android [global options] action [action options]

Global options:
-v --verbose Verbose mode: errors, warnings and informational messages are printed.
-h --help Help on a specific command.
-s --silent Silent mode: only errors are printed out.

Valid actions are composed of a verb and an optional direct object:
- list : Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
- list avd : Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
- list target : Lists existing targets.
- create avd : Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
- move avd : Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
- delete avd : Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
- update avd : Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders of a new SDK.
- create project : Creates a new Android Project.
- update project : Updates an Android Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create test-project: Creates a new Android Test Project.
- update test-project: Updates an Android Test Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create lib-project : Creates a new Android Library Project.
- update lib-project : Updates an Android Library Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- update adb : Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the SDK add-ons.
- update sdk : Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.

Action "list ":
Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
No options

Action "list avd":
Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
No options

Action "list target":
Lists existing targets.
No options

Action "create avd":
Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
-c --sdcard Path to a shared SD card image, or size of a new sdcard for the new AVD
-t --target Target id of the new AVD [required]
-n --name Name of the new AVD [required]
-p --path Location path of the directory where the new AVD will be created
-f --force Force creation (override an existing AVD)
-s --skin Skin of the new AVD

Action "move avd":
Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
-p --path New location path of the directory where to move the AVD
-n --name Name of the AVD to move or rename [required]
-r --rename New name of the AVD to rename

Action "delete avd":
Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
-n --name Name of the AVD to delete [required]

Action "update avd":
Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders of a new SDK.
-n --name Name of the AVD to update [required]

Action "create project":
Creates a new Android Project.
-n --name Project name
-t --target Target id of the new project [required]
-p --path Location path of new project [required]
-k --package Package name [required]
-a --activity Activity name [required]

Action "update project":
Updates an Android Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
-p --path Location path of the project [required]
-l --library Location path of an Android Library to add, relative to the main project
-n --name Project name
-t --target Target id to set for the project
-s --subprojects Also update any projects in sub-folders, such as test projects.

Action "create test-project":
Creates a new Android Test Project.
-p --path Location path of new project [required]
-m --main Location path of the project to test, relative to the new project [required]
-n --name Project name

Action "update test-project":
Updates an Android Test Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
-m --main Location path of the project to test, relative to the new project [required]
-p --path Location path of the project [required]

Action "create lib-project":
Creates a new Android Library Project.
-n --name Project name
-p --path Location path of new project [required]
-t --target Target id of the new project [required]
-k --package Package name [required]

Action "update lib-project":
Updates an Android Library Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
-p --path Location path of the project [required]
-l --library Location path of an Android Library to add, relative to the main project
-t --target Target id to set for the project

Action "update adb":
Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the SDK add-ons.
No options

Action "update sdk":
Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.
No options


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