Android Studio allows you to work with layouts in both a Design View and a Text View.

1>Design View

Android Studio ------Dynamic layout preview_第1张图片

2> Text View

Android Studio ------Dynamic layout preview_第2张图片

From the Design View, you can drag and drop elements from the Palette to the Preview or Component Tree. The Text View allows you to directly edit the XML settings, while previewing the device display.

Easily select and preview layout changes for different device images, display densities, UI modes, locales, and Android versions (multi-API version rendering).

Android Studio ------Dynamic layout preview_第3张图片



  1. Android手机操作系统中实现图片浏览
  2. Android 利用Matrix实现图片随手指平移、旋转、缩放
  3. 巧用Android图片资源,打造更精致的APP
  4. Android 实现图片保存到本地并调用本地地址显示图片
  5. Android设置拍照或者上传本地图片
  6. android 工程,点击图片,在屏幕显示
  7. Android ListView(Selector 背景图片)
  8. android基础:动画案例(图片翻转)


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