android在这次的更新23.0.2的SDK tools在用android tool export打包时候会出错,出错类型为

Duplicate id @+id/image, already defined earlier in this layout Issue: Checks for duplicate ids within a single layout Id: DuplicateIds Within a layout, id's should be unique since otherwise findViewById() can return an unexpected view.

This class should be public ( Issue: Ensures that classes registered in the manifest file are instantiatable Id: Instantiatable Activities, services, broadcast receivers etc. registered in the manifest file must be "instantiatable" by the system, which means that the class must be public, it must have an empty public constructor, and if it's an inner class, it must be a static inner class.

android tool export报错为support v7包问题_第1张图片

android tool export报错为support v7包问题_第2张图片



这个问题的类型应该为support v7 出现问题,一个id名称重复了,估计是官方的问题。。上回那个android SDK 新建工程要重复build,现在又tools export出问题,更新都要考虑风险了。


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