详见在Android 2.2源码 packages/apps/Phone/tests/src/com/android/phone/NotificationMgr.java 模块中异步查询机制:


// instantiate query handler

mQueryHandler = new QueryHandler(mContext.getContentResolver());

// setup query spec, look for all Missed calls that are new.

StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder("type=");


where.append(" AND new=1");

// start the query

mQueryHandler.startQuery(CALL_LOG_TOKEN, null, Calls.CONTENT_URI, CALL_LOG_PROJECTION,

where.toString(), null, Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);


* Class used to run asynchronous queries to re-populate
* the notifications we care about.
private class QueryHandler extends AsyncQueryHandler {

* Used to store relevant fields for the Missed Call
* notifications.
private class NotificationInfo { //Modle
public String name;
public String number;
public String label;
public long date;
public int subscription;

public QueryHandler(ContentResolver cr) {

* Handles the query results. There are really 2 steps to this,
* similar to what happens in RecentCallsListActivity.
* 1. Find the list of missed calls
* 2. For each call, run a query to retrieve the caller's name.
protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) {
// TODO: it would be faster to use a join here, but for the purposes
// of this small record set, it should be ok.

// Note that CursorJoiner is not useable here because the number
// comparisons are not strictly equals; the comparisons happen in
// the SQL function PHONE_NUMBERS_EQUAL, which is not available for
// the CursorJoiner.

// Executing our own query is also feasible (with a join), but that
// will require some work (possibly destabilizing) in Contacts
// Provider.

// At this point, we will execute subqueries on each row just as
// RecentCallsListActivity.java does.
switch (token) {
if (DBG) log("call log query complete.");

// initial call to retrieve the call list.
if (cursor != null) {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
// for each call in the call log list, create
// the notification object and query contacts
NotificationInfo n = getNotificationInfo (cursor);

if (DBG) log("query contacts for number: " + n.number); //从号码中查询联系人

mQueryHandler.startQuery(CONTACT_TOKEN, n,
Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, n.number),
PHONES_PROJECTION, null, null, PhoneLookup.NUMBER);


if (DBG) log("closing call log cursor.");
if (DBG) log("contact query complete.");

// subqueries to get the caller name.
if ((cursor != null) && (cookie != null)){
NotificationInfo n = (NotificationInfo) cookie;

if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
// we have contacts data, get the name.
if (DBG) log("contact :" + n.name + " found for phone: " + n.number);
n.name = cursor.getString(

// send the notification
if (DBG) log("sending notification.");
if (TelephonyManager.isDsdsEnabled()) {
notifyMissedCall(n.name, n.number, n.label, n.date, n.subscription);
} else {
notifyMissedCall(n.name, n.number, n.label, n.date);

if (DBG) log("closing contact cursor.");


* Factory method to generate a NotificationInfo object given a

* cursor from the call log table.


private final NotificationInfo getNotificationInfo(Cursor cursor) {

NotificationInfo n = new NotificationInfo();

n.name = null;

n.number = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Calls.NUMBER));

n.label = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Calls.TYPE));

n.date = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Calls.DATE));

// make sure we update the number depending upon saved values in

// CallLog.addCall(). If either special values for unknown or

// private number are detected, we need to hand off the message

// to the missed call notification.

if ( (n.number.equals(CallerInfo.UNKNOWN_NUMBER)) ||

(n.number.equals(CallerInfo.PRIVATE_NUMBER)) ||

(n.number.equals(CallerInfo.PAYPHONE_NUMBER)) ) {

n.number = null;


if (DBG) log("NotificationInfo constructed for number: " + n.number);

return n;




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