Android Talker(3)Go on with the REST Sample with Real Device

Eclipse Error Message:
Errors occurred during the build.

Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' on product 'xxxxx'.


I do not know why there are 2 maven dependency plugins in my STS, so I try to remove the project configuration.

Click the project and choose:

Maven ----> Disable Maven Dependencies

Maven ----> Disable Maven Nature

After remove 2 maven dependencies, and then add the first maven dependency back.

And we need to make sure we add android path to our eclipse:

Run Configuration -----> Envrionment ---->

ANDROID_HOME /opt/android-sdk

SDK_ROOT /opt/android-sdk/tools

I will go on to learn the projects spring-android-showcase-client, spring-android-showcase-server.

Error Message:
org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException: Could not find acceptable representation

Add these converter



I changed my easyrestserver side to use groovy controller, velocity for view.

I changed my EasyRestClientAndroid working with both get all persons and get one person.

I am using maven on my eclipse, so my command will be

>clean install android:deploy android:run



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