equals(line)) {                    continue;                } else if ("Started".equals(line)) {                    this.exit = 1;                    setShellOom();                    break;                }                shell.error = "unknown error occurred.";            }        } catch (IOException e) {            exit = -42;            if (e.getMessage() != null) {                shell.error = e.getMessage();            } else {                shell.error = "RootAccess denied?.";            }        }    }}



private Runnable input = new Runnable() {    public void run() {        try {            while (true) {                synchronized (commands) {                    while (!close && write >= commands.size()) {                        isExecuting = false;                        commands.wait();                    }                }                if (write >= maxCommands) {                    while (read != write) {                        RootShell.log("Waiting for read and write to catch up before cleanup.");                    }                    /** * Clean up the commands, stay neat. */                    cleanCommands();                }                // 向outputStream中写入一条命令,也就是sh执行了一条命令                if (write < commands.size()) {                    isExecuting = true;                    Command cmd = commands.get(write);                    cmd.startExecution();                    RootShell.log("Executing: " + cmd.getCommand() + " with context: " + shellContext);                    outputStream.write(cmd.getCommand());                    String line = "\necho " + token + " " + totalExecuted + " $?\n";                    outputStream.write(line);                    outputStream.flush();                    write++;                    totalExecuted++;                } else if (close) {                    isExecuting = false;                    outputStream.write("\nexit 0\n");                    outputStream.flush();                    RootShell.log("Closing shell");                    return;                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            RootShell.log(e.getMessage(), RootShell.LogLevel.ERROR, e);        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            RootShell.log(e.getMessage(), RootShell.LogLevel.ERROR, e);        } finally {            write = 0;            closeQuietly(outputStream);        }    }};



private Runnable output = new Runnable() {    public void run() {        try {            Command command = null;            while (!close || inputStream.ready() || read < commands.size()) {                isReading = false;                // 从输入流中读出一行                String outputLine = inputStream.readLine();                isReading = true;                if (outputLine == null) {                    break;                }                if (command == null) {                    if (read >= commands.size()) {                        if (close) {                            break;                        }                        continue;                    }                    command = commands.get(read);                }                int pos = -1;                pos = outputLine.indexOf(token);                // 最终调用我们Command重新的那个函数,用来处理输出信息                if (pos == -1) {                    command.output(command.id, outputLine);                } else if (pos > 0) {                    command.output(command.id, outputLine.substring(0, pos));                }                if (pos >= 0) {                    outputLine = outputLine.substring(pos);                    String fields[] = outputLine.split(" ");                    if (fields.length >= 2 && fields[1] != null) {                        int id = 0;                        try {                            id = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                        }                        int exitCode = -1;                        try {                            exitCode = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]);                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                        }                        if (id == totalRead) {                            processErrors(command);                            int iterations = 0;                            while (command.totalOutput > command.totalOutputProcessed) {                                if(iterations == 0)                                {                                    iterations++;                                    RootShell.log("Waiting for output to be processed. " + command.totalOutputProcessed + " Of " + command.totalOutput);                                }                                try {                                    synchronized (this)                                    {                                        this.wait(2000);                                    }                                } catch (Exception e) {                                    RootShell.log(e.getMessage());                                }                            }                            RootShell.log("Read all output");                            command.setExitCode(exitCode);                            command.commandFinished();                            command = null;                            read++;                            totalRead++;                            continue;                        }                    }                }            }            try {                proc.waitFor();                proc.destroy();            } catch (Exception e) {            }            while (read < commands.size()) {                if (command == null) {                    command = commands.get(read);                }                if(command.totalOutput < command.totalOutputProcessed)                {                    command.terminated("All output not processed!");                    command.terminated("Did you forget the super.commandOutput call or are you waiting on the command object?");                }                else                {                    command.terminated("Unexpected Termination.");                }                command = null;                read++;            }            read = 0;        } catch (IOException e) {            RootShell.log(e.getMessage(), RootShell.LogLevel.ERROR, e);        } finally {            closeQuietly(outputStream);            closeQuietly(errorStream);            closeQuietly(inputStream);            RootShell.log("Shell destroyed");            isClosed = true;            isReading = false;        }    }};


public static boolean isAccessGiven(){    return RootShell.isAccessGiven();}


public static boolean isAccessGiven() {    final Set<String> ID = new HashSet<String>();    final int IAG = 158;    try {        RootShell.log("Checking for Root access");        Command command = new Command(IAG, false, "id") {            @Override            public void commandOutput(int id, String line) {                if (id == IAG) {                    ID.addAll(Arrays.asList(line.split(" ")));                }                super.commandOutput(id, line);            }        };        Shell.startRootShell().add(command);        commandWait(Shell.startRootShell(), command);        //parse the userid        for (String userid : ID) {            RootShell.log(userid);            if (userid.toLowerCase().contains("uid=0")) {                RootShell.log("Access Given");                return true;            }        }        return false;    } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();        return false;    }}







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